回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响
今天TIM给大家群发了一封Happy new year的邮件,希望那里说的东西不仅仅是祝愿,而应该是能实现的目标。
我对很多地方持保留意见,但今天就不公开反驳了,嘿嘿。律师写文章的风格自然就是迂回曲折、拐弯抹角、zigzag风格的。就像Jane Austen写的小说语言一样如果不认真去逐句理解就会感到费解。想当初我刚读完大一就去读了英文原版无删节的Jane Eyre,虽然满眼看上去都是生词,还是比较流畅的从头看到尾看完感动的一塌糊涂。后来词汇量倍增了再看原版的傲慢与偏见,Jane Austen的绕来绕去话里有话高深莫测的风格总让我感到要硬着头皮才能看下去。最后终于读完了,才发现它的乐趣无穷,于是又看了Emma。奥斯汀的所有书都买来了,不过其他的都无暇顾及了,因为我又发现了其他的乐趣。
He is confident in his argument and believes that it pertains even more to our group, by which he means those who joined before June 14th/29th.
614前加入的无可争议的占了优势哈。希望这位Rocco Galatti律师能助我们一臂之力。
If the Court declares s. 87.4 to be invalid, all the files will be resurrected -- subject to a certain appeal. If so, I will ask our dear judge to reconsider his denial of my motion asking him to enforce the Agreement. After all, the reason DoJ gave for not honouring it was s. 87.4. With it removed, the only issue should be whether it will extend to those who joined after June 14th.
如果一月16法庭宣布87.4一刀切不合法,我们的动议就有可能重新获准。因为无论是CIC还是Justice Barnes不同意LIANG案剩余案件获得审理的理由都是87.4. 但是614后进来的希望还是小多了。
If they refuse, I will litigate that issue, relying on the Agreement as the basis of the class-action I will be filing solely for our group. I will file just one case and then ask that it be certified. That should get us out of Justice Barnes' malevolent grip.
这个集体诉讼将摆脱Justice Barnes的魔爪。
new year resolution:继续学好法语,以便我能更好理解法语歌剧;继续扩大英语词汇量,以便读懂更多原版书。当然我坚持无论在哪里,对讲国语的中国人说汉语。虽然英语文化的确强大,但自从我10多年前接触了