斯坦福 IT


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

你好楼主,我今年2月1日被low off了,但过了不到两个星期就被叫回去上班了,后来5月份又被low off 了,也差不多两个多星期,那个时候我申请了EI,拿了几天的EI补助后,公司又叫回去上班了。现在公司工作不多,可能又要Low off了。我想问一下,我是不是可以激活上次申请的EI,如果可以我可以拿多少个星期。那我从上次申请EI之后的工作时间是不是可以作为申请下一次EI工作小时数?谢谢
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

你好楼主,我今年2月1日被low off了,但过了不到两个星期就被叫回去上班了,后来5月份又被low off 了,也差不多两个多星期,那个时候我申请了EI,拿了几天的EI补助后,公司又叫回去上班了。现在公司工作不多,可能又要Low off了。我想问一下,我是不是可以激活上次申请的EI,如果可以我可以拿多少个星期。那我从上次申请EI之后的工作时间是不是可以作为申请下一次EI工作小时数?谢谢

1、如果暂停了,可以重新激活。资料不全,推算不出你有多少周,但可以在网上的My Service Canada Account里查看到,周数顺延。

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例




回复: 有关EI的申请和案例






回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

I am back,


我想知道6个月的contract, 我将是以incorporated身份去工作,

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

请教楼主,为什么Benefit Rate有金额,而Net Amount Paid里的金额是0?
另外为什么金额是从LAY OFF的第四周开始算的?难道前面3周没EI拿吗?
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

I am back,


我想知道6个月的contract, 我将是以incorporated身份去工作,


1、我想你那contract的性质是属于自雇吧。如果自雇Full Time的话,将不会得到EI。
请参看:Employment Insurance (EI) and self-employed

How small are your self-employment activities?

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

请教楼主,为什么Benefit Rate有金额,而Net Amount Paid里的金额是0?
另外为什么金额是从LAY OFF的第四周开始算的?难道前面3周没EI拿吗?


Benefit Rate就是你所获的EI金额,Net Paid是因为你失业后,公司有一笔钱给你,平均数比Benefit Rate还高,还足以应付1周,那么加上2周等候期,因些第3周是0,第四周才给你。你的第4周收入等于Benefit Rate,如果不等于,说明得还要扣去部分之前的收入。

为什么要扣呢?可以看下你的ROE右边的第17项,是不是有金额:A Vacation Pay ,B.Statutory Pay,C.Other Monies。


另外,稍为迟点(一周内吧),你会收入一封Service Canada的信,它会说明为什么第四周才给你钱,他们是怎样计算出来的。

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


Benefit Rate就是你所获的EI金额,Net Paid是因为你失业后,公司有一笔钱给你,平均数比Benefit Rate还高,还足以应付1周,那么加上2周等候期,因些第3周是0,第四周才给你。你的第4周收入等于Benefit Rate,如果不等于,说明得还要扣去部分之前的收入。

为什么要扣呢?可以看下你的ROE右边的第17项,是不是有金额:A Vacation Pay ,B.Statutory Pay,C.Other Monies。


另外,稍为迟点(一周内吧),你会收入一封Service Canada的信,它会说明为什么第四周才给你钱,他们是怎样计算出来的。

LZ真是EI神人啊,是有一项Vacation Pay ....
EI Information on My Account

Your Employment Insurance Information on My Service Canada Account

The information provided in this section is to help you when viewing your Employment Insurance information in My Service Canada Account.
View and change your claim information
Glossary of terms used in My Service Canada Account

View and change your claim information

View my important EI messages
View/change my mailing address, telephone number or direct deposit information

View my current claim

View my payment information

View my Records of Employment

View my past claims

View my important EI messages

This important information is particular to your existing claim for benefits. It can advise of the status of your claim or present information on any recent payment that may have been made. You will also be advised if your next report is due to be completed.

View/change my mailing address, telephone number or direct deposit information

These services display the mailing address, telephone number and direct deposit information that we currently have for you. You can amend this information or register for direct deposit from this page.

