家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版

87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

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那请问:这个顺序的635人是TIM的还是包含其他律师的? 有点菜啊。。

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回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响



最后编辑: 2012-12-03
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响


------ CIC的律师如何从一开始就计划把TIM的官司(本来与87.4完全无关),拖到告87.4违宪的路上来

------ 614判决书里为什么有case by case review这个未完成的行动,为什么635人的case by case才是CIC最怕的

------ 在“150人放水”事件之前,TIM就提议用25.2来解决胜诉的人,这个25.2能起到什么作用

------ 集体诉讼(28万人的),是对CIC和保守党最大的打击,但对起诉人没什么好处
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响


------ CIC的律师如何从一开始就计划把TIM的官司(本来与87.4完全无关),拖到告87.4违宪的路上来

------ 614判决书里为什么有case by case review这个未完成的行动,为什么635人的case by case才是CIC最怕的

------ 在“150人放水”事件之前,TIM就提议用25.2来解决胜诉的人,这个25.2能起到什么作用

------ 集体诉讼(28万人的),是对CIC和保守党最大的打击,但对起诉人没什么好处
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Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog

Dong Wang has waited almost six years for his immigration dream to be fulfilled. This week, he and 900 other applicants will find out from a Canadian court if their long wait has been in vain.

The 33-year-old native of the Chinese city of Dalian applied to immigrate to Canada in 2006. He has been put through an emotional rollercoaster since he joined a lawsuit last November against Ottawa for warehousing backlogged immigration applications and failing to process them in a timely fashion.

In February, Wang got a letter from Immigration saying his application had been assessed and he and his wife should prepare the necessary documents, take the English language test and get a medical exam.

“We were all excited and full of hope after waiting for so long and so much effort we had made,” said Wang, an executive with an international hotel management group.
The bomb dropped in March when Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced a new law to clear the immigration backlog of 280,000 applicants. Bill C-38 would come into effect June 29.

In April, the couple got a “stop-submit” letter from Immigration. “Please ignore our recent request to submit full application forms and supporting documentation,” it read. “This office will not put your application into process. We will contact you . . . regarding refund of the processing fees.”

Last month, just before Bill C-38 became law, the Federal Court ruled on the case of the 900-plus applicants, saying the government must expedite the processing of the backlogged applications.

But on June 29, Citizenship and Immigration Canada stated that all applications filed before February 2008, when new selection criteria were introduced by Kenney, would be terminated.

“We’re really disappointed and sad,” Wang told the Star from China.

Tim Leahy, lawyer for the 900 litigants, is taking one last shot, asking the court to direct Immigration to assess their cases under humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Justice Robert Barnes is expected to deliver his decision this week.

Litigant Justin Pang, 30, who filed his application from Beijing six years ago, hopes the court will make a fair and sensible decision to get them justice, given the backlog isn’t the making of the applicants but the Canadian government.

“I have done everything I could that they asked me to, but finally they only gave me one letter to deny all the efforts I’ve made,” said the Tsinghua University graduate, an IT manager for a Fortune 500 company in Beijing.
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

以上7月底多伦多星报对香港ME被切的同学的采访,有TIM的呼吁:Tim Leahy, lawyer for the 900 litigants, is taking one last shot, asking the court to direct Immigration to assess their cases under humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Justice Robert Barnes is expected to deliver his decision this week.

under humanitarian and compassionate grounds的依据就是最近CIC的公告和150人放水的依据,移民法25.2.


29 The Applicant's argument that the Minister maintains discretionto process these terminated applications under Section 25 of the Acf must also fail. Section 25, as recently amended by Bill C-31, requires that requests
for humanitarian and compassionate consideration be accompanied by an application for permanent residence. Section 87.4 unequivocally terminates
the application by operation of law and thus no application exists to which s. 25 could apply

25.1 和25.2 法律条款:

25. (1) The Minister must, on request of a foreign
national in Canada who is inadmissible or
who does not meet the requirements of this
Act, and may, on request of a foreign national
outside Canada, examine the circumstances
concerning the foreign national and may
grant the foreign national permanent resident
status or an exemption from any applicable
criteria or obligations of this Act if the
Minister is of the opinion that it is justified
by humanitarian and compassionate
considerations relating to the foreign national,
taking into account the best interests of a
child directly affected. [emphasis supplied]

25.2 (1) The Minister may, in examining the circumstances
concerning a foreign national who is inadmissible or
who does not meet the requirements of this Act,
grant that person permanent resident status or an
exemption from any applicable criteria or
obligations of this Act if the foreign national
complies with any conditions imposed by the
Minister and the Minister is of the opinion that it
is justified by public policy considerations.


