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 第一百二十八条 股票发行价格可以按票面金额,也可以超过票面金额,但不得低于票面金额。
Article 128 The stocks may be issued at a price equal to or above the par value, but not below the par value.
Article 129 The stocks shall be in paper form or in other forms prescribed by the securities

  第一百二十九条 股票采用纸面形式或者国务院证券监督管理机构规定的其他形式。
Article 129 The stocks shall be in paper form or in other forms prescribed by the securities regulatory institution of the State Council. A stock shall state the following major items:

(1) the company name;
(2) the date of establishment of the company;
(3) the class and par value of the stock, as well as the number of shares it represents; and
(4) the serial number of the stock.
The stock shall bear the signature of the legal representative and the seal of the company.
The stocks held by the initiators shall be marked with the words "initiators' stocks"
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第一百三十条 公司发行的股票,可以为记名股票,也可以为无记名股票。
Article 130 The stocks issued by a company may be registered stocks or unregistered stocks.
The stocks issued to initiators or juridical persons shall be registered stocks, which shall state the names of such initiators or juridical persons, and shall not be registered in any other person's name or the name of any representative.
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第一百三十一条 公司发行记名股票的,应当置备股东名册,记载下列事项:
Article 131 A company that issues registered stocks shall prepare a register of shareholders, which shall state the following:
(1) the name and domicile of every shareholder;
(2) the number of shares held by each shareholder;
(3) the serial numbers of the stocks held by every shareholder; and
(4) the date on which every shareholder acquired his shares.
A company issuing unregistered stocks shall record the amount, serial numbers and issuance date of the stocks.
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第一百三十二条 国务院可以对公司发行本法规定以外的其他种类的股份,另行作出规定。
  第一百三十三条 股份有限公司成立后,即向股东正式交付股票。公司成立前不得向股东交付股票。 Article 133 After a joint stock limited company is established, it shall formally deliver the stocks to the shareholders. No company may deliver any stock to the shareholders prior to its establishment.
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第一百三十四条 公司发行新股,股东大会应当对下列事项作出决议:
Article 134 Where a company intends to issue new stocks, it shall, under its articles of association, make a resolution on the following matters through the shareholders' meeting or the board of directors:
(1) the class and amount of new stocks;
(2) the issuing price of the new stocks;
(3) the beginning and ending dates for the issuance of the new stocks; and
(4) the class and amount of the new stocks to be issued to the original shareholders.
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第一百三十五条 公司经国务院证券监督管理机构核准公开发行新股时,必须公告新股招股说明书和财务会计报告,并制作认股书。
Article 135 When a company publicly issues new stocks upon approval of the securities regulatory institution of the State Council, it shall publish a new stock prospectus and its financial reports, and shall make a stock subscription form.
The provisions of Articles 88 and 89 of this Law shall apply to the public offering of new stocks of a company.

  第一百三十六条 公司发行新股,可以根据公司经营情况和财务状况,确定其作价方案。
Article 136 When a company issues new stocks, it may make a pricing plan in light of its business operation and financial status.
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  第一百三十七条 公司发行新股募足股款后,必须向公司登记机关办理变更登记,并公告

Article 137 After a company raises enough capital, it shall go through the modification registration in the company registration authority, and make an public announcement.
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 第二节 股份转让​
Section 2Transfer of Shares​

  第一百三十八条 股东持有的股份可以依法转让。
Article 138 The shares held by the stockholders may be transferred according to law.

  第一百三十九条 股东转让其股份,应当在依法设立的证券交易场所进行或者按照国务院规定的其他方式进行。
Article 139 Where a stockholder intends to transfer its shares, it shall transfer its shares in a lawfully established stock exchange or by any other means as prescribed by the State Council.
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第一百四十条 记名股票,由股东以背书方式或者法律、行政法规规定的其他方式转让;转让后由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于股东名册。
Article 140 The transfer of a registered stock shall be effected by the stockholder's endorsement or by any other means stipulated by relevant laws or administrative regulations. After the transfer, the company shall record the name and domicile of the transferee in the register of shareholders.
Within 20 days before a meeting of shareholders is held, or within 5 days prior to the benchmark date decided by the company for the distribution of dividends, no modification registration may be made to the register of shareholders as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. However, if any law otherwise provides for the modification registration of the register of shareholders of listed companies, the latter shall prevail.
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第一百四十一条 无记名股票的转让,由股东将该股票交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。
Article 141 The transfer of an unregistered stock becomes valid as soon as the stockholder delivers the stock to the transferee.

