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回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是wield。Wield, 动词,意思是运用。世界奢侈品协会最新报告出炉。 "Wealthy Chinese wield the world's strongest purchasing power, with a record spending of $7.2 billion on luxury goods abroad during the Spring Festival," 富有的中国人拥有世界最强购买力,春节期间他们在海外的奢侈品消费总额达创记录的72亿美元。 "China and Russia wielded their veto power over a UN resolution which aimed to force Syrian President Assad to step down," 中国和俄罗斯使用否决权,推翻了安理会一项要求叙利亚总统阿萨德下台的决议案。好的,今天我们学习的词是wield...


回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是immune。Immune, 的意思是免疫的,比如,immune system就是指免疫系统, immune disease则是免疫系统疾病。Immune还可以指"免除的","不受影响的". "Apple's OS X, which has long been considered immune to viruses, was recently hit by a malicious software called Flashback," 苹果电脑的OS X操作系统一向被认为百毒不侵,可是最近,该系统遭到一种名叫Flashback的恶意软件的袭击。 "The IMF says Africa's economy is expanding, but it is not immune to global slowdown," 国际货币基金组织说,非洲经济整体有所发展,但并不能完全不受全球经济放缓的影响。好的,今天我们学习的词是immune...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是mince words。Mince, 是切碎,to mince words 就是把话说得婉转。这个短语通常用在否定句里,not to mince words, 就是说话直接,不兜圈子。 "A frank person never minces words," 一个坦诚的人从来都是想什么说什么。 "Tell me what you think, and don't mince your words," 告诉我你的真实想法,直说,别兜圈子。弗朗索瓦.奥朗德击败现任总统萨科齐,当选法国总统。此前, "The two candidates minced no words and traded insults in their only TV debate of the election campaign," 他们两人在总统选战的唯一一场电视辩论上唇枪舌剑,毫不留情地互相攻击。好的,今天我们学习的词是mince words...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是debris。 Debris, 意思是残骸。 "Pieces of debris from last year's Japanese tsunami, carried by the currents, have begun to show up on the west coast of the United States and Canada," 去年日本海啸留下的残骸在洋流带动下,开始出现在美国和加拿大的西海岸。 "An artist in Canada has created a sculpture from tsunami debris swept ashore onto local beaches," 一个加拿大艺术家利用被冲到当地海滩上的海啸残骸做成了一件雕塑。 "When police removed the debris from the car accident, highway traffic began moving again," 警方把车祸留下的残骸清理之后,高速公路上的交通恢复了。好的,今天我们学习的词是debris...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

天我们要学的词是scathing。 Scathing, 形容词,意思是严厉的,尖刻的。雅虎CEO斯科特.汤普森最近麻烦上身。 "A major Yahoo shareholder wrote a scathing letter to the board, stating that Scott Thompson lied about his degree in computer science," 雅虎的一个股东向董事会呈交了一封尖刻的信件,说斯科特.汤普森的计算机学位是个谎言。 "British Parliament criticized Murdoch in a scathing report, saying he turned a blind eye on inappropriate activities at his news outlets," 英国议会在一份言辞犀利的报告中谴责默多克,说他对自己旗下新闻机构中的不当行为睁一只眼闭一只眼。好的,今天我们学习的词是scathing...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是bulk up。Bulk up, 是增加,积累的意思。美国四月份就业报告出台,就业集中增加在一些低薪资行业。 "Hiring by retailers rebounded, and food services and temporary-help agencies also bulked up," 零售业就业有所好转,餐饮业和临时工种就业也有所增长。

