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 第一百八十四条 公司因本法第一百八十一条第(一)项、第(二)项、第(四)项、第(五)项规定而解散的,应当在解散事由出现之日起十五日内成立清算组,开始清算。有限责任公司的清算组由股东组成,股份有限公司的清算组由董事或者股东大会确定的人员组成。
Article 184 Where any company is dissolved according to the provisions of Article 181 (1) , (2) , (4) or (5) of this Law, a liquidation group shall be formed, within fifteen days as of the occurrence of the causes of dissolution, to carry out a liquidation. The liquidation group of a limited liability company shall comprise the shareholders, while that of a joint stock limited company shall comprise the directors or any other people as determined by the shareholders' meeting.

Where no liquidation group is formed within the time limit, the creditors may plead the people's court to designate relevant persons to form a liquidation group. The people's court shall accept such request and form a liquidation group so as to carry out the liquidation in a timely manner.
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Article 185 The liquidation group may exercise the following functions during the process of liquidation:
(1) liquidating the properties of the company, and producing balance sheets and asset checklists;;
(2) informing creditors by notice or public announcement;
(3) disposing and liquidating the businesses of the company that have not been completed;
(4) clearing off the outstanding taxes and the taxes incurred in the process of liquidation;
(5) clearing off credits and debts;
(6) disposing the residual properties; and
(7) participating in the civil proceedings of the company.
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Article 186 The liquidation group shall, within ten days as of its formation, notify the creditors, and shall make a public announcement within 60 days on newspapers. Creditors shall, within thirty days as of the receipt of a notice or within 45 days as of the issuance of the public announcement in the case of failing to receiving a notice, declare credits against the liquidation group.

To declare credits, a creditor shall explain the relevant matters and provide relevant evidential materials.

在申报债权期间,清算组不得对债权人进行清偿。The liquidation group shall check in the credits, and may not clear off any of the debts of any creditor during the period of credit declaration.
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Article 187 The liquidation group shall, after liquidating the properties of the company and producing balance sheets and checklists of properties, make a plan of liquidation, and report it to the shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' assembly or the people's court for confirmation.
The residual assets that result from paying off the liquidation expenses, wages of employees, social insurance premiums and legal compensation premiums, the outstanding taxes and the debts of the company with the assets of the company may, in the case of a limited liability company, be distributed according to the proportions of capital contributions of the shareholders, and in the case of a joint stock limited company, according to the proportions of stocks held by the shareholders.
During the term of liquidation, the company continues to exist, but may not carry out any business operation that has nothing to do with liquidation. None of the properties of the company may be distributed to any shareholder before they are used for the clearing off as stated in the preceding paragraph.
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Article 188 If the liquidation group finds that the properties of the company is not sufficient for clearing off the debts after liquidating the properties of the company and producing balance sheets and checklists of properties, it shall file an application to the people's court for bankruptcy.
Once the people's court makes a judge declaring the bankruptcy of the company, the liquidation group shall hand over the liquidation matters to the people's court.
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Article 189 After liquidation of the company is completed, the liquidation group shall formulate a liquidation report, which shall be submitted to the shareholders' meeting or the shareholders' assembly or the people's court for confirmation and shall be submitted to the company registration authority for writing off the registration of the company. It shall also make a public announcement on its termination.
Article 190 The members of the liquidation group shall devote themselves to their duties and fulfill their obligations of liquidation according to law.
None of the members of the liquidation group may take any bribe or any other illegal proceeds by taking advantage of his position, nor may he misappropriate any of the properties of the company.
Where any of the members of the liquidation group causes any loss to the company or any creditor by intention or due to gross negligence, he shall make corresponding compensations.
Article 191 Where a company is declared bankrupt according to law, it shall carry out a bankruptcy liquidation in accordance with the provisions concerning bankruptcy liquidation.
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新公司法--第十一章 外国公司的分支机构 

  Chapter XI Branches of Foreign Companies

  第一百九十二条 本法所称外国公司是指依照外国法律在中国境外设立的公司。
Article 192 The term "foreign company" as mentioned in this Law refers to a company established outside of the territory of China according to any foreign law.
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 第一百九十三条 外国公司在中国境内设立分支机构,必须向中国主管机关提出申请,并提交其公司章程、所属国的公司登记证书等有关文件,经批准后,向公司登记机关依法办理登记,领取营业执照。

Article 193 A foreign company, which plans to establish any branch within the territory of China, shall submit an application with the competent authority of China, and shall submit relevant documents such as the articles of incorporation, the company registration certificate as issued by the country of establishment and etc.. Upon the approval, it shall go through registration formalities with the company registration authority according to law and obtain a business license.
The measures for the examination and approval of the branches of foreign companies shall be separately formulated by the State Council.
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 第一百九十四条 外国公司在中国境内设立分支机构,必须在中国境内指定负责该分支机构的代表人或者代理人,并向该分支机构拨付与其所从事的经营活动相适应的资金。

Article 194 Where a foreign company establishes any branch within the territory of China, it must appoint a representative or an agent within the territory of China to take charge of the branch, and shall allocate to the branch corresponding funds for the business activities it is engaged in.

