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回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是bearing. Bearing is spelled b-e-a-r-i-n-g, bearing. Bearing 意思是关系,意义。我们常用 to have bearing on something 意思就是同某事有关系,对某事有影响。The decision had much bearing on the way the company was run. 这个决定对公司的管理运营有很大影响。His private life has no bearing on his competence as a manager. 他的私生活同他作为经理的工作能力无关。美国总统奥巴马最近公开支持同性婚姻,一项民调发现,Sixty percent of Americans say Obama's new position on same-sex marriage will have no bearing on how they vote in the November election.百分之六十的美国人表示,奥巴马在同性婚姻问题上的新立场并不会影响他们在11月总统大选中把票投给谁。好的,今天我们学习的词是 bearing, bearing, bearing...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是pare. Pare is spelled p-a-r-e; pare. Pare 是“削减”的意思。美国社交网站Facebook星期五上市,开盘价每股38美元,在第一天的交易中,Facebook pares gains as shares trade at little above the offering price after opening up at 11%. Facebook在股价升高百分之11后,涨幅缩减,价格回落到开盘价附近。

Pope Benedict XVI told people to share resources and pare lifestyles down to the essentials to cope with the economic crisis. 教皇本笃十六世告诉人们,通过共享资源和将生活消费削减到最基本水平来应对经济危机。The Indian parliament approved a plan for higher taxes to help pare the country's fiscal deficit. 印度国会批准了一项增税计划,帮助减轻印度的财政赤字。 今天我们学习的词是pare, pare, pare...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是woes. Woes is spelled w-o-e-s, woes. Woes是名词woe的复数形式,意思是苦头,灾难。Leaders in the euro zone are still far from resolving their debt woes. 欧元区各国的领导人还远没有解决他们的债务危机。Legal woes hit Facebook as some investors accused it of withholding information from the general public before its stock's debut. 一些投资者指责Facebook在股票上市前对公众隐瞒了一些重要的公司信息,这让Facebook陷入严重的法律纠纷。

Moody's Investors Service warned of deteriorating credit woes among Chinese real-estate developers. 穆迪投资者服务公司警告说,中国房地产开发商的信贷危机有所恶化。好的,今天我们学习的词是woes, woes, woes...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是undermine. Undermine is spelled u-n-d-e-r-m-i-n-e; undermine. Undermine 是“削弱,损害”的意思。The U.S. State Department says deep cuts to its budget proposed by Congress will undermine America's security and global leadership. 美国国务院表示,国会提出的大幅削减国务院预算的计划会伤害美国的安全,并削弱美国的全球领导地位。

Afghanistan's president has warned that civilian casualties caused by NATO air strikes could undermine the recently-signed cooperation agreement with the US. 阿富汗总统警告说,北约空袭造成的人员伤亡可能会动摇最近跟美国签署的合作协议。好的, 今天我们学习的词是undermine, undermine, undermine...

回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是dwindle. Dwindle is spelled d-w-i-n-d-l-e, dwindle. Dwindle是缩减,缩小的意思。Hewlett-Packard may eliminate as many as 30,000 jobs to compensate for dwindling demand for personal computers. 惠普公司可能会裁员三万人,以弥补市场对个人电脑需求缩水带来的损失。Japanese rice sales dwindled for the first time amid rising demand for western-style breads. 由于人们对西式面包需求的增长,日本首次出现大米销量下降的情况。U.S. government contracts are dwindling as the Obama administration pushes to reduce spending. 由于奥巴马政府大力减少政府支出,美国政府外发的合同数量正在减少。好的, 今天我们学习的词是dwindle,dwindle,dwindle...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是tap. Tap is spelled t-a-p, tap. Tap当动词时可以当“开发,利用”讲。Despite the recent fall in oil prices, analysts say President Obama may tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as sanctions on Iran's oil output take hold. 尽管最近世界油价有所回落,但分析人士表示,对伊朗石油输出的制裁即将开始执行,奥巴马总统可能还是会动用美国的战略石油储备。

