回复: 在加拿大移民界浸洇日久,出来给大家指点指点!
春雨老师,咨询个问题,我的NOC是4151,心理学家。2011年2月投料,3月底收到拒信,理由是Although this NOC code corresponds to the occupations specified in the Instructions identified by the Minister, you have not provided sufficient evidence that you performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation or that you performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational description of the NOC, including all of the essential duties. 这里的原因我自己分析可能主要是推荐信中提到的职业描述与NOC提出的10条职责吻合的只有3条,简历中有4条,职业描述表填得非常简单,没加附页,就简单抄了NOC的几句话,根据职称不同,两个时段加起来也就4条。另外,没有任何附加材料,比如论文的摘要或者会议发言证明材料等。犯这么低级的错误,确实是由于没有经验,以为资历最重要,简历和职业描述只要有点关系就可以了。