  第一百九十五条 外国公司的分支机构应当在其名称中标明该外国公司的国籍及责任形式。
Article 195 The branch of any foreign company shall indicate in its name the nationality and the form of liability of the foreign company concerned.
The branch of a foreign company shall keep the articles of corporation of the foreign company at its own place.
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第一百九十六条 外国公司在中国境内设立的分支机构不具有中国法人资格。
Article 196 The branch of a foreign company established within the territory of China does not have the status of a juridical person.
The foreign company shall bear civil liabilities for the business operation of its branches undertaken within the territory of China.

  第一百九十七条 经批准设立的外国公司分支机构,在中国境内从事业务活动,必须遵守中国的法律,不得损害中国的社会公共利益,其合法权益受中国法律保护。
Article 197 The branches of foreign companies which are established upon approval shall accord with the laws of China when undertaking their business activities within the territory of China, and may not injure the social public interests of China, and the lawful rights and interests thereof shall be protected by Chinese law.
  第一百九十八条 外国公司撤销其在中国境内的分支机构时,必须依法清偿债务,依照本法有关公司清算程序的规定进行清算。未清偿债务之前,不得将其分支机构的财产移至中国境外。
Article 198 Where a foreign company relinquishes any of its branches within the territory of China, it shall clear off the debts thereof according to law, and shall carry out a liquidation in accordance with the provisions of this Law on the procedures for the liquidation of companies. Before the debts are cleared off, it may not transfer any of the properties of the branch out of China.
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新公司法--第十二章 法律责任
Chapter XII Legal Liabilities

  第一百九十九条 违反本法规定,虚报注册资本、提交虚假材料或者采取其他欺诈手段隐瞒重要事实取得公司登记的,由公司登记机关责令改正,对虚报注册资本的公司,处以虚报注册资本金额百分之五以上百分之十五以下的罚款;对提交虚假材料或者采取其他欺诈手段隐瞒重要事实的公司,处以五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,撤销公司登记或者吊销营业执照。

Article 199 Where anyone, in violation of the provisions of this Law, obtains the registration of a company by making a false report of his register capital, submitting false materials or by any other fraudulent means so as to conceal important facts, he shall be ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections. In the case of making a false report of his register capital, he shall be fined not less than 5% but not more than 15% of the fabricated registered capital; in the case of submitting false materials or by any other fraudulent means so as to conceal important facts, he shall be fined not less than 5,000 Yuan but not more than 50,000 Yuan; if the circumstances are serious, the company registration certificate shall be revoked or the business license shall be cancelled.
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 第二百条 公司的发起人、股东虚假出资,未交付或者未按期交付作为出资的货币或者非货币财产的,由公司登记机关责令改正,处以虚假出资金额百分之五以上百分之十五以下的罚款。
Article 200 Any of the initiators or shareholders of a company, who makes any false capital contribution, or fails to deliver or fails to deliver in good time the monetary or non-monetary properties used as capital contributions, shall be ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections, and shall be fined not less than 5% but not more than 15% of the sum of false capital contributions.
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第二百零一条 公司的发起人、股东在公司成立后,抽逃其出资的,由公司登记机关责令改正,处以所抽逃出资金额百分之五以上百分之十五以下的罚款。

Article 201 Where any initiator or shareholder unlawfully take away its capital contribution after the company is established, he shall be ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections, and shall be fined not less than 5% but not more than 15% of the capital contribution he has unlawfully taken away.
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 第二百零二条 公司违反本法规定,在法定的会计账簿以外另立会计账簿的,由县级以上人民政府财政部门责令改正,处以五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。

Article 202 Any company which has established another account books apart from the legally prescribed account books and violates of the present Law shall be ordered by the treasury department of the people's government at the county level or above to make corrections, and shall be fined not less than 50,000 Yuan but not more than 500, 000 Yuan.
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第二百零三条 公司在依法向有关主管部门提供的财务会计报告等材料上作虚假记载或者隐瞒重要事实的,由有关主管部门对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处以三万元以上三十万元以下的罚款。

Article 203 Where a company makes any false records or conceals any important fact in such materials as financial and accounting statements submitted to the relevant departments in charge, the relevant department in charge shall impose a fine of not more than 30, 000 Yuan but not more than 300, 000 Yuan upon the directly liable persons in charge and other directly liable persons.
  第二百零四条 公司不依照本法规定提取法定公积金的,由县级以上人民政府财政部门责令如数补足应当提取的金额,可以对公司处以二十万元以下的罚款。
Article 204 Where a company fails to draw legal accumulation funds according to the present Law, it shall be ordered by the treasury department of the people's government at the county level or above to make up the amount it is due, and may be fined up to 200, 000 Yuan.
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第二百零五条 公司在合并、分立、减少注册资本或者进行清算时,不依照本法规定通知或者公告债权人的,由公司登记机关责令改正,对公司处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。
Article 205 Where any company fails to inform its creditors by notice or by public announcement during the process of merger, split, reducing its registered capital or liquidation, it shall be ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections, and may be fined not less than 10, 000 Yuan but not more than 100, 000 Yuan.

