斯坦福 IT


回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例





Maternity, parental and sickness benefits combined with regular EI benefits

You may receive up to 50 weeks when regular EI benefits are combined with maternity, parental and sickness benefits. If you are in that situation and want to know more, call our telephone information service at 1 800 206-7218 from 8:30 am to 4:30 and press "0" to speak to a representative. You can also write us or go in person to your Service
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

不好意思,又是我啦。在等待4周后,昨天接到的SERVICE CANADA的电话。他们向我确认下了我提交的ROE。又问我为什么前一份的工作要辞职(我老实回答,因为时间安排不上,新的工资又多了好几块。)结果他们就跟我说,我的申请已经被受理了。让我每2周收钱一次。
可是今天(之前打到SERVICE CANADA时他们说FEB16上网有答复)上网,My EI Messages上只看到了这个段话:
We have received new information on your claim but have not yet made a decision. We will make every effort to review this information by March 08, 2011 or the next business day.
Your next report for the 2 week period beginning Sunday, January 16 can be mailed on Friday, January 28. It is important to file your next report within 3 weeks of this date otherwise loss of benefits may occur.

Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our Call Centre agents have access to the same information presented here. Any information processed on your claim today can be viewed online on the next business day。:wdb2:

另外My Current Claim 里
Start Date of Claim:January 16, 2011
Total Insurable Earnings:$0
End Date of Claim:January 14, 2012
也没有payment information :wdb2:
不好意思,我的性子急了些。他们的意思是我要等到3月8日才有答复吗?还是怎么样啊???如果是这样,MY CURRENT CLAIM里不是说已经开始CLAIM了吗???

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

不好意思,又是我啦。在等待4周后,昨天接到的SERVICE CANADA的电话。他们向我确认下了我提交的ROE。又问我为什么前一份的工作要辞职(我老实回答,因为时间安排不上,新的工资又多了好几块。)结果他们就跟我说,我的申请已经被受理了。让我每2周收钱一次。
可是今天(之前打到SERVICE CANADA时他们说FEB16上网有答复)上网,My EI Messages上只看到了这个段话:
We have received new information on your claim but have not yet made a decision. We will make every effort to review this information by March 08, 2011 or the next business day.
Your next report for the 2 week period beginning Sunday, January 16 can be mailed on Friday, January 28. It is important to file your next report within 3 weeks of this date otherwise loss of benefits may occur.

Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our Call Centre agents have access to the same information presented here. Any information processed on your claim today can be viewed online on the next business day。:wdb2:

另外My Current Claim 里
Start Date of Claim:January 16, 2011
Total Insurable Earnings:$0
End Date of Claim:January 14, 2012
也没有payment information :wdb2:
不好意思,我的性子急了些。他们的意思是我要等到3月8日才有答复吗?还是怎么样啊???如果是这样,MY CURRENT CLAIM里不是说已经开始CLAIM了吗???





回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


如果是电子格式的ROE,直接电邮给政府了,不一定给雇员,通过网上的My Account可以查看到。

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

今天头一次在网上报头2个星期的情况,填了不能工作,解雇ServiceCanada告知必须先申请sickness EI ,以后在转RegularEI。不可以越界。
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

不知道,service Canada的人就是不同意我先申请regular EI了,我问他是否影响将来转Regular EI? 她说不是。反正现在不让我申请regular EI,让我去office 领表,将来交给我的家庭医生。然后再填为啥被最后一个公司解雇的调查表。
回复: 有关EI的申请和案例

回复: 有关EI的申请和案例


1、要报。在网上的My Account的右边栏有一项“Tax: View my tax slip(T4E、T4A、NR4)”里可以查看各年度的T4E。

Tax Slips Online

Through My Service Canada Account, you can view and print copies of your Old Age Security (OAS), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and/or Employment Insurance (EI) tax slips as early as February 1st. You can submit these copies with your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) tax return.
In addition to viewing and printing your tax slips, you can also choose to stop receiving your tax slips by mail.

For EI - If a separate tax slip is issued for benefits you received while participating in a Human Resources and Skills Development Canada employment measures activity, you will not be able to view it using this service. This separate tax slip will be mailed to you.

2、1 800 206-7218 转 0
1 800 206-7218的按键内容

1 800 206-7218的按键内容:


You have a question related to your claim for EI benefits or simply wish to obtain general information about the EI program? You can quickly get answers with the Insurance telephone information service. This interactive voice response system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's simple, using a telephone with Touch-ToneTM service, just dial the toll-free number 1 800 206-7218.

You can easily obtain information about your claim, for example, if a decision is made, if your payment is issued, the number of weeks remaining on your claim, deductions, etc... You will need your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and your Access code to access specific information about your EI claim. By providing them, your personal information remains confidential and secure. Please note that the EI information on your claim is updated every morning, from Monday to Friday.

Several options are offered to you by the telephone information service, we invite you to listen to them. However, if you have a rotary telephone or if you need to speak to an agent, call during normal business hours.

To assist you in better understanding how this system works, please view the options available to the telephone information service.




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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