演员Zac Efron为出演新角色健身。 "Zac Efron has been bulking up for his new movie, in which he's going to play a Marine returning from Iraq," 为出演一名从伊拉克归来的美国海军陆战队队员,扎克.埃夫隆正在健身,增加肌肉。好的,今天我们学习的词是bulk up...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是age limit。 Age limit, 年龄限制。社交网站脸书网并不是任何人都能注册帐户的。 "Facebook enforces an age limit of 13 years or older to register an account," 脸谱网规定,只有满13岁的人才能注册帐户。 "Despite the efforts to enforce the age limit policy, many younger children still join the site by lying about their age," 尽管脸谱网努力执行年限规定,但很多不满13岁的孩子还是谎报年龄,蒙混过关。 "Facebook removes about 20,000 users daily who are below the age limit," 脸谱网每天取消大约两万个年龄低于最低年限的帐户。 好的,今天我们学习的词是age limit...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是hammer。Hammer, 作为名词是榔头,作为动词则是猛击,击败的意思。美国四月的就业报告显示,就业情势有所恶化。 "Seizing on April's slower job growth, Republicans hammered President Obama for his economic policies," 共和党人抓住四月份放缓的就业增长数字,以此抨击奥巴马的经济政策。 "US drones continued to hammer al Qaeda targets in Yemen," 美国无人驾驶飞机继续攻击也门的基地组织目标。Hammer这个词也经常用在体育比赛中,比如, "The Denver Nuggets hammered the Minnesota Timberwolves 131-102 for their 4th straight win," 丹佛金块以131比120 战胜明尼苏达森林狼队,取得4连胜。好的,今天我们学习的词是hammer...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是scathing。 Scathing, 形容词,意思是严厉的,尖刻的。雅虎CEO斯科特.汤普森最近麻烦上身。 "A major Yahoo shareholder wrote a scathing letter to the board, stating that Scott Thompson lied about his degree in computer science," 雅虎的一个股东向董事会呈交了一封尖刻的信件,说斯科特.汤普森的计算机学位是个谎言。 "British Parliament criticized Murdoch in a scathing report, saying he turned a blind eye on inappropriate activities at his news outlets," 英国议会在一份言辞犀利的报告中谴责默多克,说他对自己旗下新闻机构中的不当行为睁一只眼闭一只眼。好的,今天我们学习的词是scathing...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是bulk up。Bulk up, 是增加,积累的意思。美国四月份就业报告出台,就业集中增加在一些低薪资行业。 "Hiring by retailers rebounded, and food services and temporary-help agencies also bulked up," 零售业就业有所好转,餐饮业和临时工种就业也有所增长。

演员Zac Efron为出演新角色健身。 "Zac Efron has been bulking up for his new movie, in which he's going to play a Marine returning from Iraq," 为出演一名从伊拉克归来的美国海军陆战队队员,扎克.埃夫隆正在健身,增加肌肉。好的,今天我们学习的词是bulk up...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是privacy。 Privacy, 是隐私的意思。在西方,工资、年龄、财产等问题都属于个人的隐私,对于社会名人来说,隐私的范围可就更广了。高尔夫球高手伍兹最近刚刚做了爸爸。
他在自己的网站上说,"We thank everyone for their well wishes and continued respect of our privacy." 意思是我们感谢大家的祝愿和对我们隐私的尊重。每个人都需要一些自己的空间,孩子也不例外。"Parents should respect their children's privacy," 意思是说家长也应该尊重孩子的隐私。好的,今天我们学习的词是privacy...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是secretive。 Secretive, 是不公开的,遮遮掩掩的。最新研究发现,认为美国联邦政府对民众不够坦率的人两年来显著增加。"Three out of four view the federal government as secretive," 四个人里有三个人认为联邦政府在很多事情上遮遮掩掩。
美国民主党总统参选人希拉里.克林顿和巴拉克.奥巴马继续针锋相对。"The Obama campaign is calling Hillary Clinton "the most secretive politician in America today," 奥巴马的竞选班子称希拉里是当今美国最不坦率的政治人物。好的,今天我们学习的词是secretive...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是twilight。 Twilight, 是暮色、黄昏的意思。"The couple went for a walk along the beach in the twilight," 这对情侣夕阳西下的时候在沙滩上散步。Twilight, 还可以引伸为晚期、衰退期。
对于拳击选手来说,46岁大概就是运动生涯的极限了。"Although in the twilight of his career, four time world heavyweight championship Evander Holyfield revealed that he wanted to win it one more time," 四次赢得世界重量级拳王头衔、已接近退休年龄的伊万德霍利菲尔德透露说,他还想再赢一次。好的,今天我们学习的词是twilight...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词儿是outpace。 Outpace是跑得更快,超过的意思。"Supply is outpacing demand," 意思是供大于求。联合国的报告说,在非洲大陆,去年开始服用艾滋病药物的人数跟艾滋病新感染者人数的比例是一比五。媒体报道说,The spread of AIDS in Africa is outpacing treatment. 意思是艾滋病在非洲的传播速度超过了治疗的速度。
新西兰去年的人口普查结果显示,过去十年里,新西兰平均个人收入增长了56%,而物价只上涨了22%,我们可以说,"Incomes outpaced price increases in the past decade." 好的,今天我们学习的词儿是outpace...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是narrow。 Narrow, 是变窄、缩小的意思。"The road narrows after the tunnel," 意思是过了隧道路就变窄了。"The government is trying to narrow the health divide between the rich and the poor," 是说政府正在努力缩小贫富间的健康差距。

