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美国投资移民 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

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回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。



  • 两个大桥项目的对比.jpg
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回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。






回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

加息对政府债券的影响很小,而且是间接的。两三年后的价值肯定超过票面价值,风险很小,没有At risk承诺回款保证还不能做EB-5内呢。

AUSA 是把钱赚在明处,利率涨跌也不是它操纵的。况且你可以等到合适的价位再在市场上交易。



  • 票面100债券交易实例.jpg
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回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

加息对政府债券的影响很小,而且是间接的。两三年后的价值肯定超过票面价值,风险很小,没有At risk承诺回款保证还不能做EB-5内呢。

AUSA 是把钱赚在明处,利率涨跌也不是它操纵的。况且你可以等到合适的价位再在市场上交易。


回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

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回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。


回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

Washington generates revenues throughout the calendar year, no matter how good or bad the economy.

The state is obligated to use these revenues to (1) pay for educational expenses and (2) interest and principal on its general obligation bonds.

After these two have been fully satisfied, then and only then can the state pay its other expenses.

This is important because even with declining revenues, Washington has more than sufficient cash flow to satisfy (1) and (2).

And as a sovereign entity, Washington doesn't have access to bankruptcy-protection laws. This means the state cannot force its creditors to restructure their holdings. Corporations and municipalities are usually incorporated entities and as such, can file for bankruptcy protection, often resulting in creditors taking a permanent haircut to the face value of their investment.
回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

美国OTC市场 OTC市场是世界上最古老的证券交易场所,源自于当初银行兼营股票买卖业务――因为采取在银行柜台上向客户出售股票,遂被称柜台交易市场。又因为这种交易不在交易所里进行,也叫做场外市场。 美国拥有世界上最完善的资本市场,其分层最为复杂,但也最为合理。 具体说来,包括以下几个方面:主板市场,即证券交易所市场,是指在有组织交易所进行集中竞价交易的市场,主要是为大型、成熟企业的融资和转让提供服务;二板市场,又称为创业板市场,指与主板市场相对应,在主板之外专为处于幼稚阶段中后期和产业化阶段初期的中小企业及高科技企业提供资金融通的股票市场;三板市场即场外市场,包括柜台市场和场外交易市场,主要解决企业发展过程中处于初级阶段中后期和幼稚阶段初期的中小企业在筹集资本性资金方面的问题。 在场外交易市场交易的证券通常是达不到在证券交易所上市的要求或达不到维持上市要求而被摘牌退市企业的股票,这些股票交易的活跃程度与证券交易所相比有较大差距。 目前,美国的OTC市场是一个庞大的市场,通过计算机系统把各地做市商的交易终端连接起来,形成一个庞大的数据交换网络。 这一市场按层次高低分为全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统(NASDAQ)、场外交易市场公告板(OTCBB)、粉红单市场(pink sheets)以及第三市场、第四市场等,其中,NASDAQ是最大的OTC市场。 以NASDAQ为例,它是一个以终端为基础的市场,它允许多重市场参与者通过遍布全球的计算机网络来完成交易,高度的竞争有助于保证市场的透明度和流动性。NASDAQ市场采取的是多元做市商制度为主、指令驱动制度为辅的证券交易制度。 美国OTC市场发展迅猛,其证券交易数量约占全美证券交易量的3/4。以OTCBB为例,经过10余年的运作,OTCBB已确立了在美国非主板市场的霸主地位,最多时有超过3600家公司、交易的证券超过6667种、近400家做市商活跃于该市场。
回复: 有请高手点评:美国最安全的投资项目,西雅图520大桥EB-5项目。

本项目最新的2011年7月8日的 TEA资格认定

这个TEA是由好几个CENCUS TRACT连起来,象个蝴蝶的样子,很有艺术性,但是否有些gerrymandering的嫌疑呢?移民局对这类的TEA好像不是很中意的。看移民局怎样否定一个佛罗里达的区域中心的TEA的信:

