斯坦福 IT


  • 主题发起人 Beijing2008
  • 发布时间 2007-03-19
回复: 图书馆专业申请和就业形势指南

 目前, 图书馆学界和整个人文社会科学界都不得不承认, 图书馆学学术地位可谓低矣! 笔者认为, 图书馆学学术地位十分低下, 主要体现在以下几个方面:首先, 综合性的人文社会科学期刊基本上不发表图书馆学方面的论文。这里仅以广东省著名杂志《学术研究》为例来对此加以说明。广东省社会科学联合会主办的《学术研究》杂志, 每年固定开设了“经济学·管理学”、“哲学”、“历史学”、“法学”、“文学语言学”等等栏目, 但唯独没有开设“图书馆学”栏目。该杂志系月刊, 2001 年共发表社会科学方面学术论文371 篇, 其中“经济学·管理学”论文83篇, “历史学”论文49 篇, “哲学文化学”论文44 篇,“文学语言学”论文55 篇, 但“图书馆学”论文却没有刊登1 篇。图书馆学在整个人文社会科学界中的学术地位由此可见一斑。

其次, 图书馆学向学术界贡献的理论成果也非常少。人文社会科学中的其它学科, 譬如“社会学、文化人类学向学术界贡献的理论成果却非常多”。“今天搞社会科学的人不掌握一点社会学常识恐怕算是有知识结构缺陷的”〔1〕。但是, 图书馆学则不然,“至今它却没有一个明确的研究对象”〔2〕。关于图书馆学的研究对象, 据一位青年学子80 年代中期的考察, 竟逾40 种之多。较流行者, 20 世纪前半叶有“要素说”,后半叶的前30 年有“矛盾说”, 至于后20 年, 则是数不胜数,“交流说”、“规律说”、“中介说”、“事业说”、“知识说”、“管理说”、“新技术说”、“文献资讯说”等等, 等等, 令人眼花缭乱。“因此, 也就难以形成为业内人士所能普遍接受的公认的理论。”〔3〕图书馆学因而更谈不上向学术界贡献重要的理论成果。这样, 它在学术界的地位自然十分低下。

此外, 象各种层次的综合性社会科学学术活动没有或基本上没有图书馆界人士参加, 国家或地方各种重要的社会科学成果奖项基本上与图书馆学无缘, 等等, 也都从不同的角

度反映出图书馆学学术地位低下。图书馆学学术地位十分低下, 并非偶然。笔者认为主要

回复: 图书馆专业申请和就业形势指南

其一, 图书馆学基本上是一个边缘性学科。国内图书馆学界一般认为,“图书馆学基本上是一个边缘性学科。”〔4〕国外图书馆学界也有类似的看法。如, 英国图书馆学和情报学界就认为,“客观来讲, 图书馆学和情报学是多学科的。也就是说, 它是各种学科的混合———法律、语言、系统分析、检索、情报源、管理、心理学、目录学、藏书的管理与发展、文学、历史等等。”〔5〕正因为图书馆学是“边缘性学科”, “多学科的”或“各种学科的混合”, 所以,“图书馆学似乎成了一只蝙蝠,一会儿属于历史, 一会儿属于理学, 一会儿属于管理学, 其实这些都是图书馆学自己的一厢情愿。”〔6〕图书馆学的这种“边缘性”极容易影响图书馆学的自身发展。图书馆学理论基础至今十分薄弱, 主要原因之一是“至今它却没有一个明确的研究对象”。〔7〕正因为如此,“也就难以形成为业内人士所能普遍接受的公认的理论”, 图书馆学界自然更谈不上向学术界贡献重要的理论成果。

