
我公婆都在加拿大,5.29的case,转香港,6月8号收到香港office 的信要求寄护照,我当天照相就给寄去了ottawa,昨天早上收到hamilton office 邮件要我公婆enter canada的时间和地点,我秒回了邮件,下午就收到移民纸说完成PR,免登陆,要我寄照片去hamilton office做PR card, 今早电话cic、说ottawa会把我护照寄回来,但是什么时候寄不知道?‍♂️
你可以用web form确认一下补的文件都收到没有,如果收到了应该问题都不大
请问Web form在哪里填,谢谢

... ...
You must submit together:
1. One copy of this letter.
2. Passport(s) OR photocopy(ies) of passport(s), as explained in Step 2.
3. Two (2) photos of yourself and of each accompanying family member. Photos MUST meet the
precise specifications found in the link below or in Appendix A at the end of this letter. If you
submit photos that do not meet the exact specifications, your package will be returned to you.
4. If not yet paid, Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) for you and your accompanying
spouse (if applicable). We strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and provide a copy of
the receipt. To pay your fees online, click here: https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do.
5. The height and eye colour (for both eyes) for the Principal Applicant and all of his accompanying
All required documents must be submitted in one single package.

... ...
B) To submit your package in Canada:
If you have a mailing address in Canada and if you and all the accompanying dependents on your
application are currently in Canada and plan to be in Canada for at least three months, you may submit
your package to the Case Processing Centre – Ottawa.
You are required to send your document(s) together along with a copy of this letter by mail or courier to
the following address with the additional following document:
A self-addressed, pre-paid Xpresspost envelope from Canada Post.
Purchase your prepaid letter-sized (32 x 24 cm) Canada Post Xpresspost envelope (Regional if you live
in Ontario or Quebec; National for other provinces and territories), at any Canada Post retail outlet.
Complete the mailing label showing your full mailing address in the “Deliver To” field.
Make a note of tracking numbers for each envelope.
Enclose this envelope along with your documents and a copy of this letter.
You can purchase a Canada Post shipping label on line at:
Please note that the Case Processing Centre in Ottawa will not return documents to a Canadian address
via any other courier than a pre-paid self-addressed Expresspost envelope.
Submit all documents in a single package and send it to the following address:

CPC – Ottawa – PR
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON
K1A 1L1
2019.05.23 材料签收
2019.08.27 FN
2019.09.25 指纹和生物通知
2019.09.27 体检通知
2019.10.04 担保人DM
2020.02.11 通知补充资料(户口本补料,证明我妈是我妈)
2020.04.27 提交补充说明信和资料(电子档案提交)
2020.09.08 passed the medical exam
2020.09.08 通知邮寄护照




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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