白宫预计,本财政年度的预算赤字会缩小。媒体报道说,"The U.S. budget deficit will narrow to $205 billion in the fiscal year that ends in September," 意思是九月份结束的财政年度的预算赤字将缩小到两千零50亿美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是narrow...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是,limited。 Limited, 是有限的意思。拉美裔移民在维吉尼亚州的王子威廉姆斯县罢工一天,"The one-day work boycott appeared to have a limited effect on businesses in the county." 但似乎并没有对商家产生多大的影响。

欧洲一家投资银行预计,"Strong demand from China and limited supply will keep the price of lead strong over the next year," 中国的强劲需求和有限供应会让明年铅的价格居高不下。很多商家为了拉生意,都会推出促销活动。"For a limited time only, the membership fee will be waived," 促销期间免收会员费。好的,今天我们学习的词是limited...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是make a stab at。 Make a stab at, 是尝试的意思,也可以说 have a stab at。 "I had never tried scuba diving before, but I made a stab at it while in Hawaii," 我以前从来没有潜过水,但是这次在夏威夷尝试了一下。

1971年,美国一个叫Dan Cooper的人成功劫机并跳伞逃走,成为美国历史上唯一一宗劫机悬案。"The FBI released new details in the case, in an effort to make a new stab at finding the mysterious skyjacker," 美国联邦调查局公布了案情的新细节,再次试图找到这个神秘的劫机人。好的,今天我们学习的词是make a stab at...

回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是crack down。 Crack down, 是镇压的意思,一般是针对非法行为。"Police are cracking down on drug dealers," 意思是警方打击毒品贩子。"The troops cracked down on insurgents," 意思是军队镇压反叛分子。

就在最近,美国维吉尼亚州的两个县先后决定,停止向非法移民提供医疗和教育等公共服务。媒体报道说,"The counties aim to crack down on illegal immigrants," 意思是他们的目的是为了打击非法移民。好的,今天我们学习的词是crack down...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是dwindle. Dwindle is spelled d-w-i-n-d-l-e, dwindle. Dwindle是缩减,缩小的意思。Hewlett-Packard may eliminate as many as 30,000 jobs to compensate for dwindling demand for personal computers. 惠普公司可能会裁员三万人,以弥补市场对个人电脑需求缩水带来的损失。Japanese rice sales dwindled for the first time amid rising demand for western-style breads. 由于人们对西式面包需求的增长,日本首次出现大米销量下降的情况。U.S. government contracts are dwindling as the Obama administration pushes to reduce spending. 由于奥巴马政府大力减少政府支出,美国政府外发的合同数量正在减少。好的, 今天我们学习的词是dwindle,dwindle,dwindle...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是tap. Tap is spelled t-a-p, tap. Tap当动词时可以当“开发,利用”讲。Despite the recent fall in oil prices, analysts say President Obama may tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as sanctions on Iran's oil output take hold. 尽管最近世界油价有所回落,但分析人士表示,对伊朗石油输出的制裁即将开始执行,奥巴马总统可能还是会动用美国的战略石油储备。

Apple plans to tap only renewable energy sources to power its North Carolina data center. 苹果公司计划全面利用可再生能源为其在北卡罗莱纳州的数据中心供电。The world's largest maker of thin-film solar panels plans to open an office in the United Arab Emirates to tap growing demand for power in the Middle East. 世界最大的薄膜太阳能板生产商计划在阿联酋开设办公室,利用中东地区不断增长的能源需求。好的, 今天我们学习的词是tap,tap, tap...




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