1、letters of reference must be signed by an authorized representative of the company 这个写推荐信并签字的人必须是单位的法人代表呢,还是分管我的部门经理就行?
写英文的,无需公证,签字盖章即可 。但要记住,将来递交大使馆时可能还会要你的推荐信,最好保持一致,用公司的抬头纸打印
the MPNP has therefore determined that the program officer's decision to recommend not approving your application is consistent with the established policies and procedures of the manitoba provincial nominee program. as a result, there will be no change in the decision not to approve your application to the manitoba provincial nominee program. you may wish to submit anew application after six months from the date of the result letter or after you have addressed the reasons why your application was not approved. we know that this decision will be disappointing and regret that it could not be otherwise.
够条件时重新递交吧the MPNP has therefore determined that the program officer's decision to recommend not approving your application is consistent with the established policies and procedures of the manitoba provincial nominee program. as a result, there will be no change in the decision not to approve your application to the manitoba provincial nominee program. you may wish to submit anew application after six months from the date of the result letter or after you have addressed the reasons why your application was not approved. we know that this decision will be disappointing and regret that it could not be otherwise.