Now the community is buzzing over a 3/11/2011 Notice of Intent to Deny issued to an RC in Florida that calls out as unacceptable a strategy that many Regional Centers currently use. To quote from the notice:
In support of counsel’s contention that the job-creating enterprise is located within a TEA, the petitioner provided a letter dated March 25, 2010 from a State of Florida official. The official concluded that by joining several census tracts which are contiguous to census tract [tract number], the combined area experienced high unemployment at least 150 percent of the national average unemployment rate for 2009. Thus, according to the letter, the combined area qualifies as a targeted employment area.
The plain language of the regulation indicates that TEA must be “a” single geographical or political subdivision. … Nothing in the regulation suggests that a petitioner may qualify for the reduced investment amount by seeking government confirmation of the fact that adding several high unemployment census tracts to a low unemployment census tract produces a higher average unemployment rate. Census tract [tract number] does not qualify as a TEA by itself. Census tract [tract number] qualifies as a TEA only by combining adjacent census tracts and averaging the unemployment data. Such an analysis renders the reduced investment amount meaningless as any alien could qualify for the reduced amount simply by adding high unemployment census tracts to a census tract that is otherwise not a TEA. Rather, the investment must be in “a” geographic or political subdivision officially designated as a TEA.
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The State may determine that a specific metropolitan statistical area, a county within a metropolitan statistical area, or a county in which a city or town with a population of 20,000 or more is located, is a targeted employment area (TEA). In order to make such a determination, the county, city or census tract in question must experience an average unemployment rate of 150 percent of the national average. Additionally, the State has the power to, in some cases, designate certain geographic or political subdivisions of metropolitan statistical areas or of cities or towns with a population of 20,000 or more with a high unemployment rate of at least 150 percent of the national average, as targeted employment areas.

8 CFR § 204.6 Petitions for employment creation aliens.
(i) State designation of a high unemployment area. The state government of any state of the United States may designate a particular geographic or political subdivision located within a metropolitan statistical area or within a city or town having a population of 20,000 or more within such state as an area of high unemployment (at least 150 percent of the national average rate). Evidence of such designation, including a description of the boundaries of the geographic or political subdivision and the method or methods by which the unemployment statistics were obtained, may be provided to a prospective alien entrepreneur for submission with Form I526. Before any such designation is made, an official of the state must notify the Associate Commissioner for Examinations of the agency, board, or other appropriate governmental body of the state which shall be delegated the authority to certify that the geographic or political subdivision is a high unemployment area.

If the location of the proposed new business does not fall into a qualifying area described in Step 2, justification for high unemployment area qualification might be possible by special designation of a smaller area within the otherwise non-qualifying area. The state government may designate a particulargeographic or political subdivision located within a metropolitan statistical area or within a city or town having a population of 20,000 or more as an area of high unemployment and having at least 150 percent of the national average rate.
In order to consider special area designations, applicants for such designation must observe the following criteria:

A) The entrepreneur asking for designation should include a description of the boundaries of the geographic or political subdivision:
a. A geographic subdivision would be an area carved out based on the physical features of the Earth’s surface. (Good examples would be XYZ Valley, XYZ Bay, etc.)
b. A political subdivision would be a division of a state that exists primarily to discharge some function of local government, such as a civil administrative unit of a county or city. (Administrative units of the federal or state government do not qualify for special designation.)

B) The proposed area must have an unemployment rate equal to or exceeding 150% of the national unemployment average based on the weighted average of the unemployment rate of the contiguous census tracts comprising of the desired area. (520项目使用的就是这个方案)

Although the decision on claiming that a new commercial enterprise has created or will create employment in the desired designated high unemployment area belongs to the federal government, the state government has to evaluate potential beneficial and adverse impacts of such a designation. To aid such an evaluation, requesters should also provide a logical economic reasoning, one that would be recognized within the investment area or a specific industry, for why the area should be provided with a HUA (TEA) designation. Such reasoning should include any and all information necessary to justify the claim that the establishment of the new business will have a positive and meaningful effect on unemployment in the desired area.
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