Where, during the process of liquidation, any company hides any of its properties or makes any false record in its balance sheet or property checklist, or distributes any of the company's properties before clearing off its debts, it shall be ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections, and may be fined not less than 5% but not more than 10% of the value of the company properties it has hidden or distributed prior to the clearing of company debts, and the directly liable person-in-charge as well other directly liable persons may be fined not less than 10, 000 Yuan but not more than100, 000 Yuan.
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 第二百零六条 公司在清算期间开展与清算无关的经营活动的,由公司登记机关予以警告,没收违法所得。
Article 206 Where, during the process of liquidation, any company undertakes any business activity which has nothing to do with the liquidation, it shall be admonished by the company registration authority, and its illegal proceeds shall be confiscated.  
第二百零七条 清算组不依照本法规定向公司登记机关报送清算报告,或者报送清算报告隐瞒重要事实或者有重大遗漏的,由公司登记机关责令改正。
Article 207 Where the liquidation group fails to submit a liquidation report to the company registration authority according to the provisions of the present Law, or where any important fact is concealed or there is any important omission in the liquidation report it submits, it shall be ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections.
Where any member of the liquidation group takes advantage of his power to seek unlawful benefits for himself or any of his relatives, procures any unlawful gains or misappropriates any of the properties of the company, he shall be ordered by the company registration authority to return the properties of the company with his illegal gains being confiscated, and shall be fined 1 up to 5 times of the illegal proceeds.
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第二百零八条 承担资产评估、验资或者验证的机构提供虚假材料的,由公司登记机关没收违法所得,处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,并可以由有关主管部门依法责令该机构停业、吊销直接责任人员的资格证书,吊销营业执照。
Article 208 Where any institution that undertakes the evaluation or verification of assets or the verification of certificates provides any false materials, its illegal proceeds shall be confiscated by the company registration authority, and be fined 1 up to 5 times of the illegal proceeds, and may be ordered by the competent administrative department to suspend its business operation or to withdraw the qualification certificates of the directly liable persons, and cancel its business license.
Where any institution that undertakes the evaluation or verification of assets or the verification of certificates makes any important omission in the report it submits, it shall be ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections; if the circumstances are serious, it shall be fined 1 up to 5 times of the proceeds it has obtained, and may be ordered by the competent administrative department to suspend its business operation and to withdraw the qualification certificates of the directly liable persons, and cancel its business license.  承担资产评估、验资或者验证的机构因其出具的评估结果、验资或者验证证明不实,给公司债权人造成损失的,除能够证明自己没有过错的外,在其评估或者证明不实的金额范围内承担赔偿责任。
Where the evaluation result or proof of asset verification or certificate verification, as provided by any institution that undertakes the evaluation or verification of assets or the verification of certificates, is proved to be untrue, which has caused any loss to the creditors of the company, it shall bear the compensation liabilities within the sum which is found to be untrue, unless it can prove that it has no fault in the incurrence of the loss.
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 第二百零九条 公司登记机关对不符合本法规定条件的登记申请予以登记,或者对符合本法规定条件的登记申请不予登记的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。
Article 209 Where any company registration authority registers any application that does not meet the conditions as provided for in the present Law, or fails to register any application that meets the conditions as prescribed in the present Law, the directly liable person-in-charge and other directly liable persons shall be imposed upon an administrative sanction.
  第二百一十条 公司登记机关的上级部门强令公司登记机关对不符合本法规定条件的登记申请予以登记,或者对符合本法规定条件的登记申请不予登记的,或者对违法登记进行包庇的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。
Article 210 Where the superior organ of any company registration authority forces the latter to register any application that does not satisfy the conditions as prescribed in the present Law or to refuse any application that meets the conditions as provided for in the present Law, or covers up for any illegal registration, the directly liable person-in-charge and other directly liable persons shall be imposed upon an administrative sanction according to law.
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第二百一十一条 未依法登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司,而冒用有限责任公司或者股份有限公司名义的,或者未依法登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司的分公司,而冒用有限责任公司或者股份有限公司的分公司名义的,由公司登记机关责令改正或者予以取缔,可以并处十万元以下的罚款。
Article 211 Where anyone fails to register as a limited liability company or joint stock limited company according to law but undertakes business operation in the name of a limited liability company or joint stock limited company, or fails to register as a subsidiary of a limited liability company or joint stock limited company according to law but undertakes business operation in the name of a subsidiary of the limited liability company or joint stock limited company, it shall be ordered by the company registration authority to make corrections or be clamped down on, and may be fined not more than 100,000 Yuan.




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