  第一百四十二条 发起人持有的本公司股份,自公司成立之日起一年内不得转让。公司公开发行股份前已发行的股份,自公司股票在证券交易所上市交易之日起一年内不得转让。
Article 142 The shares of a company held by the initiators of this company shall not be transferred within 1 year as of the day of establishment of the company. The shares issued before the company publicly issues shares shall not be transferred within 1 year as of the day when the stocks of the company get listed and are traded in a stock exchange.
The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company shall declare to the company the shares held by them and the changes thereof.
During the term of office, the shares transferred by any of them each year shall not exceed 25% of the total shares of the company he holds.
The shares of the company held by the aforesaid persons shall not be transferred within 1 year as of the day when the stocks of the company get listed and are traded in a stock exchange. After any of the aforesaid persons is removed from his post, he shall not transfer the shares of the company he holds. The articles of association may have other restrictions on the transfer of shares held by the directors, supervisors and senior managers.
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第一百四十三条 公司不得收购本公司股份。但是,有下列情形之一的除外:
Article 143 A company shall not purchase its own shares, except for any of the following circumstances:
(1) to decrease the registered capital of the company;
(2) to merge with another company holding shares of this company;
(3) to award the employees of this company with shares; or
(4) It is requested by any shareholder to purchase his shares because this shareholder raises objections to the company's resolution on merger or split-up made at a session of the meeting of shareholders.
Where a company needs to purchase its own shares for any of the reasons as mentioned in Items (1) through (3) of the preceding paragraph, it shall be subject to a resolution of the shareholders' meeting. After the company purchases its own shares according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall, under the circumstance as mentioned in Item (1) , write them off within 10 days after the purchase; while under the circumstance as mentioned either in Item (2) or (4) , shall transfer them or write them off within 6 months.

The shares purchased by the company according to Item (3) of the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 5% of the total shares already issued by this company. The funds used for the share acquisition shall be paid from the aftertax profits of the company. The shares purchased by the company shall be transferred to the employees within 1 year.
No company may accept any subject matter taking the stocks of this company as a pledge.
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

第一百四十四条 记名股票被盗、遗失或者灭失,股东可以依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》规定的公示催告程序,请求人民法院宣告该股票失效。人民法院宣告该股票失效后,股东可以向公司申请补发股票。
Article 144 In case any registered stocks are stolen, lost or destroyed, the shareholder may request the people's court to declare these stocks invalid in light of the public notice procedure prescribed in the Civil Procedural Law of the People's Republic of China. After the people's court has invalidated these stocks, the shareholder may file an application to the company for issuance of new stocks.
  第一百四十五条 上市公司的股票,依照有关法律、行政法规及证券交易所交易规则上市交易。
Article 145 The stocks of a listed company shall get listed and traded according to relevant laws, administrative regulations, as well as the dealing rules of the stock exchange.
  第一百四十六条 上市公司必须依照法律、行政法规的规定,公开其财务状况、经营情况及重大诉讼,在每会计年度内半年公布一次财务会计报告。
Article 146 A listed company shall, in light of laws and administrative regulations, publicize its financial status, business operation and important lawsuits, and shall publish its financial reports once every six months in each fiscal year.
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新公司法--第六章 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格和义务
Chapter VI Qualifications and Obligations of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers of a Company

  第一百四十七条 有下列情形之一的,不得担任公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员:
Article 147 Anyone who is under any of the following circumstances shall not take the post of a director, supervisor or senior manager of a company:

(1) Being without or with limited capacity of civil conduct;
(2) He has been sentenced to any criminal penalty due to an offence of corruption, bribery, encroachment of property, misappropriation of property or disrupting the economic order of the socialist market economy and 5 years have not passed since the completion date of the execution of the penalty; or he has ever been deprived of his political rights due to any crime and 3 years have not passed since the completion date of the execution of the penalty;

(3) Where he was a former director, factory director or manager of a company or enterprise which was bankrupt and liquidated, and was personally liable for the bankruptcy of such company or enterprise, three years have not passed since the date of completion of the bankruptcy and liquidation of the company or enterprise;

(4) Where he was the legal representative of a company or enterprise, and the business license of this company or enterprise was revoked and this company or enterprise was ordered to close due to violation of the law, and he is personally liable for the revocation, three years have not passed since the date of the revocation of the business license thereof;
(5) He has a relatively large amount of debt which is due but uncleared.
In case a company elects or appoints any director or supervisor, or hires any senior manager by violating the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the election, appointment or hiring shall be invalidated. I
In case any director, supervisor or senior manager, during his term of office, is under any of the circumstances as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the company shall dismiss him from his post.
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

第一百四十八条 董事、监事、高级管理人员应当遵守法律、行政法规和公司章程,对公司负有忠实义务和勤勉义务
Article 148 The directors, supervisors and senior managers shall comply with laws, administrative regulations and the articles of association. They shall bear the obligations of fidelity and diligence to the company.
No director, supervisor or senior manager may take any bribe or other illegal gains by taking the advantage of his authorities, or encroach on the properties of the company.
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第一百四十九条 董事、高级管理人员不得有下列行为:
Article 149 No director or senior manager may have any of the following acts:

