欢乐灌水 Bubble 的中文解释

我Google 都没找到这个说明。a place or position that is protected from danger or unpleasant reality 这句话我用Deepl 翻译器,翻译成“避风港”。
2020-05-20 14:40 参考消息网
最近澳大利亚和新西兰的一个共同构想,给解决这一问题提供了“未来模板”(a model for the future)。双方于5月5日达成一致——一旦两国间的旅行恢复,将向对方放开无需隔离的人员流动(allow the quarantine-free flow of people)。因澳大利亚和新西兰分处塔斯曼海(Tasman Sea)两侧,这项安排名为trans-Tasman travel bubble。
也许“travel bubble”这一表述并不常见,英美媒体在报道时大多附上简要说明:“旅行走廊”(travel corridor)、“安全区”(safe zone)。考虑到trans-Tasman travel bubble目前只涵盖澳大利亚和新西兰,可能比较像“旅行走廊”;如果真如报道所言,未来其范围进一步扩大到太平洋岛国(broaden the bubble to include the Pacific Islands),就更接近“旅行安全区”了。
无论在中文还是英文中,“泡泡”(bubble)看上去都不太像一个“安全”的意象,尤其在金融危机让“泡沫经济”(bubble economy)的说法广为人知之后。不过在日常生活中,我们的包裹能安全运达,相当程度上要归功于“泡泡”构成的气泡膜(bubble wrap)。
Bubble作为“安全区”的用法虽不常见,但也并非澳大利亚和新西兰首创。在美国等国家,堕胎(abortion)往往是极具争议的社会议题。为了让选择堕胎的就医者,以及提供堕胎服务的医疗机构免受“人行道干扰”(sidewalk interference),可根据法律在相关医疗机构、甚至医务人员住所四周划定一个范围(creation of a perimeter around a facility),以限制抗议者及示威活动接近(protests and other displays are restricted to a certain distance from the building)。而这个划定的范围就被称作bubble zone。
如果说“泡泡”能带来安全感,大概源于它的“封闭”(enclosure)属性。“封闭”有时会带来“排他”(exclusivity),所以“住在泡泡中”(living in a bubble)并不值得高兴——它指的是“上网时只接触迎合、进而强化自己已有想法的信息”(a situation in which an Internet user encounters only information and opinions that conform to and reinforce their own beliefs)。这种现象大多由算法(algorithms)过滤造成,又称filter bubble。这里的bubble,类似于常说的“信息茧房”(information cocoon)或“回音室”(echo chamber)。
说回travel bubble,正是由于其“封闭性”,也就是暂时限制严重疫区人员进入(restrict people from more heavily infected places),才能保证区域内旅行恢复后的安全性。因此即使未来能够推广,也基本限于“遏制新冠病毒表现同样骄人的邻国”(neighbors who share enviable records in controlling coronavirus)。但其“排他性”同样引起注意。英国《金融时报》就指出,travel bubble存在“隐患”(potential pitfalls),其中包括“可能加剧与排除在‘安全区’外的较贫困国家的不平等”(risk exacerbating inequalities with poorer countries that are excluded)。
不管怎么说,这项安排总归是回归正常生活的一个小小开端。假如时间证明,travel bubble真能成为“未来模板”,看似脆弱的bubble也就成为报道中的“a first building block in something much bigger”(宏大建筑的基石)。(张熠柠)
我原来把东边叫'东三省“, 说不准大哥还皱了皱眉头! :LOL:
现在干脆叫”东三省共荣泡“吧 :ROFLMAO:
最后编辑: 2020-06-26
第一次听到bubble 这种含义 , 很有意思。。。

Coronavirus lockdown: 'Support bubbles' begin in England and NI

People who live alone in England and Northern Ireland will be able to form a support bubble with another household from Saturday, in a further easing of coronavirus lockdown rules.

Adults who live alone will be allowed to visit someone else's home and are even allowed to stay overnight.

In England, the rule also applies to single parents with children under 18.

It comes as charities warned about isolation, with the latest changes aimed at helping those who are lonely.

The new measures open up the possibility for grandparents who live alone to visit and hug their grandchildren for the first time since lockdown began.

Couples who live apart will also be able to be close to each other again.

It comes as the UK death toll rose by a further 181.

According to the latest figures, released on Saturday, 41,662 people who tested positive for coronavirus - across all settings - have now died.

The latest relaxation of the lockdown rules in England was announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier this week.

A person's bubble can be with one other household of any size and close physical contact is allowed, meaning people in the bubble do not have to stay 2m apart.

But Mr Johnson said support bubbles must be exclusive, meaning someone can only form a bubble with one other household and they cannot swap.

If anyone in the bubble develops symptoms of coronavirus, then everyone in the bubble must self-isolate.
应该是四省, 问题是我总忘了把PEI包括进去。。。 :ROFLMAO:
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