
回复: 有没有2011年7月份递交入籍申请的?请互通情况

首先大家要弄清楚background check和Residential Questionaire的本质性区别. 递交入籍后, 进入社会主义初级阶段的等待期间, 一般来讲3个月之内CIC是不会碰你的file的, 3个月之后如果你被分配到的CIC offier办事效率高, 会审理到你的file, 如果你被分配到的officer是个懒蛋, 可能要等6个月以上才会有人touch到你的file. 一旦被officer touch到你的file, 他们会在系统里建档, 这就是为什么大家很多同一时期递交的, In Process的时间却大不相同. 被勤奋的officer抽到, 你就早in process, 被懒的抽到, 就7到8个月左右才in process. 一旦in process, 就代表有人对你的file进行了第一轮审理, 这个时候如果他们发现和你名字重名特别多的, 会叫你去做指纹, 如果材料有复印不清楚或者missing documents, 会让你补料. 还有就是他们会调查你的犯罪记录, 信用记录等等, 这个过程叫做Background Check. 所以, 每个file都会进行一次background check. 这个background check会进行18天左右因为他们也要等别的部门反馈给他们你的犯罪记录和其他信息. 当background check完毕后, 他们会把你的file 转到local office进行大排队, 并在你的file里注明你需要补交的指纹或其他材料, 大家收到的指纹信和补料信应该就是local office寄出来的, 因为他们知道申请人去做指纹或者准备需要补充的材料是需要2周到1个月, 或者更长, 所以他们不会在总部Sydney来hold你的case, 而是在你的档案里注明需要补的东西, 然后local office发出信件, 因为你再local排队期间, local就直接收到你寄的材料了. 在这个point, 你应该可以sure的thing就是你的case已经到local排队中. 没有被要求补料的file也是会被transfer到local office. CIC前几个月开始裁员, 裁员重点是系统维护操作员, 所以大家会发现现在转local office在CIC的ECAS上已经不显示了, 因为之前update网上信息的人已经被下岗了, 取而代之是只显示in process和考试通知. file转到local之后, 就是等待考试了, 有些人会被抽到而被RQ, 这些case都是在第一轮初审时候已经引起officer怀疑的case, 所以local office会尽其责任, 把递交到本office的case中的可疑对象先他妈的RQ一下, 这就是为什么有些人等了N久还没收到考试通知. 如果没有这个RQ, 多伦多地区的case一般会在11到12个月左右通知去考试. 考试的时候, 是另外一轮面对面的面试, 就是CIC local office的工作人员通过问问题来探测你是不是可疑或者是有问题. 去local考试的人们都会发现, CIC的人在问你问题时候会在你的档案里写一些东西和画一些勾勾叉叉, 这些都是他们在记录你给他们的印象. 如果有特别让人怀疑的或者根本护照和申请表的出入境日期对不上的, 就会被记录, 然后这些人考试后会被RQ, 所以他们等入籍宣誓会比较久. 现在CIC网站上update 入籍status的时间是每周六, 所以大家平时基本不用看了, 就每周六晚上看看status, 如果没变, 下一周到周五都不会变, 如果变了, 证明刚刚过去的一周, 你的case被皇上宠幸过.

我实在忍不了大家重复问关于入籍和自己为什么比别人慢的问题, 所以写下了上面的话. 大家读了, 应该有所帮助. :wdb9:

回复: 有没有2011年7月份递交入籍申请的?请互通情况


我去年六月初申请的,今年5月份入籍宣誓了。 本以为审理时间要拖到2年呢, 所以提前递了,没想到这么快。 这不寒假回国要办理签证了。 这真是想快的不快, 想慢的不慢, 什么事情都和自己想的不一样。

不过, 不要着急, 卡城现在很快的。 祝好运。
回复: 有没有2011年7月份递交入籍申请的?请互通情况

我去年六月初申请的,今年5月份入籍宣誓了。 本以为审理时间要拖到2年呢, 所以提前递了,没想到这么快。 这不寒假回国要办理签证了。 这真是想快的不快, 想慢的不慢, 什么事情都和自己想的不一样。

不过, 不要着急, 卡城现在很快的。 祝好运。

哥们你这速度绝对不是温哥华或者多伦多, 温哥华和多伦多基本正常的是12到15个月完事. 你11个月完事估计是Calgary那边或者Waterloo或者Hamilton. 现在统计是Waterloo最快, 有8个月全部完事的, Hamilton基本9到10个月, Calgary基本是10到11个月.
回复: 有没有2011年7月份递交入籍申请的?请互通情况

我靠, 我终于毕业了.... 改天写感想.
谢谢大家的支持 :wdb6:

We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on July 14, 2011.

We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on July 14, 2011. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.

We started processing your application on March 8, 2012.

We sent you a notice on May 14, 2012 to appear and write the citizenship test on June 22, 2012 at 8:30 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.

We sent you a notice on July 4, 2012 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on July 18, 2012 at 12:45 PM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.
回复: 有没有2011年7月份递交入籍申请的?请互通情况

我靠, 我终于毕业了.... 改天写感想.
谢谢大家的支持 :wdb6:

We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on July 14, 2011.

We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on July 14, 2011. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.

We started processing your application on March 8, 2012.

We sent you a notice on May 14, 2012 to appear and write the citizenship test on June 22, 2012 at 8:30 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.

We sent you a notice on July 4, 2012 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on July 18, 2012 at 12:45 PM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.


回复: 有没有2011年7月份递交入籍申请的?请互通情况

我靠, 我终于毕业了.... 改天写感想.
谢谢大家的支持 :wdb6:

We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on July 14, 2011.

We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on July 14, 2011. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.

We started processing your application on March 8, 2012.

We sent you a notice on May 14, 2012 to appear and write the citizenship test on June 22, 2012 at 8:30 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.

We sent you a notice on July 4, 2012 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on July 18, 2012 at 12:45 PM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.


回复: 有没有2011年7月份递交入籍申请的?请互通情况

RQ表格上有20几项东西要填, 海关的出入境记录只是第七项. 你还要准备其他的材料, 例如中国入境出境章的翻译, health care claim history, 递交申请往前4年的T4, NOA, mortgage或房租receipt, 学历证书等等, 那个表上面都有让你准备什么, 所以不用着急.
回复: 有没有2011年7月份递交入籍申请的?请互通情况

我靠, 我终于毕业了.... 改天写感想.
谢谢大家的支持 :wdb6:

We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on July 14, 2011.

We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on July 14, 2011. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.

We started processing your application on March 8, 2012.

We sent you a notice on May 14, 2012 to appear and write the citizenship test on June 22, 2012 at 8:30 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.

We sent you a notice on July 4, 2012 to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on July 18, 2012 at 12:45 PM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us.




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