
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

Quebecers are the people of Quebec, the vast
majority French-speaking. Most are descendants
of 8,500 French settlers from the 1600s and
1700s and maintain a unique identity, culture and
language. The House of Commons recognized in
2006 that the Quebecois form a nation within
a united Canada.



回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

Quebecers are the people of Quebec, the vast
majority French-speaking. Most are descendants
of 8,500 French settlers from the 1600s and
1700s and maintain a unique identity, culture and
language. The House of Commons recognized in
2006 that the Quebecois form a nation within
a united Canada.



回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

3. Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
A. Vote in federal, provincial and territorial elections
B. Apply for a Canadian passport, enter/leave Canada freely and vote in elections
C. Be candidates in federal, provincial and territorial elections
D. All of the above
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3. Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
A. Vote in federal, provincial and territorial elections
B. Apply for a Canadian passport, enter/leave Canada freely and vote in elections
C. Be candidates in federal, provincial and territorial elections
D. All of the above
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3. Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
A. Vote in federal, provincial and territorial elections
B. Apply for a Canadian passport, enter/leave Canada freely and vote in elections
C. Be candidates in federal, provincial and territorial elections
D. All of the above
Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Legal rights
Equality under the law
Freedom of religion
A C属於公民权利


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Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Legal rights
Equality under the law
Freedom of religion
A C属於公民权利


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2.Name the wars fought as part of the United Nations.
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]the Korean War from 1950 to 1953[/FONT]

3.the name of the flag before our present one or: the question could be:

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Which flag served as the Canadian flag for 100 years?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]the Canadian Red Ensign.[/FONT]
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上面第九题引起争论,按书的意思,ab 俩答案都不对,清楚的同学麻烦帮分析分析.
The Canadian justice system guarantees everyone due process under the law. Our judicial system is
founded on the
presumption of innocence in criminal matters, meaning everyone is innocent until proven

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上面第九题引起争论,按书的意思,ab 俩答案都不对,清楚的同学麻烦帮分析分析.

我觉得答案是Canada's legal system is based on a heritage that includes the rule of law, freedom under the law, democratic principles and due process is the principle that the government must respect all of legal rights a person is entitled to under the law.
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昨天6月5号,和老公一起去SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTRE参加了公民考试。6月3号出的新政策,我们也算是尝新的吧。首先是考试流程改了,以前是先面试后考试,现在改为先考试,后面试。考完交了卷就到隔壁一个房间等着,有4个面试的人,叫到谁的名字,谁上去面试。感觉这样比较合理,因为先考完的人可以先面试。但是后来发现好像不完全是按照考完的顺序叫的,因为有两个比我们晚考完的,反而在我们前面面试,还有一个小伙很早就考完了,一直到我们面试完走了,他还坐在那里。
不用再忐忑不安地等结果了。4个面试的人是1个白人美眉,1个黑人美眉,1个白人大婶和1个白人大叔。我们运气挺好,分在黑人美眉那组,她动作最快,感觉没问什么问题就完成了。一开始先问我们是不是经常出入加拿大,我们回答不经常。记得以前有童鞋被问到出入境的具体时间,我们没有。然后又问有几个孩子,多大,做什么工作,我们回答老公工作,我在家带孩子。然后黑人美眉拿出我们申请的表格,指着上面我的工作一栏说:“你这儿原来写的是SEEKING WORK,我给你改成HOUSEWIFE可以吗?”,我说当然行,然后她就改了,还让我INITIAL了一下。然后就把我们考试的答题卡拿出来,说恭喜你们考过了。我20题全对,老公对了19题。她对着我老公说:“SHE BEATS YOU", 还说老公该给我买礼物。我本着谦虚使人进步的原则,说因为我比老公用功。最后问我们有没有和警察有过瓜葛,我们说从来没有。然后就告诉我们2到4个月内会通知我们唱歌,我们很高兴地道了谢,就走了。再说一下考试题目,总体感觉还是比较简单的。我们复习的时候做了2遍网上的模拟题,看了两遍书。我考的题目基本都在模拟题的范围里,但是有好几道,说法不一样,但是知识点还是一样的。有一题模拟题里没有的,是问为什么英语和法语是官方语言。但是几个备选的答案只有一个比较靠谱,另外三个都很扯,一个说是因为英语和法语最容易学,一个说因为有很多英,法的游客,还有一个说是因为我们喜欢英国和法国的体育运动。所以即使没看过书,也知道该选哪一个。这次考题有好几道,都是类似这种情况。虽然正确答案和书上以及模拟题的说法都不一样,但是其他几个答案完全是在胡扯,所以不难选择。我老公错了那道,是问第一个女MP,好像是叫什么Anges McPail吧,结果他给选成了第一个女PM。对了,我有一道题是问那个皇家骑警的前身的,题目是1873年成立的保卫西部和管理印第安人的组织叫什么名字?这个我不知道,不过四个答案中一个是WTO, 一个是NATA, 一个是UN,这三个明显不是,所以就选了另外一个啦。终于搞定了公民考试,很高兴。
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!


