Rooted in Cold War anti-communism, the military alliance between the US and Canada is responsible for bloody conflicts around the globe. An antiwar movement in Canada would challenge the strategic pact between the two nations.
Canada Has Long Been an Accomplice to America’s Imperialist Wars (加拿大作为美国的帝国主义战争的帮凶已经很久了)
国家强权不是坏东西,需要的是 keep in check.
加拿大的很多 crown 企业办得很不错。魁省的官营汽车保险公司 SAAQ 今年只收 24$保费,IN THE MEAN TIME ,商业运营的保险公司今年大幅上涨保费。我看 HYDRO QUEBEC 发展得也很不错,魁省的电费最低了。公权私掌,免不了的有贪污浪费,利益输送,但是只要有完善的法律和透明的媒体监督,就坏不到哪里去。
清零是一个很强大的武器,迄今为止,习近平玩得还不错。现在是到了 turning point ,习近平如果滥用的话。这个武器的 casualty 会10倍百倍地高于病毒的死伤率。
This Viewpoint from the US National Center for Health Statistics reports a 2020 mortality estimate 17.7% higher than that of 2019, with leading causes of death comprising heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19.
This Viewpoint from the US National Center for Health Statistics reports a 2020 mortality estimate 17.7% higher than that of 2019, with leading causes of death comprising heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19.