家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

I received DM1 that was made on 26th, Jan, and in the letter I received later, it says that all of my application has been forwarded to Beijing Visa Office. But until now, I haven`t got any updated information. I also sent an email on 20th, Feb Monday to Beijing visa office to tell them that my job has been changed with my new job offer. But I just got an automatic reply.

So 善待每一天, do you know normally when should I get the answer from Beijing? Should I send another email to them? It's been 1 month since DM1 was made.

By the way, what kind of format is the BJAR for? Through Email or mail? Is that a file number different than UCI? At the same time, the status online is going to be changed as well?

Sorry for using English because there is no Chinese system on this computer.

Thanks for everyone's help!
回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

I received DM1 that was made on 26th, Jan, and in the letter I received later, it says that all of my application has been forwarded to Beijing Visa Office. But until now, I haven`t got any updated information. I also sent an email on 20th, Feb Monday to Beijing visa office to tell them that my job has been changed with my new job offer. But I just got an automatic reply.

So 善待每一天, do you know normally when should I get the answer from Beijing? Should I send another email to them? It's been 1 month since DM1 was made.

By the way, what kind of format is the BJAR for? Through Email or mail? Is that a file number different than UCI? At the same time, the status online is going to be changed as well?

Sorry for using English because there is no Chinese system on this computer.

Thanks for everyone's help!
回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

你1月26号DM1 下周差不多会收到北京AR信 这段时间基本上DM1后一个月左右申请人会收到北京使馆email 里面有新的UCI 号 申请人可以输入这个号查询 FN还是跟原来一样 网上更新一般会晚点
回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

你1月26号DM1 下周差不多会收到北京AR信 这段时间基本上DM1后一个月左右申请人会收到北京使馆email 里面有新的UCI 号 申请人可以输入这个号查询 FN还是跟原来一样 网上更新一般会晚点.

Hellen, here, the 申请人 is sponsor in Canada or applicant in China?
回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

你1月26号DM1 下周差不多会收到北京AR信 这段时间基本上DM1后一个月左右申请人会收到北京使馆email 里面有新的UCI 号 申请人可以输入这个号查询 FN还是跟原来一样 网上更新一般会晚点.

Hellen, here, the 申请人 is sponsor in Canada or applicant in China?
回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

Waiting for BJ AR.........

Frances你又查询过吗 我DM1比你早3天 一个月收到BJAR
善待DM1比我早4天 BJAR比我早了9天 这样看来你的还是正常的。。
回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***

回复: 2012了,***11月的TX该有消息了吧***


是发到申请人表格上的邮箱的。。老婆留了两个邮箱 都收到了




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