Updates to your mailing address, telephone number and direct deposit information can only be accepted during the service times for your province or territory of residence, as indicated below (service times may be affected by statutory holidays):
  • Atlantic Canada: from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST) Monday to Friday and from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm AST Saturday and Sunday.
  • Quebec: from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) Monday to Friday and from 6:00 am to 4:30 pm EST Saturday and Sunday.
  • Ontario: from 6:00 am to 10:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) Monday to Friday, from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm EST Saturday and from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday.
  • Western Canada: from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm Central Time (CT) Monday to Friday and from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm (CT) Saturday and Sunday.

View my current claim
This page presents information related to your current claim for EI benefits including the date it started, your benefit rate, and the types of benefits paid.

View my payment information
If you have a current claim for benefits, this page allows you to view your reports, including those that were reprocessed (if applicable). Choosing a particular reporting period will provide you with details for that period including any deductions that were made. Employment Insurance clients who use the Internet or the Automated Telephone Reporting Service can also view a copy of their completed report.

View my Records of Employment
This page allows you to view and print ROEs submitted electronically by your employer during the last two years.

View my past claims
If applicable, this page displays a list of your past EI claims. Choosing a particular claim will provide you with a summary of information related to that claim.

Glossary of terms used in My Service Canada Account
If you don't find the information you are seeking here, try our Frequently Asked Questions or the Employment Insurance site.
View/change my mailing address and telephone number
View/change my direct deposit

View my current claim

View my payment information

View my Records of Employment

View my past claims

View/change my mailing address and telephone number
This is the information you provided to Employment Insurance. In order to receive benefits, you must have a valid mailing address on file. Even if your benefits are deposited directly into your bank account, notices and statements, including your T4E, may be sent to you by mail. Not providing this information can affect your right to receive benefits. At this time we are unable to accept a mailing address outside of Canada.
You can modify your mailing address or telephone number by clicking on View/change my mailing address and telephone number. To decrease the amount of information you are trying to submit, remove any periods or commas and use a street type abbreviation, e.g. enter AVE for avenue or ST for street.
Go to the information on service times in your province or territory as to when your change of mailing address or telephone number can be submitted.

View/change my direct deposit
This is the information you provided to EI and it determines where your payments will be deposited. Direct Deposit is EI's standard method of payment. Benefits are deposited to your bank account two business days after you submit your report through the Internet Reporting Service or through our Automated Telephone Reporting Service. Benefits can only be deposited into a single or joint personal account and you must be named as an account holder. Deposits into "third party" or business accounts are not permitted.
You can sign up for direct deposit or change the information you provided by clicking on View/change my direct deposit. If you do not have a copy of a cheque, your financial institution can provide you with the necessary information.
Go to the information on service times in your province or territory as to when your change of direct deposit information can be submitted.

View my current claim
Start Date of Claim
This date is the date your EI claim begins.

Waiting Period
You must serve a two-week unpaid waiting period before your EI benefits begin to be paid. Generally, this period is the first two weeks of your claim. This is like a deductible for any kind of insurance. Only one two-week waiting period is served per claim, so if you reactivate a claim for benefits in which you have already served the waiting period, you will not need to serve another waiting period.
Earnings (for example, vacation pay, severance pay...) made or allocated during the two-week waiting period will be deducted in the first three weeks for which benefits are otherwise payable following the waiting period.
More information on the waiting period is available on our Employment Insurance site.
In some instances, the two-week waiting period may be waived or deferred, but only under certain circumstances, for example:

  • If you get paid sick leave pay from your employer following your last day worked the waiting period may be waived;
  • If parental benefits are being shared by both parents, only one waiting period needs to be served. For example, if a two-week waiting period has already been served for maternity benefits by the first parent, the second parent claiming parental benefits can have the waiting period deferred. In the event the second parent subsequently claims regular or sickness benefits after parental benefits, the two-week waiting period would then need to be served.
  • If compassionate care benefits are being shared by family members, only the first family member claiming these benefits has to serve the waiting period. In a situation where more than one family member claims compassionate care benefits at the same time, the family members are required to choose which individual serves the waiting period. In the event the other family members subsequently claim regular, sickness or maternity benefits, the two-week waiting period would then have to be served.
  • If you receive group insurance payments, you can serve the two-week waiting period during the last two weeks that these insurance payments are being paid.

