回复: 永远干不过“五毛”
Democratic China, Inc.
To promote well-informed and uncensored dialogue on issues relevant to China’s political development. The grantee will publish weekly the online Chinese-language magazine Minzhu Zhongguo (Democratic China), which carries news and analysis by authors inside and outside of China regarding current affairs, culture, history, and international relations.
Friends of China Labour Bulletin
To promote labor rights and government accountability. The organization conducts in-depth research on labor issues, disseminates a variety of research and educational publications, and engages in related legal aid and advocacy activities.
Human Rights in China (HRIC)
To advance internationally recognized human rights in China. HRIC facilitates the work of domestic groups in building an effective agenda for social, legal, and political development through collaborative research and education, print and electronic publications, and advocacy.
Independent Chinese PEN Center
To promote freedom of expression in China. Activities will include translation of materials on freedom of expression into Chinese, publishing banned materials to enable Chinese readers to have access to diverse views and literary works despite official censorship, and organizing domestic and international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists.
Initiatives for China
To promote inter-ethnic understanding, mutual trust, and cooperation among prodemocracy activists from different ethnic groups in China. Initiatives for China will organize an inter-ethnic conference with conflict resolution workshops and panel discussions on democracy, human rights, and religious freedom.
International Republican Institute (IRI)
To expand the space for civic engagement in China by supporting citizen groups and coalitions. The program will help strengthen the capacity of Chinese civic organizations and coalitions by providing opportunities for international exchange and by supporting partner organizations’ research, monitoring, and education activities.
International Republican Institute (IRI)
To promote legislative and legal reform on workplace and property rights discrimination. IRI will facilitate the work of its partner organization to conduct research and education activities, hold workshops, and develop and distribute a training handbook, model guidelines, reports, and other publications.
Laogai Research Foundation
To campaign for the abolition of the laogai labor camps. The Foundation will carry out investigation and documentation of the Chinese system of labor camps, while also undertaking a program of timely research exposing other human rights problems in China.
Princeton China Initiative
To promote media freedoms and civic engagement via the Internet in China. The program will bring together specialists in Internet technology to exchange information and create online tools that can be used by ordinary Chinese citizens, journalists and social activists for “citizen journalism” and civic-oriented, open communication.
Princeton China Initiative
To promote human rights in China. The Princeton China Initiative will carry out a broad program of support for human rights projects to enhance transparency, accountability, legal knowledge, and access to justice.