回复: 世界基督教发展现状:数据说话
Zande people
"The word Azande means the people who possess much land, and refers to their history as conquering warriors.
There are many variant spellings of Azande, including: Zande, Zandeh, A-Zandeh, Sandeh, etc.
The name Niam-Niam (or Nyam-Nyam) was frequently used by foreigners to refer to the Azande in the 19th and early 20th century.
This name is probably of Dinka origin, and means great eaters in that language (as well as being an onomatopoeia), supposedly referring to cannibalistic propensities. This name for the Azande was in use by other tribes in South Sudan, and later adopted by westerners. Today the name Niam-Niam is considered pejorative."
他们中间已经有很大一部分是基督徒了但仍然保留了以前传统宗教的影响 - 显然其中还有许多人并没有真正接受主耶稣而只是跟着家长或者族长成为基督徒的。尽管如此,尽管吃人的事还有,但已经在当地也从"勇士"行为变成了是在暴乱时期才有的“疯狗”行为。这正是基督真理改造人心的权能的彰显。