斯坦福 IT


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

我今天去了LINK学样测试, 打算去学英语, 所以我选了晚上的课, 其实我想上白天的课, 但是不知道结果, 如果不批的话,我就上白天的课了, 老是拖着出耽误事.

不抱太大希望, 我觉得好象太难了. 如果我上晚上的课, 一个星期三节课, 共7.5小时,我要不要报出来啊



回复: 有关EI的申请和案例



非常感谢这段时间FLYING DRAGON的帮助, 我的EI已经批了, 但是好象钱很少呢, 都没有55%,我上了一年半, 中间没有休息过, 本来这钱应该是2个星期的, 他说付了三个星期的, 应该是两个星期的钱(正好是两个星期薪水的一半), 看下一次付的钱再说.
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

非常感谢这段时间FLYING DRAGON的帮助, 我的EI已经批了, 但是好象钱很少呢, 都没有55%,我上了一年半, 中间没有休息过, 本来这钱应该是2个星期的, 他说付了三个星期的, 应该是两个星期的钱(正好是两个星期薪水的一半), 看下一次付的钱再说.
是我搞错了, 是三个星期的钱, 两个星期的钱+1个星期的钱, 我没有看到那个1个星期的钱, 要打开ADDITIONAL才看到.
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

非常感谢这段时间FLYING DRAGON的帮助, 我的EI已经批了, 但是好象钱很少呢, 都没有55%,我上了一年半, 中间没有休息过, 本来这钱应该是2个星期的, 他说付了三个星期的, 应该是两个星期的钱(正好是两个星期薪水的一半), 看下一次付的钱再说.

42周, 到明年7月底结束.

是我搞错了, 是三个星期的钱, 两个星期的钱+1个星期的钱, 我没有看到那个1个星期的钱, 要打开ADDITIONAL才看到.


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


我还有一个问题想知道, 这EI中第一个星期的EI是55%的55%, 举个例子,他付了是三个星期的, 第一个星期是55元, 但是第二个星期和第三个期分别是100元, 加起来是200元, 是不是第一个星期的EI是工资55%的55%, 还是那人搞错了, 多乘了55%.
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

我还有一个问题想知道, 这EI中第一个星期的EI是55%的55%, 举个例子,他付了是三个星期的, 第一个星期是55元, 但是第二个星期和第三个期分别是100元, 加起来是200元, 是不是第一个星期的EI是工资55%的55%, 还是那人搞错了, 多乘了55%.

不是。EI中所说的55%通常是指最后工作前26周总收入的平均数的55%。第一周为什么少?会受你辞职后是否有Vacation Pay等收入的影响而减少。
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

不是。EI中所说的55%通常是指最后工作前26周总收入的平均数的55%。第一周为什么少?会受你辞职后是否有Vacation Pay等收入的影响而减少。
我辞工后是有VACATION PAY,比如最后一个星期应该是500元, 最后一星期PAY+vacation pay =多过1000元,比我平常上两个星期的钱还要多.
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


hese details are a result of the original processing of this report period.
Week 1 of reporting period (August 14, 2011 to August 20, 2011)

Benefit Rate:$100 Type of Benefit:Regular benefits Allowable Earnings:$12 Gross Amount:$55 Net Amount Paid:$55
就象上面一样, 但是后两个星期就不是这样的, GROSS AMOUNT:100
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

hese details are a result of the original processing of this report period.
Week 1 of reporting period (August 14, 2011 to August 20, 2011)

Benefit Rate:$100 Type of Benefit:Regular benefits Allowable Earnings:$12 Gross Amount:$55 Net Amount Paid:$55
就象上面一样, 但是后两个星期就不是这样的, GROSS AMOUNT:100



  What will happen if I work or receive other payments during my benefit period?

  That depends on your situation. Two types of income can affect your EI benefits:

  • income earned while you are receiving EI benefits; and
  • payments made to you by your employer when you stop working.
  If your employer made a payment to you when you stopped working

  When you stopped working, you may have received severance pay, vacation pay, or an amount that was put into an RRSP. If this is the case, the date on which you begin to receive benefits may be delayed.

  For example, if you received severance pay equal to 12 weeks of earnings, the payment of your regular benefits will be delayed by 12 weeks, whether you received this amount as a lump-sum payment or it was paid to you over 12 weeks. In this situation, you will still have to file a benefit claim as soon as you become unemployed so that your claim can be processed as quickly as possible.

  You may also receive severance pay, vacation pay, or termination pay after filing your benefit claim. These amounts must also be reported; they will be processed in the same way as if you received them when your employment ended. The addition of these amounts to your insurable earnings may, among other things, extend the duration of your benefit claim or increase the amount of the benefits to which you are entitled.
  However, you could be in a situation where you do not know whether you will receive the severance pay that you are owed (for example, if your employer declares bankruptcy). You may be required to pay back part or all of the EI benefits that you received if severance pay was paid to you afterwards. If you believe that you are in this situation, contact us. If you receive vacation pay or pay in lieu of notice following a layoff, these amounts are insurable and will be included in the calculation of your weekly average earnings.

  If you receive money during the waiting period

  Any amounts you earn or are allocated during the two-week waiting period, including vacation pay or severance pay, will be deducted during the first three weeks in which you should receive benefits, because the allowable earnings do not apply during the waiting period. These amounts are deducted dollar for dollar.

  These three weeks do not have to be consecutive or immediately follow the two-week waiting period.
For each example, the dates indicated always represents Sunday.

  Example 1 Total amount of earnings deducted during the first week of benefits

  Anne is unemployed and filed a claim for benefits, which was approved. Her benefit period began on January 1. She had to serve a two-week waiting period, from January 1 to January 14. Her first week of benefits began on January 15. Her weekly benefit amount is $300.