Reactivation Week
This is the week in which we reactivated your existing claim because you still had benefits payable to you.
If there are less than five weeks payable on your claim and you have not worked since we reactivated it, you will not need to complete another application. In all other cases, you will have to reapply once you receive your final payment notice.

Type of Benefit
This is the type of benefit you are currently receiving. See below for a brief definition of benefit types.
Regular: Payable to people who have lost employment and want to return to work. To receive these benefits, you must be actively looking for another job and be willing and able to work at all times.
Payable to self-employed persons engaged in fishing who get sufficient earnings from that activity. Recipients of fishing benefits must be actively seeking other work and are willing and able to work at all times.
Up to 15 weeks of sickness benefits can be paid to a person who is unable to work due to illness, injury, or quarantine.
Up to 15 weeks benefits are payable to birth mothers.
Payable to either biological or adoptive parents while caring for a newborn or adopted child for a period of up to 35 weeks.
Compassionate Care:
Up to six weeks of compassionate care benefits are payable to people who must provide care and support to a family member who is gravely ill with a significant risk of death within 26 weeks.
Adjustment program designed to help employers and workers avoid temporary layoffs when there is a reduction in the normal level of business activity that is beyond the control of the employer. Work-Sharing Agreements have a minimum duration of 6 weeks. For applications received as of February 1, 2009, the maximum agreement duration is 52 weeks. This new maximum is one of the provisions included in Budget 2009, and will be in effect until April 3, 2010.

Benefit Rate
For claims with a start date prior to December 27, 2009,

the basic benefit rate is 55% of your average insured earnings up to a maximum payment of $447 per week. For claims with a start date of December 27, 2009 or later, the basic benefit rate is 55% of your average insured earnings up to a maximum payment of $457 per week.

For more information on the earnings used in the calculation of your claim, visit our Employment Insurance site.

You could receive a higher benefit rate if you are in a low income family (an income of less than $25,921) with children and you receive the Canada Child Tax Benefit. If you are eligible to the Family Supplement your entitlement will automatically be added to your EI payment. No Family Supplement is payable beyond the maximum weekly EI benefit rate.

Your EI payment is a taxable income, meaning federal and provincial/territorial taxes (if it applies) will be deducted.

Allowable Earnings
If you are receiving regular, fishing, parental or compassionate care benefits, you can earn 40% of your weekly benefit rate or $75, whichever is higher, without affecting the amount of EI benefits you will receive for that week. If you are claiming maternity or sickness benefits, your earnings are subtracted dollar for dollar from benefits payable to you. You must always declare your total gross earnings. Any monies earned above your allowable amount are deducted dollar for dollar from your benefits. Example: Your benefit rate is $300. Your allowable is $120. For a two-week report, you worked and declared $50 in the first week and $145 in the second week. We would not deduct anything for the first week of the report because you earned less than your allowable. However, for the second week of that report we would deduct $25 because although you earned a total of $145, you were allowed to earn $120, and we only deduct the difference.

Total Weeks of Regular Entitlement
The number of weeks of regular benefits which may be paidqualifying period. Benefits end when you have either collected your full weeks of entitlement or when your benefit period ends (end date of claim), whichever comes first. There are times when a combination of regular and special benefits (sickness, maternity, parental and compassionate care) paid could exceed the total weeks of regular entitlement. are determined based on the start date of your claim, the unemployment rate in your region at that time, and the amount of insurable hours you have accumulated in the

End Date of Claim
The period of time in which you can claim the weeks you are eligible is 52 weeks (except fishing benefits). This period ends when the first of the following occurs:

  • all the weeks to which you are eligible have been paid; or
  • a maximum of 45 weeks of regular benefits have been paid; or
  • the 52 week duration is reached; or
  • you request and qualify for the termination of your claim.

View my payment information
Net Amount Paid
The amount of benefits payable for the reporting period minus any deductions.

Reprocessed Report
A "yes" in this field indicates that new or additional information was received for a reporting period that has already processed.

Allowable Earnings
Refer to Allowable Earnings under View my current claim for a description of this term.

Benefit Rate

Refer to Benefit Rate under View my current claim for a description of this term.

Transportation or other personal support payment paid to you in addition to self-employment benefit.

Gross Amount
The amount of benefits payable for the reporting period before deductions.