Apple plans to tap only renewable energy sources to power its North Carolina data center. 苹果公司计划全面利用可再生能源为其在北卡罗莱纳州的数据中心供电。The world's largest maker of thin-film solar panels plans to open an office in the United Arab Emirates to tap growing demand for power in the Middle East. 世界最大的薄膜太阳能板生产商计划在阿联酋开设办公室,利用中东地区不断增长的能源需求。好的, 今天我们学习的词是tap,tap, tap...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是stepping stone. Stepping is spelled s-t-e-p-p-i-n-g, stepping; and stone, s-t-o-n-e, stone; stepping-stone. Stepping-stone是为了达到目的而准备垫脚石,敲门砖。阿尔及利亚最近举行议会选举,Algeria's authorities say a parliamentary election is a stepping stone towards a more democratic state, but many people do not believe such promises. 阿尔及利亚当局说,议会选举是为建立更民主的国家作铺垫,不过很多人并不相信这些承诺。
Many people use education as a stepping stone to a better life. 许多人通过受教育来争取过上更好的生活。Internships are a stepping stone into the corporate world and, for many, are the best way to learn. 实习是进入企业界的敲门砖,对许多人来说,也是最好的学习机会。好的, 今天我们学习的词是stepping-stone,stepping-stone, stepping-stone...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是grapple. grapple is spelled g-r-a-p-p-l-e; grapple. Grapple 是设法解决问题的意思,后面常跟介词with. President Obama turned to the private sector in hopes of lifting 50 million people in the developing world from poverty, as wealthy nations grapple with a budget crunch. 由于富裕国家都被艰难的预算局面搞得焦头烂额,美国总统奥巴马转向私营领域求援,希望他们能帮助发展中国家的五千万人脱贫。The global economy and financial markets continue to grapple with the aftermath of the financial crisis. 全球经济和金融市场依然设法解决金融危机遗留的问题。好的,今天我们学习的词是grapple, grapple,grapple...
最后编辑: 2012-06-28
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是 vaunt. Vaunt is spelled v-a-u-n-t, vaunt. Vaunt 是“炫耀,吹嘘”的意思。美国法庭最近对前美国副总统候选人爱德华兹挪用竞选资金案作出无罪和无效审判的判决。The ruling was a new setback for the prosecution--the Justice Department's public integrity section, a once-vaunted watchdog. 此案的公诉方--美国司法部公职人员操守处曾是倍受吹捧的监督机构,这一裁决是对该机构的又一次打击。 California's vaunted state colleges are losing their competitive edge because of higher tuition rates and a decrease in the quality of college programs. 因为学费增加,大学课程质量下降,美国加州一度倍受推崇的州立大学正在失去竞争力。好,今天我们学习的词是vaunt, vaunt, vaunt...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是turnaround. Turnaround is spelled t-u-r-n-a-r-o-u-n-d; turnaround. Turnaround是好转的意思。The once-troubled Japanese electronics manufacturer Hitachi is now undergoing one of the most remarkable turnarounds in Japanese corporate history. 一度陷入危机的日本电子产品制造商日立公司目前正经历日本企业史上最成功的大翻盘。

