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回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是 electrify. Electrify 动词,是让别人觉得兴奋,振奋的意思。美国前总统克林顿在民主党大会上发表讲话。The former President electrified the Democratic Convention with a passionate speech. 前总统克林顿在民主党大会上激情讲话,振奋了整个会场。Jamaican runner Usain Bolt electrified the London Games by becoming the first man to win back-to-back Olympic gold medals in the 100, 200 and 400 meter relays. 牙买加田径选手博尔特成为在连续两届奥运会上赢得100米,200米和400米接力赛金牌的第一人,给伦敦奥运会注入了激情与活力。好的,今天我们学习的词是electrify, electrify, electrify..
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是stressful. Stressful 意思是压力很大的。Starting a new job can be exciting and stressful at the same time. 开始一份新工作可能既令人兴奋,又让人倍感压力。有调查显示,Law enforcement agents, taxi drivers and corporate executives are among the most stressful jobs in the country. 执法人员,出租车司机和公司主管属于美国各种职业中压力最大的行业。美国新闻周刊公布了2012年度压力最大的25所大学的排行榜。在排行榜中,Washington University at Saint Louis is ranked as the most stressful university in the country. 圣路易斯的华盛顿大学被列为全美国学生压力最大的学校。好的,今天我们学习的词是stressful, stressful, stressful...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是unthinkable. Unthinkable 意思是无法想象的。U.S. companies are preparing for the once-unthinkable, that Greece might leave the eurozone. 美国公司为希腊可能离开欧元做准备,这本来是无法想象的事情。美式足球NFL的很多后卫球队一贯以大块头著称。然而如今,体重对身体的压力让很多球员难以承受。Many super-sized NFL players are now doing the unthinking: they are on a diet. 很多大块头的NFL球员如今开始控制饮食,这在以前本来是无法想象的。好的,今天我们学习的词是unthinkable, unthinkable, unthinkable...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是uptick。 Uptick, 名词,意思是上升。 "There has been an uptick in violent crimes in the past year," 过去一年里暴力犯罪有所上升。"Local retailers expect to see a sales uptick in this year's holiday shopping season," 本地零售商估计,今年节假购物季节的销量会出现上扬。跟去年同期相比,赌城拉斯维加斯七月份的游客数量上升了2.3%。有评论认为, "The visitor uptick in Las Vegas is reflective of a nationwide trend," 拉斯维加斯游客数量的上扬反应了全国范围内的总趋势。好的,今天我们学习的词是uptick...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是call off。 To call off, 意思是取消或推迟。 "The wedding was called off because of flooding," 婚礼因为发大水而被迫推迟。 "A planned strike was called off to allow further negotiations," 原定罢工推迟,让双方能继续谈判。 "The men's U.S. Open final was called off Sunday because of persistent rain," 美国网球公开赛男子决赛星期天因为一直下雨被推迟。 "A Florida pastor finally called off the plan to burn copies of The Quran," 佛罗里达州的一个牧师最后决定放弃焚烧古兰经的计划。好的,今天我们学习的词是call off...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是crusade。 Crusade, 改革运动。美国儿童存在严重的肥胖问题。"First Lady Michelle Obama is on a crusade for healthy eating," 美国第一夫人米歇尔.奥巴马大力推动健康的饮食习惯。
很多经受鲨鱼袭击,九死一生的幸存者最终反而成了鲨鱼利益的代言人。"These shark survivors are on a crusade to save their predators," 这些鲨鱼袭击的幸存者正大力展开一场挽救他们袭击者的运动。倍具争议的美国电影制片人迈克尔.摩尔的新片《资本主义》上映了。影评说,"Michael Moore is on an anti-capitalist crusade," 迈克尔.摩尔展开了一场反资本主义的运动。好的,今天我们学习的词是crusade...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是hangover。 Hangover, 是宿醉的意思。"I have a nasty hangover this morning from the party last night," 昨天晚上开派对喝多了,今天早上特别难受。你知道吗,"Dark drinks like bourbon or red wine make for a worse hangover compared to lighter drinks like vodka or gin," 波本和红葡萄酒这类颜色较深的酒比伏特加或杜松子这种颜色较浅的酒更容易引起宿醉。
