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Ministry Policy Site
Policy Document: K-12 Funding - English as a Second Language (ESL)
Issued September 1, 2002. Current Policy
In effect March 1, 2002.
This page sets forth the Ministry policy entitled "K-12 Funding - English as a Second Language (ESL)".
School-age students requiring and receiving ESL services in a public school in B.C. are eligible for ESL funding for a maximum of five years.
Students whose primary language is other than English may require specialized services to develop intellectually, to develop as citizens and to achieve the expected learning outcomes of the provincial curriculum.
Sections 106.3 (5) and (6) of the School Act provide the legal framework for funding
ESL students.
Students reported as ESL on the Form 1701 and who meet all of the requirements as specified on the Form
1701 Instructions may qualify for ESL funding.
Students are eligible for ESL funding for up to five years, provided they continue to meet funding criteria.
An ESL student enrolled full time in an eligible full-day Kindergarten program
(see 1701 Instructions for more information) will be funded as one full-time equivalent (FTE).
School boards will be funded for $1,174 for each eligible FTE ESL student.
An ESL student may also be eligible to receive funding for Aboriginal Education or Special Needs funding, if the requirements of these programs are also met.
Adults are not eligible for ESL program funding.
Students requiring and receiving ESL services should be reported on the Form 1701.
An echo report will be provided to school districts identifying those students who have already received five years of ESL and therefore would not qualify for the additional funding.