这是人为错误, 不是机器作弊
川普要求的检查签名, 也是根本不可能的
This last tweet was a reference to a discredited argument Mr. Trump had made previously concerning a consent decree that helped establish rules for verifying signatures on absentee ballots. But it would be impossible to check signatures in the hand recount because absentee ballots arrive in an envelope with the voter’s signature on the outside of the envelope; those signatures are checked by county elections officials, after which the envelopes are permanently separated from the ballots to ensure voters’ privacy.
为了保证投票者的隐私, 在检查了选票和信封上的签名后, 就把选票和信封完全分隔开了
所以在没有事先保存好信封和选票的对应关系的情况下, 根本不可能再来检查签名.
川普阵营当然知道这点, 他们纠缠于此, 目的不是为了检查签名, 而是要让所有邮寄选票都作废.