回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响
Tim认为,87.4关闭了案子是事实,但这里的议题不是87.4合法不合法,而是法庭有没有权利强制CIC遵守那份经过法庭验证的协议,答案是:Yes clearly it has。
Federal Court Act 18.1第三条:
(3) On an application for judicial review, the
Federal Court may
(a) order a federal … tribunal to do any act
or thing it has unlawfully failed or refused to
do or has unreasonably delayed in doing; or
(b) declare invalid or unlawful, or quash, set
aside or set aside and refer back for determination
in accordance with such directions as
it considers to be appropriate, prohibit or
restrain, a decision, order, act or proceeding of
a federal board, commission or other tribunal.
6月5开庭的法官Rennie已指明CIC lawfully failed or refused to do or has unreasonably delayed processing the litigants files。CIC的不当行为已经被法院认定,国会赋予了法庭矫正部长错误的权利,法庭有绝对的权威强制CIC遵守它自己也抓住不放用来否认614之后的起诉人的协议Protocol。
Concerning the scope of the powers conferred on this Court under paragraph 18.1(3)(b) of
the Federal Court Act, it is clear that the Court cannot itself issue a visa to the applicant. Although
it can certainly set aside the visa officer's decision and refer it back for determination in accordance
with certain directions, the Court cannot issue specific and conclusive directions as to the decision
the officer must make unless the conclusion is simple, obvious and inescapable [See Xie v. M.E.I.
(1994), 75 F.T.R. 125, at p. 130]. The directions this Court is authorized to issue pursuant to
paragraph 18.1(3)(b) vary with the circumstances of each case. If facts remain to be established,
it is the officer who must determine them. If the Court finds an error in law, all the visa officer
can do is to act accordingly [M.C.I. v. Turanskaya, A-713-95, March 4, 1997].
Abdelmajid el Alleti v. M.C.I., (1999.02.16) IMM-878-97, Dubé, J.