17. To be sure, the respondent has quibbled over how these provisions may be accessed,
but the objections are easily parried. Section 25(1), they say, requires an application, but,
it does not: it only requires a “request”; e.g., this motion. But, even so, the Court may
direct the respondent to treat the closed application as having met that requirement, may
direct the respondent to approve the litigants pursuant to s. 25(1) upon receipt of a new
request that he do so or the Court may direct the respondent to exempt the litigants
from the requirement to submit a (new) application. After all, the stated purpose of the
provision to grant landing to someone who does not meet a requirement. Thus, even if
a formal application is required, they may still be landed despite not having made one.

18. With respect to s. 25.1, the respondent asserts without citing any authority – and
for good reason – that the Court may not direct the Minister to access s. 25.1. With all
due respect, the FCA does not impose that limitation. Thus, the Court has the power to
direct the respondent to treat the honouring of ¶14 of the Protocol as being justified on
humanitarian and compassionate grounds because the litigants have been dutifully
waiting in the immigration queue for four to eight years.
最后编辑: 2012-12-04
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响


Although it does not apply to any of the litigants, it proves that I have been right all along: the Minister has the means to override the effect of s. 87.4, contrary to what DoJ has been arguing in Court. The Minister's having done so effectively means that DoJ has been lying to the Court with respect to enforcement of the Agreement. If anyone over there has any smarts, they'll immediately offer to settle our cases.


回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响




DOJ的律师三番五次弄虚作假戏弄法庭,这个行为本身对我们有利。至于25.1和25.2的作用,对我们没什么重大的意义,只要Justice Rennie在一月判决CIC审理635人,CIC再怎么叫苦没办法绕开87.4也跑不了。
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但这已经不重要了。我还是坚持我的看法:不指望CIC妥协,我的信心在Justice Rennie,他的614判决书早埋下了伏笔
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回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements applicable to that class.

(4) Any fees paid to the Minister in respect of the application referred to in subsection (1) ― including for the acquisition of permanent resident status ― must be returned, without interest, to the person who paid them. The amounts payable may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.


根据上面引用的,329后selection decision获得VISA的,也必须被强制退费

87.4决定申请人是否一刀切的唯一标准是329前有没有selection decision,329后SD获得VISA的,按87.4字面理解也必须收回VISA一刀切

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5月底TIM向法庭申请禁制令要求起诉人的案子不受新法的影响,保持不被关闭的状态,这个动议被否决了,5月23Canadian Press的报道:


A spokeswoman for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says they were pleased and not surprised by the ruling.
Ana Curic says the government believes the bill will withstand any legal challenges and she called the backlog a roadblock to Canada's ability to respond to labour market needs.



6月官司胜诉后,CIC拖到7月份C38木已成舟才出来执行判决,只给329前有selection decision和227的总共100多人审理时间表,大部分329前没SD他们给的答复是:欢迎他们重新打87.4违宪的诉讼。


第[20] 到 [22]段

前面两段描述C38通过后哪些人要被切掉以及329后法庭判决无效,最后一段Justice Rennie给出他的结论:

While both the applicants and the respondent sought to rely on the existence of this amendment currently before the House of Commons, it has not, and cannot, play any part in the disposition of these applications.


6月14号的时候C38是个草案没有任何效力,所以CIC等到6月29号它生效之后再出来宣布635人被一刀切了,CIC单方面的决定至今没有得到法庭的回应,因为Justice Barnes不对动议作任何判决。


635人的案子在6月29号以后真的被切了吗?事实是,这个判决是6月14出来的,当时C38没生效,它已经定格在C38之前了,CIC所做的,依然是用一部法律草案来处理案件。Justice Rennie花那么多笔墨解释法律草案是什么东西能不能发挥作用和他在庭下说的协议能起作用是相呼应的。

一月中旬开庭,参加TIM的尤其是614之前的人能不能获得终审胜诉判决,让CIC不能上诉只能执行判决,完全取决于Justice Rennie是否和他在614的判决保持一致,取决于他是否认定C38不适用于他自己6月14的判决。




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