咖啡能解酒吗?答案是否定的。"Coffee leads to more dehydration and can make your hangover worse," 咖啡会导致进一步脱水,加重宿醉的程度。好的,今天我们学习的词是hangover...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是breeze。 Breeze, 做为名词,指轻而易举的事情。 "Beating the unknown team wasn't a breeze as we thought it would be," 打赢这支名不见经传的队伍远没有我们原本想象的那么简单。 "The new website makes searching for cheap airline tickets a breeze," 这个新网站让寻找便宜机票变得轻而易举。虽然美国经济持续低迷,总统奥巴马的民众支持率也很低,但在两个月后的国会中期选举中, "Winning back control of the Congress is not going to be a breeze for the Republicans," 夺回国会控制权对共和党人来说也并非举手之劳。好的,今天我们学习的词是breeze...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是obsessed。 Obsessed, 一门心思的,沉迷于。 "My girlfriend is obsessed with buying handbags," 我女朋友买包上瘾。 "One of my co-workers is obsessed with social networks," 我有一个同事整天沉迷于社交网站。 "The singer admitted to being obsessed with losing weight when she was a teenager," 这个歌星承认自己十几岁的时候一心就想着减肥。 "Obsessed fans lined up at bookstores throughout the night to be the first ones to read the new book," 疯狂的粉丝们彻夜在书店门口大排长龙,只为能先买到新书,一睹为快。好的,今天我们学习的词是obsessed...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是baby steps。 Baby steps, 小孩的步子,意思是慢慢的,一步一步的。 "The doctor told him to take baby steps towards recovery," 医生让他不要急,一步一步慢慢恢复。 "If you're new at exercising, you need to take baby steps to increase the intensity," 如果你是刚开始锻炼的话,需要一步一步来,逐渐加强锻炼强度。 "After the divorce, she is taking baby steps to bring her life back together," 离婚后,她一点点地努力让自己的生活回归正常。好的,今天我们学习的词是baby steps...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是on the rise。 On the rise,正在上升。 "The hip-hop singer's popularity is on the rise," 这个嘻哈歌手现在越来越红。最新研究显示, "The number of concussions suffered by kids playing organized sports is on the rise," 因为参加有组织的体育项目而发生脑振荡的孩子的数字呈上升趋势。随着社交媒体的日益兴起, "Security breaches associated with social media are also on the rise," 跟社交媒体有关的安全受到破坏的情况也呈现上升趋势。好的,今天我们学习的词是on the rise...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是crowd pleaser。 A crowd pleaser, 指深受欢迎的人或事。 "The movie is a crowd pleaser," 大家都爱看这部电影。 "His performance was a crowd pleaser," 他的表演得到一致好评。大熊猫泰山在美国的时候, "Tai Shan was a huge crowd pleaser," 深受大家喜爱。 "The dessert I made was a crowd pleaser at the party," 我做的甜点在派对上特别受欢迎。 "The 20-minute firework display on July 4th is always a crowd pleaser," 7月4号晚上二十分钟的焰火表演从来都有很多人喜欢看。好的,今天我们学习的词是crowd pleaser...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是cut back。 To cut back, 意思是减少。由于冬天客流量少,"A rail service will cut back the number of trains it runs from 18 to 10," 一家火车公司决定将客运列车数量从18列减少为10列。"General Mills has announced it will cut back on the amount of sugar in ten of its popular kids cereals," 美国通用磨坊食品公司宣布,要减少十种最受欢迎的儿童谷类早餐里糖的含量。最新调查显示,"Nearly half of U.S. residents will cut back on gift spending this year," 几乎一般美国人今年都打算减少在礼品上的开销。好的,今天我们学习的词是cut back...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是 household. Household 是家庭,一家一户的意思。American gymnast Gaby Douglas made a household name out of herself with her gold medal win at the London Games. 美国女子体操选手Gaby Douglas在伦敦奥运会上赢得金牌,变得家喻户晓。美国农业部公布的报告显示,Almost 18 million American households struggled to find enough to eat in 2011. 美国有将近1800万个家庭2011年曾遇到过缺少足够食物的情况。利物浦连续第四年成为全英国失业家庭比例最高的城市。Almost a third of all households in Liverpool have no employed family members. 利物浦将近三分之一的家庭,都没有任何家庭成员工作。好的,今天我们学习的词是 household, household, household...

