回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅
Canadian Embassy Ambassade du Canada
Immigration Section Bureau de l’immig ration
19 Do“gzhlmenwaI Dajie,Chao Yang District Tel:(86一io)6532—3031
Beijing.People。s Republic of China 100600 Fax:(86‘10)6532—1684
Internet:WWW beijing.gc.ca
File number:
27.2.2008 fGEC)
To continue processing your application,a visa officer requires that you submit the following
information and documents Please submit you r documents as a single package.In order for us
to match your package with your file,please include a copy of this letter in the package
Please submit for principal applicant Mxs
—Updated application form IMM 0008(06—2002)Generic
(http://WWW cic gc.ca/engIlsh,pd∥kitS/forms/imm0008egen—pdf)
一Updated application form IMM 0008(06-2002)Schedule 1
(http://WWW cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008一le pdf)
一Updated application form IMM 0008(06-2002)Schedule 3
(http;//www cic gc ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008 3e pdf)
一FamllY ComP+Education/Employment
fhttp://geo international gc ca/asia/china/immig ration/beijing/documents/Ecu%20Klt%20EN%
2008—2007 pdf pgs23—24)
一Updated notarized police certificate
—Updated proof of funds for transfer to Canada(origlnaI bank statements).See
http://www cic.gc ca/english/immigrate/skilled/funds asp
Please submit for dependant Fj
—Updated application form IMM 0008(06—2002)Generic
(http://www cic gc calenglishlpdflkits/forms/immO008egen.pdf)
一Updated application form IMM 0008(06—2002)Schedule 1
(http://www cic gc calenglish/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008 le pdf)
一Family ComP+Education/Employment
(http://geo international gc ca/asia/china/immig ration/beijing/documents/ECU%20Kit%20EN%
2008—2007 pdf pgs23—24)
一Updated notarized police certificate
Note:All notarized booklets should contain photocopies of the original documents.Notarized statements are—no—t adequate substitutes-
Please note that if you fail to provide the documents reduested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information you have provided This may resuIt in you r application being refused.
Please keep this office apprised of any change of address or telephone number.if you have not already done so,you should provide us with your current address in Chinese characters.Please access ou r website frequently to get information on you r application and on our current processing times
Please note that we respond only to corresDOndence in English or French.If you must send us something in Chinese characters,please ensu re it is accompanied by either an English or a French translation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature