回复: 急请教新不伦瑞克省是落地医保生效,还是跟安省一样三个月生效呢?
application for registration form is available from the offices of Service New Brunswick (SNB). A separate form should be completed for any dependent who has reached a nineteenth birthday.
Applications are assessed on an individual basis and other documents may be requested to verify eligibility.
Once a completed application form is received from new registrants and their eligibility is established, a letter indicating actual start date of coverage is issued. A valid New Brunswick Medicare card is issued and mailed shortly thereafter.
If you have moved to New Brunswick, you may be eligible for New Brunswick Medicare coverage on the first day of the third month following the month you have established permanent residence in New Brunswick. For example, if you moved to New Brunswick on July 20, the month of July will count as the first month, with August and September as the following two. In this case, coverage would begin October 1.
Canadian Armed Forces Dependents
As of June 17 2010, the Spouse or dependent of a regular member of the Canadian Armed Forces are entitled to first-day coverage providing they are deemed by the Director to have established residence in the province of New Brunswick.
Immigrants/Out of Country Residents moving back to New Brunswick
As of June 17, 2010, immigrants or Canadian residents moving back to New Brunswick are entitled to Medicare coverage from their first day in the province providing they are deemed by the Director to have established permanent residence in the province of New Brunswick. All proper information/documents will be required from Citizenship and Immigration and decisions will still be made on a case by case basis.