  She received vacation pay of $195 during the two-week waiting period. Normally, this amount must be deducted in the first three weeks during which benefits are to be paid. However, since this amount is less than the amount of her weekly benefits ($300), it will be deducted only in the first week of benefits, which began on January 15. The calculation is the following: $300 (amount of benefits) $195 (amount of vacation pay) = $105. Therefore, Anne will receive $105 in her first week of benefits. There will be no other amount to deduct afterward.

  Example 2 A portion of earnings deducted in the first three weeks of benefits and remaining amount set aside after this period

  Frédéric is unemployed and filed a claim for benefits, which was approved. His benefit period began on January 1. He had to serve a two-week waiting period, from January 1 to January 14. His first week of benefits began on January 15. His weekly benefit amount is $400. However, since filing his claim, Frédéric has gone back to work.

  Any person who receives EI benefits can usually earn up to $50 per week or 25% of their weekly benefit, whichever is higher. Any money earned above that amount will be deducted dollar for dollar from their benefit.
However, with the renewed Working While on Claim measure, which is in effect until August 4, 2012, they can earn the higher of the following two amounts:

  •   $75 a week; or
  •   40% of the weekly benefit amount.
  Any amount exceeding $75 per week or 40% of your weekly benefits will be deducted from your weekly benefits.
  Frédéric is entitled to earn up to $160 per week, which is equal to 40% of his weekly benefit amount. Any amount greater than $160 will be deducted in full from his benefits.
As of January 1, he earned the following amounts:

  •   vacation pay of $395 that was paid to him in the week of January 1 (the first week of the waiting period)
  •   earnings of $350 in the week of January 8 (the second week of the waiting period)
  •   earnings of $380 in the week of January 15 (the first week of benefits)
  •   earnings of $360 in the week of January 22 (the second week of benefits)
  •   earnings of $380 in the week of January 29 (the third week of benefits)
  Since he received vacation pay of $395 and earnings of $350 in the two-week waiting period, a total amount of $745 must be deducted from his benefits over three weeks as of January 15.

  The first week in which he received benefits began on January 15. He earned $380 in that week. The calculation is the following:

  $400 (amount of benefits) + $160 (earnings allowed) $380 (amount earned) = $180
An amount of $180 should be paid to him, but he will not receive any money during this week because he received earnings during the waiting period and the amount of $180 must be deducted from the total amount that he has to pay back ($745) as follows: $745 $180 = $565. Therefore, a deduction of $565 remains.

  The second week in which he received benefits began on January 22. He earned $360 in that week. The calculation is the following:
$400 (amount of benefits) + $160 (earnings allowed) $360 (amount earned) = $200
  An amount of $200 should be paid to him, but he will not receive any money during this week because this amount must be deducted from the remaining amount of the earnings received during the waiting period ($565) as follows: $565 $200 = $365. Therefore, a deduction of $365 remains.

  The third week in which he received benefits began on January 29. He earned $380 in that week. The calculation is the following:
  $400 (amount of benefits) + $160 (earnings allowed) $380 (amount earned) = $180
  An amount of $180 should be paid to him, but he will not receive any money during this week because this amount must be deducted from the remaining amount of the earnings received in the waiting period ($365) as follows: $365 $180 = $185.

  Since the three weeks have passed, although there is a remaining amount of $185 to be paid back, it is set aside as of the fourth week.
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

1. 我由于今年买了房搬到AJAX, 但我上班在VAUGHAN,我辞职后不知道可不可以拿EI, 我上班有一年半了,时间也有3000小时左右。

hese details are a result of the original processing of this report period.
Week 1 of reporting period (August 14, 2011 to August 20, 2011)

Benefit Rate:$100 Type of Benefit:Regular benefits Allowable Earnings:$12 Gross Amount:$55 Net Amount Paid:$55
就象上面一样, 但是后两个星期就不是这样的, GROSS AMOUNT:100

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

我知道什么原因了, 因为他扣了钱, 这个数字是我随便填的, 并不代表只拿这么多钱, 其它的我提供的信息都是准确的, 因为我每次有写,比如, 不好意思, 让你误会了.
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

我知道什么原因了, 因为他扣了钱, 这个数字是我随便填的, 并不代表只拿这么多钱, 其它的我提供的信息都是准确的, 因为我每次有写,比如, 不好意思, 让你误会了.

每个月差不多1100左右的EI, 每一个星期是比较少, 因为他抵扣了一些钱, 所以只有100多 .


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

请问LZ,在线申请的时候,没有填写银行账户信息,如何补填呢?还有低收入证明怎么提交呢?在线申请的时候没有提及到相关的信息和要求呢?还有要有正在找工作的record 都没有提及 这些信息如何提供呢?第一次申请 没有经验 糊里糊涂的就提交了,另外我上班的时候就在上part-time的linc 但是一周已经有12个小时了,但是我没有提及 会不会影响?如何才能修改呢?问题有点多,谢谢先
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

请问LZ,在线申请的时候,没有填写银行账户信息,如何补填呢?还有低收入证明怎么提交呢?在线申请的时候没有提及到相关的信息和要求呢?还有要有正在找工作的record 都没有提及 这些信息如何提供呢?第一次申请 没有经验 糊里糊涂的就提交了,另外我上班的时候就在上part-time的linc 但是一周已经有12个小时了,但是我没有提及 会不会影响?如何才能修改呢?问题有点多,谢谢先

1、银行帐户,可以在拿到Access code后在网上注册个帐户,然后到里面加入便可。








注册帐号. 太容易了!


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