U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney claimed that he should be given credit for the turnaround of the auto industry. 美国总统候选人米特.罗姆尼声称,美国汽车工业复苏也有他的一份功劳。Finnish mobile-phone maker Nokia's turnaround strategy found few supporters among shareholders at its annual meeting. 在芬兰手机制造业商诺基亚公司的股东年会上,公司的复兴战略没有得到什么支持。好的, 今天我们学习的词是turnaround,turnaround, turnaround...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是mandatory. Mandatory is spelled m-a-n-d-a-t-o-r-y, mandatory. Mandatory指“强制性的,必须的”。比如,mandatory retirement age 强制退休年龄。Bulgaria's Minister of Regional Development is calling for the introduction of mandatory insurance for private residencies and all privately-owned buildings. 保加利亚地区发展部部长提出,应要求该国的私人住宅和全部私有建筑一律购买保险。The New York City Council is considering a new bill that will make it mandatory for all bikers to wear helmets.纽约市市议员正在考虑一项新议案,硬性要求纽约市每个骑自行车的人都必须佩戴头盔。好,今天我们学习的词是mandatory, mandatory, mandatory.....
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是full-blown. Full-blown is spelled f-u-l-l-b-l-o-w-n; full-blown. Full-blown指“全面的,盛开的”。The percentage of U.S. teenagers with "pre-diabetes" or full-blown type 2 diabetes has more than doubled in recent years. 在美国,患有前期糖尿病或晚期二型糖尿病的青少年占青少年人口总数比例在最近几年中增长了一倍多。The UN human rights chief warned that a full-blown civil war could engulf Syria if Assad and the opposition forces do not abide by the UN-brokered peace plan. 联合国人权事务主管警告说,如果叙利亚总统阿萨德和反政府武装不遵守由联合国斡旋的和平计划,叙利亚可能会被全面内战所吞噬。好,今天我们学习的词是 full-blown, full-blown, full-blown...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是forecast. Forecast is spelled f-o-r-e-c-a-s-t; forecast. Forecast是“预测”的意思,比如,weather forecast 就是天气预报。Five major global banks lowered India's growth forecast from 6.4% to 5.7% for the current fiscal year. 五家全球大银行把印度这一财政年度的经济增长预期下调到百分之5点7至6点4。U.S. Payrolls climbed by 69,000 in May, much less than forecasted. 美国五月份增加了6万9千个就业机会,远远低于预期。百分之60的爱尔兰人投票支持欧盟关于严格限制爱尔兰预算赤字的财政契约。The number of supporters exceeded forecasts in the opinion polls. 支持者的数量超过了民调的预期。好,今天我们学习的词是forecast, forecast, forecast...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是 throne. Throne is spelled t-h-r-o-n-e, throne. Throne 是“王位,统治”的意思。This year marks the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's ascension to the British throne.今年是英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基60周年。Under a U.K. Parliament statute, Prince Charles will be King when his mother either abdicates the throne or dies. 根据英国议会的一项法令,如果女王放弃王位或者去世,查尔斯王子将成为英国国王。三星公司推出新款智能手机,其预售数量达到安卓手机的最高水平,Some people expect that the Samsung Galaxy S3 will not only outsell the iPhone, but also usurp Apple's throne. 有些人预计,这款三星银河S3手机不但会击败iPhone, 还会动摇苹果公司在这一领域的统治地位。 好,今天我们学习的词是throne, throne, throne...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是mimic. Mimic is spelled m-i-m-i-c, mimic. Mimic是模仿的意思。最近,美国和意大利的科学家造了一条外形类似斑马鱼的机器鱼,The robotic fish mimics the tail movements of real Zebrafish and attracted live fish to interact with it. 机器鱼能模仿真斑马鱼的尾部活动,并吸引真鱼过来和它互动。索尼公司展示了一种新的游戏机技术,Sony said the new technology can make an animated character on screen mimic a game player's facial expressions. 索尼公司说,这种新技术能让屏幕上的动画人物模仿电玩玩家的面部表情。The US envoy on North Korean human rights issues says Pyongyang should mimic Burma in political and economic reforms. 联合国北韩人权问题特使说,平壤应该在政治和经济改革方面向缅甸学习。好,今天我们学习的词是mimic, mimic, mimic...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是glut. Glut is spelled g-l-u-t, glut. Glut 是充斥,过量的意思。中国汽车流通协会打算建议汽车生产商们减少产量,因为The worsening glut of vehicles across the nation's car dealerships is unsustainable. 中国各地汽车经销商面临的库存过剩问题正在恶化,这样发展下去难以维系。The U.S. is currently in the midst of a glut of natural gas and related products. 美国市场目前处于天然气和相关产品过剩的状态。Australia's olive oil harvest could be halved this year because of wet conditions and a glut of cheap imports. 澳大利亚今年橄榄油收成可能会比去年减半,这是因为天气潮湿,市场上又充斥着便宜的外国进口橄榄油。好,今天我们学习的词是glut, glut, glut...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是teeter. Teeter is spelled t-e-e-t-e-r, teeter. Teeter 的意思是“摇摇欲坠,摇摆不定”。 尽管欧盟决定出资救市,Spain's banking system is still teetering on the edge of disaster. 西班牙银行系统还是徘徊在灾难的边缘。Japanese media said the Japanese IT parts, materials and finished goods sectors are teetering on the brink of collapse. 日本媒体说,日本的IT业的零件、材料和成品领域都已经游走在崩溃的边缘。在英国曼彻斯特,A police officer pulled the driver from a burning car as it teetered on the edge of a motorway bridge. 一名警察从起火的汽车中拽出了一个司机,当时那辆车已经在高架桥边上摇摇欲坠了。好,今天我们学习的词是teeter, teeter, teeter...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是defer. Defer is spelled d-e-f-e-r, defer. Defer 意思是“推迟”。有调查发现,Many baby boomers are deferring retirement because of poor personal finances and heavy debts. 很多婴儿潮出生的人如今都因为个人财务状况不好和债务繁重而推迟退休。The Obama administration announced it would defer deporting most young illegal immigrants under 30 for two years. 奥巴马政府宣布,对大部分不到三十岁的非法移民,美国将推迟两年再把他们递解出境。The Pakistan government has decided to defer by a year a planned increase in a tax on compressed natural gas. 巴基斯坦政府决定把压缩天然气加税计划推迟一年。好,今天我们学习的词是defer, defer, defer...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的短语是lock horns. Lock is spelled l-o-c-k, lock; and horns, h-o-r-n-s, horns; lock horns. Lock是锁上, horn是动物头上的角,lock horns原指动物用角互顶打架,引伸为“激烈争论”,杠上了。India and the European Union are likely to lock horns over new green energy norms at the Earth Summit in Brazil. 在巴西召开的地球峰会上,印度和欧盟很可能就新的绿色能源标准争论不休。U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder locked horns with congressional Republicans at a hearing on a gun-trafficking case. 美国司法部长霍尔德同国会共和党人在听证会上因一起枪支走私案顶了起来。The mayor and her deputy locked horns over plans for a new road. 市长和她的副手因为修路计划而激烈争吵。好,今天我们学习的词是lock horns, lock horns, lock horns...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是mandatory. Mandatory is spelled m-a-n-d-a-t-o-r-y, mandatory. Mandatory指“强制性的,必须的”。比如,mandatory retirement age 强制退休年龄。Bulgaria's Minister of Regional Development is calling for the introduction of mandatory insurance for private residencies and all privately-owned buildings. 保加利亚地区发展部部长提出,应要求该国的私人住宅和全部私有建筑一律购买保险。The New York City Council is considering a new bill that will make it mandatory for all bikers to wear helmets.纽约市市议员正在考虑一项新议案,硬性要求纽约市每个骑自行车的人都必须佩戴头盔。好,今天我们学习的词是mandatory, mandatory, mandatory.....




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