(1) Misappropriating funds of the company;
(2) Depositing the company's funds into an account in his own name or in any other individual's name;
(3) Without the consent of the shareholders' meeting, shareholders' assembly or board of directors, loaning the company's fund to others or providing any guaranty to any other person by using the company's property as in violation of the articles of association;
(4) Signing a contract or trading with this company by violating the articles of association or without the consent of the shareholders' meeting or shareholders' assembly;
(5) Without the consent of the shareholders' meeting or shareholders' assembly, seeking business opportunities for himself or any other person by taking advantages of his authorities, or operating for himself or for any other person any like business of the company he works for;
(6) Taking commissions on the transactions between others and this company into his own pocket;
(7) Disclosing the company's secrets without permit;
(8) Other acts that are inconsistent with the obligation of fidelity to the company.
The income of any director or senior manager from any act in violation of the preceding paragraph shall belong to the company.
回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇

第一百五十条 董事、监事、高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 150 Where any director, supervisor or senior manager violates laws, administrative regulations or the articles of association during the course of performing his duties, if any loss is caused to the company, he shall make compensation.
  第一百五十一条 股东会或者股东大会要求董事、监事、高级管理人员列席会议的,董事、监事、高级管理人员应当列席并接受股东的质询。
Article 151 If the shareholder's meeting or shareholders' meeting demands a director, supervisor or senior manager to attend the meeting as a non-voting delegate, he shall do so and shall answer the shareholders' inquiries.


The directors and senior managers shall faithfully offer relevant information and materials to the board of supervisors or the supervisor of the limited liability company with no board of supervisors, and none of them may obstruct the board of supervisors or supervisor from exercising its (his) authorities.
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第一百五十二条 董事、高级管理人员有本法第一百五十条规定的情形的,有限责任公司的股东、股份有限公司连续一百八十日以上单独或者合计持有公司百分之一以上股份的股东,可以书面请求监事会或者不设监事会的有限责任公司的监事向人民法院提起诉讼;

Article 152 Where a director or senior manager is under the circumstance as stated in Article 150 of this Law, the shareholder(s) of the limited liability company or joint stock limited company separately or aggregately holding 1% or more of the total shares of the company may require the board of supervisors or the supervisor of the limited liability company with no board of supervisors in writing to file a lawsuit in the people's court.

If the supervisor is under the circumstance as stated in Article 150 of this Law, the aforesaid shareholder(s) may require the board of directors or the acting director of the limited liability company with no board of directors to in writing lodge a lawsuit in the people's court.

监事会、不设监事会的有限责任公司的监事,或者董事会、执行董事收到前款规定的股东书面请求后拒绝提起诉讼,或者自收到请求之日起三十日内未提起诉讼,或者情况紧急、不立即提起诉讼将会使公司利益受到难以弥补的损害的,前款规定的股东有权为了公司的利益以自己的名义直接向人民法院提起诉讼。   If the board of supervisors, or supervisor of a limited liability company with no board of supervisors, or the board of directors or the acting director refuses to lodge a lawsuit after it (he) receives a written request as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, or if it or he fails to file a lawsuit within 30 days after it receives the request, or if, in an emergency, the failure to lodge a lawsuit immediately will cause unrecoverable damages to the interests of the company, the shareholder(s) as listed in the preceding paragraph may, on their own behalf, directly lodge a lawsuit in the people's court.

In case the legitimate rights and interests of a company are impaired and losses are caused to the company, the shareholders as mentioned in the preceding paragraph may initiate a lawsuit in the people's court in light of the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs.
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 第一百五十三条 董事、高级管理人员违反法律、行政法规或者公司章程的规定,损害股东利益的,股东可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

Article 153 If any director or senior manager damages the shareholders' interests by violating any law, administrative regulation or the articles of association, the shareholders may lodge a lawsuit in the people's court.
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新公司法--第七章 公司债券 
Chapter VII Corporate Bonds
  第一百五十四条 本法所称公司债券,是指公司依照法定程序发行、约定在一定期限还本付息的有价证券。

Article 154 The term "corporate bonds" as mentioned in this Law refers to the securities that are issued by a company according to the statutory procedures with guaranteed payment of the principal plus interest by a specified future date.

To issue corporate bonds, a company shall meet the issuance requirements of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China.
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第一百五十五条 发行公司债券的申请经国务院授权的部门核准后,应当公告公司债券募集办法。
Article 155 After an application for issuing corporate bonds is approved by the department authorized by the State Council, the company shall publish its bond issuance plan, which shall mainly state the following items:
(1) the name of the company;
(1) the name of the company;
(2) the purposes of use of the corporate bonds;
(3) the total amount of corporate bonds and par value thereof;
(4) the method for determining the interest rate of the bonds;
(5) the time limit and method for paying the principal plus interest;
(6) guarantee of the bonds;
(7) the issuing price of the bonds, and beginning and ending dates of the issuance;
(8) the net assets of the company;
(9) the total amount of corporate bonds having been issued but not yet due; and
(10) the underwriters of the corporate bonds.




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