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这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......


bhbsunyi, bruce_2006, fairyzhang, Freedog, fushunlang, nicetomeetu2, route, thanks2006, 红豆儿, 水过鸭背

回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......

C'est la vie
回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......

Long Long Journey

City lights shine on the harbour,
night has fallen down,
through the darkness
and the shadows
I will still go on.

Long, long journey
through the darkness,
long, long way to go;
but what are miles
across the ocean
to the heart that's coming home?

Where the road runs through the valley,
where the river flows,
I will follow every highway
to the place I know.

Long, long journey
out of nowhere,
long, long way to go;
but what are sighs
and what is sadness
to the heart that's coming home?

Long, long journey
through the darkness,
long, long way to go;
but are what are miles
across the ocean
to the heart that's coming home?

Long, long journey
out of nowhere,
long, long way to go;
but what are sighs
and what is sadness
to the heart that's coming home?
回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......

谢谢楼主挂念, 我常来呢, 大都潜水. 已经上岸并完成短登, 虽然也很想知道大家的消息,希望大家都早日拿到签证, 由于不能帮上什么忙, 只好沉默, 不想打扰大家, 也不想让大家觉得我"矫情".

作为3-29到6-29间完成S2到DM的一员. 感觉像是泰坦尼克号下来坐在救生艇上, 帮不了还在水里的兄弟, 却时不时问"你冷么". 个人认为这样问, 还不如"绝情"而去.

短登过后, 看移民这事更客观, 认为"有了更好, 没有也不代表更差", 可惜这话听起来也很"矫情".

回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......

谢谢楼主挂念, 我常来呢, 大都潜水. 已经上岸并完成短登, 虽然也很想知道大家的消息,希望大家都早日拿到签证, 由于不能帮上什么忙, 只好沉默, 不想打扰大家, 也不想让大家觉得我"矫情".

作为3-29到6-29间完成S2到DM的一员. 感觉像是泰坦尼克号下来坐在救生艇上, 帮不了还在水里的兄弟, 却时不时问"你冷么". 个人认为这样问, 还不如"绝情"而去.

短登过后, 看移民这事更客观, 认为"有了更好, 没有也不代表更差", 可惜这话听起来也很"矫情".


原来短登去了呀,:wdb6::wdb6::wdb6: 你来了我感到很踏实,嘿嘿!也不要觉得我“矫情”,by the way I dreamed of you last night, hahaha.....
回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......

原来短登去了呀,:wdb6::wdb6::wdb6: 你来了我感到很踏实,嘿嘿!也不要觉得我“矫情”,by the way I dreamed of you last night, hahaha.....

天堂兄弟, 尽管我有一段时间没有发言了, 但是一直都跟大家在一起, 从来没有走远. 你我虽然未曾谋面, 很感激你为大家做的一切, 期待在加拿大相聚.


回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......


回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......

回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......



I have dreamt in my life dreams
that have stayed with me for ever
and have gone through and through me,
like wine through water,
and have altered the colour of my mind.

I dreamt once that I was in heaven,
and that heaven did not seem to be my home.
And I broke my heart with weeping
to see the heath again.
And the angels flung me back to earth,
and Wuthering Heights, where I awoke sobbing,
sobbing for joy.

Lucille Fletcher, after Emily Bronte

J’ai rêvé dans ma vie des rêves
qui sont restés avec moi à jamais
et m’ont traversé de part en part,
comme fait le vin dans l’eau,
et ont changé la couleur de mon esprit.

J’ai rêvé un jour que j’étais au ciel,
et que le ciel ne semblait pas être ma demeure.
Et je me suis brisé le coeur en pleurant
pour revoir la lande.
Et les anges m’ont renvoyée sur terre,
aux Hauts de Hurlevent, où je me suis réveillée
en sanglotant, en sanglotant de joie.
回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......

回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......


回复: 这几个ID几个月没现身了,miss you......





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