The amounts listed below have been deducted from your gross benefits payable.

Agreed Deduction
You have requested this amount be deducted from benefits payable for the reporting period to be applied to an overpayment and/or penalty.

Reflects an amount taken from your gross benefits to be applied to an overpayment and/or penalty.

Agreement to Repay Social Assistance Benefits
You received financial assistance or advances from a Social Services agency while waiting for your EI benefits to start and you agreed to pay the Social Services agency back this money out of your EI benefits. Refer to the Employment Insurance site for more information.

Family Order Agreement
Human Resources and Social Development Canada garnishes monies from EI benefits according to the Family Orders and Agreements (FOA) Enforcement Assistance Act.
Deductions are made from the net EI benefits payable and this amount is forwarded to the Department of Justice (DOJ).
The DOJ ensures payment of these monies to your spouse/dependants according to an existing court order. If you require additional information, contact the DOJ.

This field may include two types of earnings: the amount of gross earnings from employment that you declared on your report and/or an allocation that has been made on your claim based on information you provided.
An allocation may include:

  • Worker's compensation;
  • Severance pay;
  • Vacation pay;
  • Wage loss insurance;
  • Pension.

Full Work Week
A full work week is a week in which you have worked 35 hours or more, or 28 hours or more for a week in which there is a statutory holiday. If you have worked a full work week, you are not considered to be unemployed and are not entitled to benefits for that week, regardless of your earnings.

Other (Deductions)
This field will reflect the monetary value of either the number of unavailable days, sick days or partial disentitlement days that have been deducted from the gross amount payable to you.
For example, if your benefit rate is $100 per week and you declare 1 non-available day, the field will display $20 (1/5 of the benefit rate).
Also, if you worked 35 hours or more in a calendar week, or 28 hours or more for a week in which there is a statutory holiday, this is considered a full work week and you are not considered to be unemployed and are not entitled to benefits for that week, regardless of your earnings.

Based on the Personal Tax Credit information you provided when filing your claim. This information is used to decide how much income tax should be deducted from your benefit payments.

Totals for Reporting Period
This field reflects the total amount of tax deducted and the net amount paid for the whole reporting period. We are unable to breakdown these amounts for reports processed more than six months ago.

View my Records of Employment
Information regarding your insurable earnings, reason for separation and insurable hours worked are presented in this document issued by your employer. The Record of Employment is used to determine your eligibility to benefits, your benefit rate and the duration of your claim.

My Service Canada Account will search for all electronic Records of Employment issued between the current date back to 730 days or 2 years.

Date Issued
The date your record of employment was issued.

Last day worked
This is the actual last day for which you were paid. This would normally be the last day of work.

How much time does your employer have to submit your electronic Record of Employment?
Deadlines for employers to submit electronic Records of Employment are based on pay periods and the day on which your interruption of earnings occurred as follows:
If you get paid every week, then your employer must submit your Record of Employment to Service Canada no later than five days after the end of the pay period during which your interruption of earnings occurred;
If you get paid every two weeks, then your employer must submit your Record of Employment to Service Canada no later than five days after the end of the pay period during which your interruption of earnings occurred;
If you get paid twice a month, then your employer must submit your Record of Employment to Service Canada no later than five days after the end of the pay period during which your interruption of earnings occurred;
If you get paid every month, then your employer must submit your Record of Employment to Service Canada no later than five days after the end of the pay period during which your interruption of earnings occurred OR no later than 15 days after the first day of the interruption of earnings, whichever is earlier;
If you get paid every four weeks, then your employer must submit your Record of Employment to Service Canada no later than five days after the end of the pay period during which your interruption of earnings occurred OR no later than 15 days after the first day of the interruption of earnings, whichever is earlier.
Here is an example. You stop working on Monday, March 2, 2009. Your employer pays you every two weeks on a Friday. The next pay period will end on Friday, March 13, 2009. It includes your last day paid because the pay period runs from Saturday, February 28 through Friday, March 13, 2009. Therefore, your employer must submit your Record of Employment no later than Wednesday, March 18, 2009.

View my past claims
End Date of Claim
The date your claim ended, regardless of the number of weeks of benefits you have been paid. See also End date of claim under View my current claim.

最后编辑: 2010-08-08




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