
回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

这是他的答复,大意是:1.我们的钱不足以让他做很多 2.准备argument大概要三十天,不是几个月 3.今年底能审我们已是好的结果,不参加起诉的话,可能要无限期等待。参加了起诉的同学都给他去信吧,表达一下我们希望他快点做事,别老拿钱不够说事。
Dear Lily,

If you read my reply to Ruth you should realize that 2,000 RMB does not go very far. Your expectations should correspond to your investment.

Second, if you read my reply, you know that it will not take me four months to make my written arguments. They will be submitted within thirty days of the Court's decision of how we proceed. In fact, I expect to have them in well before thirty days.

Third, I believe that you are entirely wrong to say that doing nothing is equivalent to being involved in the litigation. When this matter is resolved, we will see whether, as I expect, your file will be promptly assessed, whereas those who are not participating in the litigation will find their applications continuing to be warehoused. Having your file assessed in December is far better than not having it assessed during your lifetime.

Finally, if CIC decides to settle the litigation, it will do so well before December. The worst is that it will not be until late in the year before we have a decision.


回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

这是他的答复,大意是:1.我们的钱不足以让他做很多 2.准备argument大概要三十天,不是几个月 3.今年底能审我们已是好的结果,不参加起诉的话,可能要无限期等待。参加了起诉的同学都给他去信吧,表达一下我们希望他快点做事,别老拿钱不够说事。
Dear Lily,

If you read my reply to Ruth you should realize that 2,000 RMB does not go very far. Your expectations should correspond to your investment.

Second, if you read my reply, you know that it will not take me four months to make my written arguments. They will be submitted within thirty days of the Court's decision of how we proceed. In fact, I expect to have them in well before thirty days.

Third, I believe that you are entirely wrong to say that doing nothing is equivalent to being involved in the litigation. When this matter is resolved, we will see whether, as I expect, your file will be promptly assessed, whereas those who are not participating in the litigation will find their applications continuing to be warehoused. Having your file assessed in December is far better than not having it assessed during your lifetime.

Finally, if CIC decides to settle the litigation, it will do so well before December. The worst is that it will not be until late in the year before we have a decision.


回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

这是他的答复,大意是:1.我们的钱不足以让他做很多 2.准备argument大概要三十天,不是几个月 3.今年底能审我们已是好的结果,不参加起诉的话,可能要无限期等待。参加了起诉的同学都给他去信吧,表达一下我们希望他快点做事,别老拿钱不够说事。
Dear Lily,

If you read my reply to Ruth you should realize that 2,000 RMB does not go very far. Your expectations should correspond to your investment.

Second, if you read my reply, you know that it will not take me four months to make my written arguments. They will be submitted within thirty days of the Court's decision of how we proceed. In fact, I expect to have them in well before thirty days.

Third, I believe that you are entirely wrong to say that doing nothing is equivalent to being involved in the litigation. When this matter is resolved, we will see whether, as I expect, your file will be promptly assessed, whereas those who are not participating in the litigation will find their applications continuing to be warehoused. Having your file assessed in December is far better than not having it assessed during your lifetime.

Finally, if CIC decides to settle the litigation, it will do so well before December. The worst is that it will not be until late in the year before we have a decision.


回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没


基本上我觉得我们这批人没什么其他好方法,只能是hope for the best and prepare for the worst。
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回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

b.$500 due upon notice that the application will be assessed within a specified period[/font]

回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没


Dear Tim,

We have the letter u wrote to Lily released to everyone involved, and unsurprisingly all consider it negative. So you can expect many more letters from us.

As explained previously, our cases are quite different from any of other visa posts, for we are waiting for the stage of mailing out medical exam requests enclosed in our files, in which case, we are not completely hopeless, or at least most of us think so. We are the cases that you can stick to with more winning expectations.

At least two applicants whose child are going to college next year desperately expect the case decided earlier, and the rest have various reasons to be anxious.

Concerning the cic, it has no intention of settling the litigation unless our cases push it to, so we hope that you can act quickly and do not waste time waiting for it.

We have made it very clear to our applicants that they are welcomed to join before Dec 20, the deadline for cic's decision, and even after that we continue to draw more applicants in. But now, it's getting embarrassing, for it seems to everyone that you cann't act quickly becasue we invest not as much as you expect, so we can't expect much.

Actually, I do understand what you mean, but i think you should really put your feet in our shoes sometime. We have to have all our confidence in you, and it 's not asking too much to see a more positive and active attorney engaged in our cases, and not to have this or that incidents interrupted now and then.

回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没



Dear Ruth,

The Court has decided to consolidate all of the cases and proceed with "representative case(s)". The Court was on holiday from December 20th until January 9th. DoJ counsel goes on holiday from January 15th to the 30th. We cannot proceed until we have directions from the Court as to how we will do so. That direction will not come until we have an organizational meeting. So, nothing will happen until we know how we will proceed.

Second, DoJ has thirty days from when I make my written arguments to present theirs. The judge deciding the issue will act whenever s/he chooses to do so. Needless to say, I have no control over their actions, and to expect me to have the power to hurry them along because you are understandably frustrated is unreasonable.

Likewise, hiring additional staff will not address this systemic issue, and expecting me to do so because each has paid 2,000 RMB is outrageous.

Fourth, I began trying to get people involved in this litigation in July and made my first contact with your group the end of August; and yet it took until December for the Beijing contingent to join. Blaming me for delay over which I have no control is unreasonable.

Fifth, if DoJ takes the position it is appearing to moving toward; i.e., only one case is submitted to the Court; I will be presenting a BJ case because the CAIPS notes read "positive selection decision entered". With this case, the Court will have to grant leave. In addition, if it is per visa-post, my intention is to lead with this case and to file the others later. Thus, it will be a BJ case will be the first to be before the Court.

Finally, because, when the Court orders that a hearing occur, it must set a hearing day within thirty to ninety days (and invariably makes it ninety days) on that announcement, the earliest we could have had a hearing for December-filed cases would have been May assuming an instant decision from the Court. Needless to say, there would be no time between its order and the beginning of school in September to have immigrant visas finalized. Thus, expecting to be in Canada before September was never realistic in the first place.

Only if CIC agrees to settle with we have an earlier decision but I do not expect that even with settlement immigrant visas will be issued before school starts in September. It usually takes at least three months after a positive selection decision before visas are issued, and that's assuming that the background check has not expired -- but it has in all of your cases。

Thus, my response was not "negative"; it was realistic. As I wrote to Lily, the alternative to joining the litigation was not having your files finalized for years to come. Because this is not a 90-minute movie, instant success is not realistic.


回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

Ruth 写的很好!支持!
回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没


回复: 北京起诉的情况,有人想加入没

已 经 给 TIM 写 了 封 信 , 说 年 底 结 案 太 叫 人 失 望 并 出 乎 意 料 , 希 望 他 加 快 进 度 。 不 知 道 管 用 不 。? 另 外 : 我 每 次 给 TIM写 信 都 坚 持 用 中 文 , 他 给 我 回 英 文 。




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