家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


我倒觉得相反,我觉得他们确实很严谨。Fanfan216的ME是8月份才给的,估计不会是Very beginning of Jan 或者 Early Next Year.

所以,next year是很有精准度的。但是凡2月ME的,刚刚前后看了一下,都是very beginning of Jan。 是凡3月ME的,都是Early next year. 我估计他们确实查了大家的me/mer时间,也许数据表里就有期望的Deadline,所以才会如此精准。
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

我倒觉得相反,我觉得他们确实很严谨。Fanfan216的ME是8月份才给的,估计不会是Very beginning of Jan 或者 Early Next Year.

所以,next year是很有精准度的。但是凡2月ME的,刚刚前后看了一下,都是very beginning of Jan。 是凡3月ME的,都是Early next year. 我估计他们确实查了大家的me/mer时间,也许数据表里就有期望的Deadline,所以才会如此精准。
分析得很对!我是2月ME3月体检的,也是early next year.上个帖子本来把信粘过来了,不知怎么回事,竟没有!
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

今天收到ipso的邮件要expecting landing date, 回信说了使馆要我等明年,还告诉了他们我的机票日期。不过估计他们是想确定我登陆之前有足够的时间和mentor互动。
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

昨天给vo发邮件希望能早点DM,回复如下:连early next year 都没有了,好伤心!
Please note that we do not require any other documents besides the updated PRC police certificates. Note that your applications in queue for final review.
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

Dear Sir/Madam,

At this time all the documents that we require have been received, your application is in queue for final review. Please be patient, we anticipate finalizing case next year.


回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please note that you were informed that we "anticipate" to finalize case in December. Note that this was an estimation of a time frame, did not mean your case will be finalized on first day of December. Note that finalization still follows a queue system Please be patient.

Yours sincerely,

Visa and Immigration Section | Section des Visas et de l'Immigration
Canadian Embassy | Ambassade du Canada

19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China | Beijing, Chine 100600
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please note that you were informed that we "anticipate" to finalize case in December. Note that this was an estimation of a time frame, did not mean your case will be finalized on first day of December. Note that finalization still follows a queue system Please be patient.

Yours sincerely,

Visa and Immigration Section | Section des Visas et de l'Immigration
Canadian Embassy | Ambassade du Canada

19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China | Beijing, Chine 100600
呀 又12月了 ?不是明年了 ?
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please note that you were informed that we "anticipate" to finalize case in December. Note that this was an estimation of a time frame, did not mean your case will be finalized on first day of December. Note that finalization still follows a queue system Please be patient.

Yours sincerely,

Visa and Immigration Section | Section des Visas et de l'Immigration
Canadian Embassy | Ambassade du Canada

19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China | Beijing, Chine 100600

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please note that you were informed that we "anticipate" to finalize case in December. Note that this was an estimation of a time frame, did not mean your case will be finalized on first day of December. Note that finalization still follows a queue system Please be patient.

Yours sincerely,

Visa and Immigration Section | Section des Visas et de l'Immigration
Canadian Embassy | Ambassade du Canada

19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China | Beijing, Chine 100600

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM

昨天给vo发邮件希望能早点DM,回复如下:连early next year 都没有了,好伤心!

Please note that we do not require any other documents besides the updated PRC police certificates. Note that your applications in queue for final review.

回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please note that you were informed that we "anticipate" to finalize case in December. Note that this was an estimation of a time frame, did not mean your case will be finalized on first day of December. Note that finalization still follows a queue system Please be patient.

:wdb6: david收到的回复不仅个性,还挺鼓舞人心啊:wdb19:有理由相信今年仍旧有戏啊 不过 不能寄希望太大 以免失望啊:wdb12::wdb7:
不是12月的第一天 总还是属于12月吧?他们圣诞节还是要放假的吧?应该快了吧?:wdb10:
横竖都是等 大家开心些 :wdb23::wdb23::wdb9:
回复: 接过石头的大旗:2012年ME的北京TX继续喉DM


Dear Sir/Madam,

Please note that you were informed that we "anticipate" to finalize case in December. Note that this was an estimation of a time frame, did not mean your case will be finalized on first day of December. Note that finalization still follows a queue system Please be patient.

Yours sincerely,

Visa and Immigration Section | Section des Visas et de l'Immigration
Canadian Embassy | Ambassade du Canada

19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China | Beijing, Chine 100600




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