1. The greatest Canadian hockey player is Wayne Gretzky
2. The first female member of parliament is Agnes Mc Phail
3. The tallest mountain is named after Sir William Logan
4. Canada’s greatest soldier in the First World War is Sir Arthur Currie
5. Who helped to form the new country called the Dominion of Canada? first Prime Minister of Canada John A. Macdonald
6. Who is considered by many to be the father of Manitoba? Louis Riel
7. Who was the first leader of a responsible government in the Canadas in 1849? Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine
8. Who circled globe in a wheelchair to raise funds for spinal cord research? Rick Hansen
9. Who became the first French-Canadian Prime Minister since the formation of Confederation? Sir Wilfrid Laurier
10. The 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, the 15th Governor General is John Buchan
11. The current Leader of the Official Opposition? NDP Thomas Mulcair
12. First to map Canada’s Atlantic shore? John Cabot
13. First European to explore the St. Lawrence River and to set eyes on present-day Québec City and Montreal? Jacques Cartier
14. Lord Durham recommended "responsible government
15. Current Governor General David Johnston


* John Cabot was first to draw a map of Canada's east coast in 1497
* Hudson's Bay exclusive trading rights 1670
* British defeated French in the battle of the Plains of Abraham at Quebec City 1759
* Quebec Act, constitutional foudations of Canada, allowed religious freedom 1774
* The Constitutional Act, divided the province of Quebec into upper and lower Canada, 1st time legislative assemblies elected by the people, the name Canada became official, 1791
* In which year was the British Parliament prohibited from buying and selling slaves? 1807
* Abolished slavery throughout the Empire. 1833
* Ottawa was chosen as the Capital in 1857 by Queen Victoria
* British North America Act 1867
* Peace, Order and Good Government 1867
* Vimy Day? April 9
* Women's suffrage movement, Manitoba became the 1st province to grant voting rights to women. 1916
* OAS was devised 1927
* EI was introduced 1940
* QPP 1965
* The Canadians fought bravely and suffered losses in the unsuccessful defence of Hong Kong (1941) from attack by Imperial Japan, and in a failed raid on Nazi-controlled Dieppe on the coast of France (1942).
* Over 130,000 Allied air crew trained in Canada under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan.
* D-Day (June 6, 1944)
* Japanese Canadian gained the right to vote in 1948, Aboriginal people were granted the vote in 1960.
* Quiet Revolution 1960s
* Official Languages Act 1969
* In the 1970s, the term First Nations began to be used.
* The Constitution of Canada was amended in 1982 to entrench the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which begins with the words, “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.”
* Federal elections must be held on the third Monday in October every four years following the most recent general election.
* What is celebrated on the 15th of February? National Flag of Canada Day
最后编辑: 2013-09-20
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

看到这样一道练习题, 应该佐证了前面的疑问:
Under Canadian law, why is every person presumed to be innocent until proven guilty?
A Freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression
B Men and women are equal under the law.
C To guarantee the due legal process under the law
D No person or group is above the law.


