8:00am 到carborough civi centre 三楼,发现超级人多,也有70多人吧,心想这个加拿大公民身份也太受欢迎了吧。到了8:15分,一个华裔女儿出来说,申请枫叶卡的跟我进来,公民考试坐着等。哗啦….走了一大半,剩下不到20人。5分钟后,一个印裔女儿出来城市的,说公民考试的出示通知信进入考场,之后站在门口,给进入的每一个人发一张答题卡。
Everone make sure have the copy of your passport , if you don’t have the photocopy, please raise your hand and my colleague will do the copy for you. 早知道之前就不用特地跑去copy 了。 还有,就是面试时,一定要出示landing paper,two IDs
笔试完毕交卷后,到隔壁的room等待面试。如果笔试不过,up to 四周会通知二次笔试。如果面试不通过要等两年法官面试,如果笔试通过,但面试不过,一样要等两年见法官。不得交头接耳,不得打开试题until 全部人拿到题……balabalabala……
我交卷后,隔壁的房间等面试,6月3号改革后,面试时马上告之考试结果,我答对了19题,合格分是20题必须答对15题。4个工作人员负责面试,白人女人全程面带微笑,面谈时点头哈腰的,不知道还以为她才是interviewee, 亚裔中年男人,估计是马来西亚之类的,用鼻子发音的,反正我坐后面是没办法听清楚他说什么,印裔女人,没啥特别,每人问几条问题后,签名,finish走人。Chinese 怀孕女人,不知如何形容,反正就是那种太古一块砖头掉下来砸到三,四个的那种,全程声音高八度,眼睛45度角斜看你。,不把你问倒不甘心的那种。一直pray不要是她叫我的名字,不过我是那种好事多磨的人,估计也逃不过的。看她面试一个chinese 男人,repeat and repeat 的问了一通后,听到她对那个男人说“well…..you passed the writing test, unfortunate, you did not get the pass of the interview, so…….(声音再提高两度) you need to wait for the interview with the judge, that……..will process two years , do you know what I mean?之后看见那个男人整个人歇了气的皮球一样,。之后,就听见她高声呼喊我的名字,马上屁颠屁颠的走到她面前点哈腰问好,blablabla…….一通后,签了一堆名字,告诉我可以走了,回去等通知宣誓。我马上以最快速度跑人,算是完成了全过程。
1.Prairie provinces
2.what is a noble way to contribute to Canada
3.Constitutional Act of 1791
4.American as a visitor in Canada , can she
votes in federal elections
5.after a election, the leader of the political party with the most seats , what don’t we call(这个貌似容易,但给的选择so confusing)
a)opposition party
b)premier party
c)leading party
6. Lacrosse, an ancient sport first played by whom
7. why the Canadian right and freedom are important to the Canada
8. which is the constitutional freedom
9. Three part of parliament
10.three branches of government
11.what is the federal government responsibility
12.what do we call the head of state
13.who are eligible to vote
14.which war make Canada keep partly from the United States.
15.who established here long before explorers from Europe first came to North America
8:00am 到carborough civi centre 三楼,发现超级人多,也有70多人吧,心想这个加拿大公民身份也太受欢迎了吧。到了8:15分,一个华裔女儿出来说,申请枫叶卡的跟我进来,公民考试坐着等。哗啦….走了一大半,剩下不到20人。5分钟后,一个印裔女儿出来城市的,说公民考试的出示通知信进入考场,之后站在门口,给进入的每一个人发一张答题卡。
Everone make sure have the copy of your passport , if you don’t have the photocopy, please raise your hand and my colleague will do the copy for you. 早知道之前就不用特地跑去copy 了。 还有,就是面试时,一定要出示landing paper,two IDs
笔试完毕交卷后,到隔壁的room等待面试。如果笔试不过,up to 四周会通知二次笔试。如果面试不通过要等两年法官面试,如果笔试通过,但面试不过,一样要等两年见法官。不得交头接耳,不得打开试题until 全部人拿到题……balabalabala……
我交卷后,隔壁的房间等面试,6月3号改革后,面试时马上告之考试结果,我答对了19题,合格分是20题必须答对15题。4个工作人员负责面试,白人女人全程面带微笑,面谈时点头哈腰的,不知道还以为她才是interviewee, 亚裔中年男人,估计是马来西亚之类的,用鼻子发音的,反正我坐后面是没办法听清楚他说什么,印裔女人,没啥特别,每人问几条问题后,签名,finish走人。Chinese 怀孕女人,不知如何形容,反正就是那种太古一块砖头掉下来砸到三,四个的那种,全程声音高八度,眼睛45度角斜看你。,不把你问倒不甘心的那种。一直pray不要是她叫我的名字,不过我是那种好事多磨的人,估计也逃不过的。看她面试一个chinese 男人,repeat and repeat 的问了一通后,听到她对那个男人说“well…..you passed the writing test, unfortunate, you did not get the pass of the interview, so…….(声音再提高两度) you need to wait for the interview with the judge, that……..will process two years , do you know what I mean?之后看见那个男人整个人歇了气的皮球一样,。之后,就听见她高声呼喊我的名字,马上屁颠屁颠的走到她面前点哈腰问好,blablabla…….一通后,签了一堆名字,告诉我可以走了,回去等通知宣誓。我马上以最快速度跑人,算是完成了全过程。
1.Prairie provinces
2.what is a noble way to contribute to Canada
3.Constitutional Act of 1791
4.American as a visitor in Canada , can she
votes in federal elections
5.after a election, the leader of the political party with the most seats , what don’t we call(这个貌似容易,但给的选择so confusing)
a)opposition party
b)premier party
c)leading party
6. Lacrosse, an ancient sport first played by whom
7. why the Canadian right and freedom are important to the Canada
8. which is the constitutional freedom
9. Three part of parliament
10.three branches of government
11.what is the federal government responsibility
12.what do we call the head of state
13.who are eligible to vote
14.which war make Canada keep partly from the United States.
15.who established here long before explorers from Europe first came to North America