其二, 图书馆学是一门比较年轻的学科。其他人文社会科学譬如史学、文学和哲学等等往往历史悠久, 在漫长的发展过程中逐渐形成了坚实的理论基础, 理论积蓄极其充分。譬如, 史学源远流长。西方的史学开始于古希腊。古希腊最有影响的史学家亦即西方“历史之父”希罗多德(约前484 —前424 年) 所著《希波战争史》, 被史学界公认为西方历史上第一部比较完备的历史著作。如果从此算起, 西方史学就有2400 多年的历史。史学在中国也同样历史悠久。“中国古代历史学的形成以孔子删修的《春秋》为标志, 因此, 孔子被誉为中国古代最早的历史学家。”〔8〕据此, 史学在中国也有2500年左右的历史。但图书馆学则是一门比较年轻的学科。目前,国际图书馆界将1807 年施莱廷格首次提出“图书馆学”这一名词之日当作图书馆学的创始。据此, 西方图书馆学的年龄还不足200 岁。图书馆学在中国的历史更短。图书馆学在中国始于清末,“第一位系统地提出新式图书馆思想的是近代改良主义先驱郑观应。”“他的著名著作《盛世危言》刊行于光绪十八年(1892 年) , 其中第四卷《藏书》系统地论述了他的社会图书馆思想, 基本上包括了近代新型图书馆思想的主要精髓。”〔9〕据此, 图书馆学在中国只有110 年的历史。图书馆学的年轻直接影响了它在学术界的地位。

其三, 中国图书馆学长期以来轻视对文献内容的研究。这与中国图书馆的来源有密切关系。中国的图书馆是西方思想文化传入中国的产物, 中国图书馆学的前身自然也是西方图书馆学。“西方图书馆学本质上是一种职业训练, 是要训练出有奉献精神的图书管理员, 而不是学者。这种职业本身在任何西方社会里并没有显赫的地位, 那么图书馆学自身的地位就不可能很高。”〔10〕但是, 中国在引进西方图书馆学的同时始终并没有很好地挖掘自己传统的资源。“传统中国学术中文献整理学问如目录、版本、考据之学并不是用来培养图书管理员的, 而是培养学者的, 也就是说, 在学术层次上传统中国的图书馆学比现代西方图书馆学要高。而我们恰恰未能继承这种学问传统。”〔11〕假如中国在引进西方图书馆学的同时,继承了上述中国“学问传统”, 注重培养图书馆学者, 加强对文献内容的研究, 那么, 中国图书馆学界必定会产生一批又一批能够研究文献自身的图书馆学学者, 从而极大地提高图书馆学在整个学术界中的地位。但事实上, 情况恰恰相反,正如有的同志所指出的那样,“可以讲, 中国现代图书馆学最大的失误就是放弃了对文献内容的研究, 而满足于对文献载体的管理, 培养了一大批‘看报看题、看书看皮’的图书管理员, 而不是能研究文献自身的图书馆学学者。”〔12〕这种教训自然是相当深刻的。

其四, 中国图书馆学在发展过程中基本上并没有走出封闭。当今国际图书馆学发展日新月异, 但是中国图书馆学界很少有人去关注; 当今国内其它社会科学发展迅速, 图书馆学界也很少有人去问津。图书馆学界自我封闭, 其后果是极其严重的, 如后果之一就是直接导致中国图书馆学发展步伐缓慢。“以图书馆学专业的教材为例, 象图书馆学基础(原理) 、文献资源建设等多门课程仍在使用80 年代末、90 年代初编写的教材。教学内容陈旧, 远远落后于图书馆工作实践,反映图书馆自动化、网络化、数字化的教学内容迟迟上不了讲台。”〔13〕图书馆学自我封闭的消极影响, 可见一斑。正因此, 有的图书馆学者对图书馆这种封闭状况进行了抨击:“ (图书馆学) 基本上是关起门来自说自语, 既不关注别人在说什么, 也不关注别人是否在乎自己说什么。到今天社会科学、人文科学发展出来的许多理论方法成为学术常识的时候,图书馆学内的学者似乎是闻所未闻。”“图书馆学在社会科学族系显得非常孤立, 和其他社会科学没有共同语言。这就是封闭的结果。”〔14〕中国图书馆学的这种失误, 教训自然也是非常深刻的。

