回复: 文案视角解答材料准备相关问题
1. 您现在补料是要按E37155的要求准备。
2. 据我了解,北京使馆227补料时是不需要社保和完税证明的。在227之前是需要的,另外626之后也是需要的。
3. 之前单位不存在了,可以递交解除劳动关系证明作为补充。
4. 补料要求提供的是近十年的工作证明,十二年前的情况您可以在表格中反映。证明材料不需提供。移民官若觉得有必要的话,会来信通知补充的。
北京的E37155对 工作经历有如下要求:WORK EXPERIENCE
For you and your spouse or common-law partner:
• Employment contracts from present and past employers for each employment
position held in the 10 years prior to the date of application until present and
which is listed on the application form, accompanied by an English or French
• Original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and current employers;
• Proof of personal income taxes and social insurance paid by the principal
applicant for each employment position held in the 10 years prior to the date of
application until present and which is listed on the application form, issued by the
bureau responsible for collecting these fees