回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

天我们要学的词是 squander. Squander 是白白浪费的意思。Our local high school basketball team squandered its early lead in a loss to our arch-rival. 我们本地高中篮球队没有把握好领先局面,最后反而输给了老对手。This opportunity is once in a lifetime. Don't squander it. 这是千载难逢的好机会,千万别浪费了。美国医药协会在一份最新报告中指出,The U.S. health care system squanders $750 billion a year, roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar. 美国医保系统每年都会白白浪费掉7500亿美元,大约相当于用在医保的一个美元里,就有30美分被浪费了。好的,今天我们学习的词是 squander, squander, squander...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

天我们要学的词是 pre-order. Pre-order 预购。iPhone5问世了。The iPhone5 went on pre-order just after midnight Pacific time last Friday. iPhone5 于美国西部时间上星期五凌晨12点一过开始预售。Roughly one hour after the iPhone5 went on pre-order , they sold out on Apple's online store. iPhone5 预购开始大约一小时,网上苹果店的订单就满了。The three major networks that carry the iPhone, namely AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint, also started accepting pre-orders around the same time. 美国三大iPhone运营商 AT&T, Verizon 和 Sprint 也都在大约同一时间开始预售。好的,今天我们学习的词是 pre-order, pre-order, pre-order....
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是 star power. Star power 指名人的影响力。Former President Bill Clinton brought star power to the democratic convention. 美国前总统克林顿在民主党大会上充分施展了名人魅力。中国是世界上最大的象牙消费市场,退役篮球明星姚明八月份前往肯尼亚拍摄反对非法狩猎的纪录片。 Yao Ming is trying to use his star power to fight against illegal poaching in Africa. 姚明希望依赖自身影响力,协助打击非洲的非法狩猎。美国很多好莱坞明星都支持奥巴马,比如说,Actor George Clooney flexed his star power and netted $15 million in an Obama fundraiser. 乔治.克鲁尼就在一次为奥巴马站台的活动中,竞选集资约1500万美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是 star power, star power, star power...
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是 storm. 大家都知道,storm作为名词是风暴的意思。而作为动词,是冲击。Sudanese demonstrators angry over a film that insults the Prophet Mohammad stormed the Germany embassy in Khartoum. 愤怒的苏丹抗议者冲击了驻喀土穆的德国使馆,起因是一部他们认为侮辱了先知穆罕默德的影片。在此之前,Hundreds of rioters stormed the U.S. embassy in Yemen, hurling logs and rocks in an attempt to shatter the mission's bulletproof glass. 美国驻也门大使馆也遭到数百名暴动者的冲击,他们用木板和石块,打碎了使馆的防弹玻璃窗。好的,今天我们学习的词是 storm, storm, storm....
回复: 每天学一个小词,天天up

今天我们要学的词是 wildlife. Wildlife 野生动物。Sri Lanka has always been one of the best known wildlife tourist destinations. 斯里兰卡向来是著名的野生动物游览胜地之一。Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted that some of his wildlife stunts have been carefully staged. 俄罗斯总统普京承认,他跟野生动物的一些亲密接触都是经过事先周密策划的。如今,无人驾驶飞机不光用于军事。Drones are now used to track endangered wildlife, spot poachers and chart forest loss in many countries. 很多国家还利用无人驾驶飞机追踪濒危野生物种,发现非法狩猎者,勘测记录森林的消失。好的,今天我们学习的词是 wildlife, wildlife, wildlife....




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