回复: 有关EI的申请和案例
我现在申请了SICK BENEFIT,已经申请了三周了,医生纸什么都给政府了。现在问题是差在我们那个破公司上,HR说我的ROE已经做完,但是公司规定只能递交给政府,不能给我个人,我个人只能从政府哪得到一个FORM。昨天我又催了HR,她回答的大意是说因为公司上传ROE的网址不好用,公司正在努力的修理和尝试,一旦好用了就给我上传,她是不允许发给我一份COPY的。今天我又催她,问她我为什么不能得到一份COPY, 和什么时候才能修好上传,如果一直修不好不能上传我怎么办?她就不理我了。
my account”里看下,是否已经有了;没有的话,也不用急,因为你已经申请,不会失效,申请后第4周政府会来信催你要ROE;如果还没有的话,下载
Request for Record of Employment表格,按要求填写,与工资支票存根复印件(如果有的话,所以保留下这存根就有作用了)寄去Service Canada,它会帮你处理。
What is my deadline for issuing an ROE?
Do I still have to give a copy of electronic ROEs to employees?
No. If you submit ROEs electronically, you no longer need to print a paper copy for your employees. When you submit ROEs electronically, the data is transmitted directly to Service Canada’s database, where it is used to process EI claims.
- Make sure your employees are aware that you will be submitting their ROEs to Service Canada electronically, so therefore they should not submit copies to Service Canada.
- Employees who have registered with the My Service Canada Account online service can view and print copies of their electronic ROEs. To learn more about My Service Canada Account, employees should visit our Web site at www.servicecanada.gc.ca/msca.
- Although you are no longer required to print paper copies of ROEs if you submit them electronically, we recommend that, if they request them, you provide your employees with copies as a courtesy. However, be sure to remind employees that they should not deliver these paper copies to a Service Canada office.
- Inform your employees that, if they plan to apply for EI benefits, they should submit their EI applications as soon as they experience an interruption of earnings―even if they have not received all their ROEs (specifically those ROEs issued on paper).