最后, 笔者就如何提高图书馆学学术地位提出一点初步的建议, 希望能够抛砖引玉, 引起图书馆学乃至整个学术界的重视。

第一, 图书馆学虽然基本上是一个边缘性学科, 但是还是要有一个明确的研究对象, 并对此深入研究, 形成为业内人士所能普遍接受的公认的理论。

第二, 图书馆学不仅要训练有奉献精神的图书管理员,而且要培养图书馆学者; 要加强对文献内容的研究, 从而造就一批又一批能够研究文献自身的图书馆学者。

第三, 图书馆学既要与其他学科经常合作与交流, 共同就所关注的难点与重点问题进行探讨, 同时也要面向世界,加强与海外图书馆学界的友好往来, 加强国际间的信息交流

与合作。图书馆学只有摆脱封闭, 繁荣自己, 才能提高自身的学术地位, 并向其他学科渗透。


回复: 图书馆专业申请和就业形势指南


这是讲这五大工作目前最缺qualified worker的非流行的工作(传统型的)。也就是说最容易找得到工作的工作。一个最大原因是很多人要退休。这五大工作都是工作性质特稳定的工作。容易造成人才断档。POPULAR的工作如电脑等变化快的高薪工作。LIBRARIANSHIP本身就不是一个学术性强的行业。他是一个服务性的行业。但在美国加拿大是很受尊重的。有的大学给教授头衔。有的大学等同各类教授的地位。薪水是一样的。
Studies have shown that librarians are expected to exit the profession en masse in coming years. The American Library Association Website quotes statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau indicating that more than one-quarter of all librarians will reach the age of 65 by 2009. A study published in the Library Journal found that 40 percent of library directors would retire by that same year.
由版主最后编辑: 2007-08-29


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回复: 图书馆专业申请和就业形势指南

Five of the most unpopular jobs
Certain jobs face a shortage of qualified workers
By Laura Morsch

Wednesday, February 8, 2006; Posted: 6:13 a.m. EST (11:13 GMT)

For years, doomsayers have interpreted these statistics to mean the economy will experience a shortage of 3 million workers. But this simply isn't true, insisted Michael W. Horrigan in the February 2004 issue of the BLS' Monthly Labor Review.

Horrigan wrote that multiple job holding and statistical differences between the BLS and Current Employment Statistics surveys, not an impending labor shortage, account for the differences between the numbers.

Although the BLS says there will not be a generalized shortage, certain jobs will experience a shortage of qualified workers. Here are five that are expected to be hit particularly hard:Registered nurse
The nursing shortage has been fairly well-publicized. According to a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there was a shortage of 110,000 RNs in 2000, or about 6 percent of the national demand. The shortage is expected to grow to 29 percent by 2020.

What's causing this dramatic shortage? For one thing, the report states there will be an 18 percent increase in population by 2012. Plus, the aging of the baby boomers will result in a larger proportion of elderly people.

To make matters worse, after 2011 the number of nurses leaving the profession is expected to exceed the number entering it.

Nursing salaries are increasing to help boost interest. The starting salary for registered nurses was nearly $39,000 in an April 2005 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. According to the BLS, median annual salaries were $53,640 in November 2004.

In Deloitte's 2005 Skills Gap Report, 90 percent of respondents indicated a moderate to severe shortage of qualified skills production employees like machinists, who use machine tools, such as lathes, machining centers and milling machines to produce precision metal parts.

Machinists are becoming ever-more productive, but job opportunities for machinists are expected to be excellent, according to the BLS. These days, many young people are choosing to attend college or are shying away from production occupations. Thus, there are not enough new machinists to fill newly created jobs or replace experienced machinists who leave the occupation or retire.

According to the Princeton Review, the average starting salary for a machinist is $22,500. The median salary for machinists is just over $34,000, according to the BLS.

Studies have shown that librarians are expected to exit the profession en masse in coming years. The American Library Association Website quotes statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau indicating that more than one-quarter of all librarians will reach the age of 65 by 2009. A study published in the Library Journal found that 40 percent of library directors would retire by that same year.

In addition to the librarians expected to retire within the next decade, interest in the profession is waning among younger workers, according to the BLS. The situation is particularly dire for colleges and universities, which report the greatest difficulty in hiring librarians due to lower pay.

Graduates of library programs in 2004 reported an average starting salary of more than $39,000, an increase of nearly 3 percent over the previous year. The median salary for librarians is nearly $47,000, according to the BLS.

Truck driver
Getting those eBay packages delivered might take longer by 2014. A report prepared for the American Trucking Associations by Global Insight, Inc. warns there is already a shortage of about 20,000 long-haul heavy-duty truck drivers. By 2014, the deficit is expected to reach 111,000.

