回复: 魁北克夫妻团聚流程简易版
很久没在家园发帖了,之前都是潜水,我打算过年后递交魁省团聚申请,我和我老公在一起7年多,结婚2年多,但都一直生活在国内,老公是公民,想请教下各位我在CIC网站上country specific instruction中关于要提交的文件,貌似仅有无刑事犯罪记录是需要有资格的机构进行翻译,其他documents都是说要提交,并未说要公证啊,我在家园其他帖子也看到有人说现在有些公证不是必须的: IDENTITY AND CIVIL STATUS DOCUMENTS
The following documents are required for you, the principal applicant, each of your family members
and your dependent children, if applicable:
Certificates of: birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, death,
Absolute nisi decree (Hong Kong residents),
Custody order for your child and proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in the custody
Citizens of the People's Republic of China must provide photocopies of all pages of the
household register ("hukou"),
A photocopy of the bio-data page of your passport with a validity of at least 18 months. If you
cannot submit this along with the application, provide it at a later date