回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!


昨天6月5号,和老公一起去SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTRE参加了公民考试。6月3号出的新政策,我们也算是尝新的吧。首先是考试流程改了,以前是先面试后考试,现在改为先考试,后面试。考完交了卷就到隔壁一个房间等着,有4个面试的人,叫到谁的名字,谁上去面试。感觉这样比较合理,因为先考完的人可以先面试。但是后来发现好像不完全是按照考完的顺序叫的,因为有两个比我们晚考完的,反而在我们前面面试,还有一个小伙很早就考完了,一直到我们面试完走了,他还坐在那里。
不用再忐忑不安地等结果了。4个面试的人是1个白人美眉,1个黑人美眉,1个白人大婶和1个白人大叔。我们运气挺好,分在黑人美眉那组,她动作最快,感觉没问什么问题就完成了。一开始先问我们是不是经常出入加拿大,我们回答不经常。记得以前有童鞋被问到出入境的具体时间,我们没有。然后又问有几个孩子,多大,做什么工作,我们回答老公工作,我在家带孩子。然后黑人美眉拿出我们申请的表格,指着上面我的工作一栏说:“你这儿原来写的是SEEKING WORK,我给你改成HOUSEWIFE可以吗?”,我说当然行,然后她就改了,还让我INITIAL了一下。然后就把我们考试的答题卡拿出来,说恭喜你们考过了。我20题全对,老公对了19题。她对着我老公说:“SHE BEATS YOU", 还说老公该给我买礼物。我本着谦虚使人进步的原则,说因为我比老公用功。最后问我们有没有和警察有过瓜葛,我们说从来没有。然后就告诉我们2到4个月内会通知我们唱歌,我们很高兴地道了谢,就走了。再说一下考试题目,总体感觉还是比较简单的。我们复习的时候做了2遍网上的模拟题,看了两遍书。我考的题目基本都在模拟题的范围里,但是有好几道,说法不一样,但是知识点还是一样的。有一题模拟题里没有的,是问为什么英语和法语是官方语言。但是几个备选的答案只有一个比较靠谱,另外三个都很扯,一个说是因为英语和法语最容易学,一个说因为有很多英,法的游客,还有一个说是因为我们喜欢英国和法国的体育运动。所以即使没看过书,也知道该选哪一个。这次考题有好几道,都是类似这种情况。虽然正确答案和书上以及模拟题的说法都不一样,但是其他几个答案完全是在胡扯,所以不难选择。我老公错了那道,是问第一个女MP,好像是叫什么Anges McPail吧,结果他给选成了第一个女PM。对了,我有一道题是问那个皇家骑警的前身的,题目是1873年成立的保卫西部和管理印第安人的组织叫什么名字?这个我不知道,不过四个答案中一个是WTO, 一个是NATA, 一个是UN,这三个明显不是,所以就选了另外一个啦。终于搞定了公民考试,很高兴。
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

今天参加了考试,Vancouver 的。

1.parliament 的三个部分;
2.冬季的national sport;
3.1604 French colonist的后裔;
7.northen covers 1/3 land;
8.freedom不包括什么---》freedom of revenge..
11.Yukon最高山的命名--》willam logan
12.federal responsibilities

最后编辑: 2013-08-18
回复: 送人玫瑰手留余香,请参加入籍考试的朋友进来,谢谢!

我觉得答案是Canada's legal system is based on a heritage that includes the rule of law, freedom under the law, democratic principles and due process is the principle that the government must respect all of legal rights a person is entitled to under the law.

对了,我今天也考到了这题。what is due process based on我选的是" presumption of innocence "。正确。

这题问的不是due process 的定义-----the principle that government .........entitled to under the law.

这题问的是:(在司法审判中)政府尊重个人所拥有权利(如请律师 陪审团裁定)的基础是什么呢?换句话,为什么政府能尊重个人被赋予的权利?那当然是这个人先假定无罪'presumption of innocence '所以选这个。




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