The report blames slipping wages for the shortage. Trucking wages fell sharply with the onset of the recession in 2000 and have yet to recover. According to the BLS, the median salary for heavy or tractor-trailer truck drivers is $33,870.

What, no refills? Pharmacists should have no trouble finding a job in coming years. A recent report from the Pharmacy Manpower Project predicted there will be a shortage of 157,000 pharmacists by 2020. Already, the American Hospital Association reports a 7.4 percent vacancy rate for pharmacists.

The shortage can be partially attributed to the aging population and the fact that more drugs are being manufactured and advertised to the public. In fact, the number of prescriptions has increased from 2 billion to 3.2 billion in the last 10 years. That problem is expected to worsen with the new Medicare prescription drug program that began January 1, pharmacy officials told CNN in November.

To help cope, universities are opening new pharmacy programs and expanding existing ones. The high pay currently offered by pharmacist employers can't hurt, either.

The BLS reports the median salary for pharmacists is more than $87,000.


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这五大行业只有Truck driver中国人容易做。
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在美国加拿大,大学图书馆长叫UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN,副馆长叫ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN.它可以用UNIVERSITY的形容词。系主任一般叫DIRECTOR,FACULTY的主管叫DEAN.城市图书馆馆长叫CITY LIBRARIAN.州图书馆馆长叫STATE LIBRARIAN,加拿大国家图书馆馆长叫National Librarian of Canada http://www.collectionscanada.ca/50th/012009-210-e.html
由版主最后编辑: 2007-08-29


回复: 图书馆专业申请和就业形势指南

这是讲这五大工作目前最缺qualified worker的非流行的工作(传统型的)。也就是说最容易找得到工作的工作。一个最大原因是很多人要退休。这五大工作都是工作性质特稳定的工作。容易造成人才断档。POPULAR的工作如电脑等变化快的高薪工作。LIBRARIANSHIP本身就不是一个学术性强的行业。他是一个服务性的行业。但在美国加拿大是很受尊重的。有的大学给教授头衔。有的大学等同各类教授的地位。薪水是一样的。
Studies have shown that librarians are expected to exit the profession en masse in coming years. The American Library Association Website quotes statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau indicating that more than one-quarter of all librarians will reach the age of 65 by 2009. A study published in the Library Journal found that 40 percent of library directors would retire by that same year.
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因为你已有大学文凭了,所以该读MLIS(2 yaers)作librarian.没必要读COLLEGE的DIPLOMA (3 years).但缺点是你没专业。
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回复: 图书馆专业申请和就业形势指南

刚收到的广告,奥斯卡也在招聘系统LIBRARIAN, INTERESTING!要是去了,每年可参加奥斯卡颁奖仪式了。

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Margaret Herrick Library seeks knowledgeable individual as Information Systems Coordinator.

• Manage computer systems at 65 user site.
• Manage and develop the IT budgets.
• Set up and maintain all hardware and software.
• Supervise part-time desktop support staff.
• Assist staff with use of various computer applications.
• Maintain security at all levels.

• ALA-accredited MLS with a concentration in library systems and information technologies; or advanced degree in information science.
• System administration experience and overall familiarity with major operating systems, system security, network administration, and wireless networking.
• Working knowledge of set-up and support issues for WinXP/Mac desktop machines as well as Novell Administration functions and issues.
• Excellent interpersonal skills: ability to work with administrators, staff with varying computer skills, and vendors.
• Successful experience in project and operational system management activities.
• Effective verbal and written communication skills.
• Demonstrated understanding of systems analysis and programming.
• Working knowledge of issues related to an on-line catalog system, MARC conversions, database design, digital asset management, and library automation tools. Systems currently in use include ExLibris Voyager and Inmagic.
• Ability to lift and carry 35 lb. loads.
• Experience working in a library environment essential.

SEND RESUME TO: Vionnette Dover Sellers
Information Systems Coordinator
Margaret Herrick Library
333 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
FAX: 310-657-5193
E-MAIL: <mailto:vsellers@oscars.org>vsellers@oscars.org

Please let us know where you saw this job listing.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


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