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回复: 让基础职场词汇成为你的“嫡系”(欢迎全程参与互动)

I work for an electric power bureau in china ,I work on trade union ,in fact ,I run the union department , I manage a team of union staff :7 people work under me .one of my main responsibilities is
collecting ,dealing ,responding all sorts of requests and suggestions from staff`s for company . I am also in charge of woman affairs.I deal with a lot of diffent people in the company .

哈哈照猫画虎了一篇,后面跟不下去了,因为有些不明白,比如:am responsible for co-ordination among 是“负责与哪些部门合作”的意思吗?work with 的汉语翻译是什么呢?不仅仅是简单的“与什么什么一起工作”吧,另外“arrive at work at”和“ at work till ”感觉很陌生,汉语确切是什么意思呢?可以这样用吗?

回复: 让基础职场词汇成为你的“嫡系”(欢迎全程参与互动)


回复: 让基础职场词汇成为你的“嫡系”(欢迎全程参与互动)

I work for an electric power bureau in china ,I work on trade union ,in fact ,I run the union department , I manage a team of union staff :7 people work under me .one of my main responsibilities is
collecting ,dealing ,responding all sorts of requests and suggestions from staff`s for company . I am also in charge of woman affairs.I deal with a lot of diffent people in the company .

哈哈照猫画虎了一篇,后面跟不下去了,因为有些不明白,比如:am responsible for co-ordination among 是“负责与哪些部门合作”的意思吗?work with 的汉语翻译是什么呢?不仅仅是简单的“与什么什么一起工作”吧,另外“arrive at work at”和“ at work till ”感觉很陌生,汉语确切是什么意思呢?可以这样用吗?


对于你提出的问题,be responsible for是负责的意思,co-ordination是合作协调,among只是用于两者以上,否则用between;arrive at work是到达上班地点,后一个at只是引出后面的时间,till是直到的意思,即一直上班直到5点下班!
另外,你要模仿就用我最上面提供的原汁原味的范本,而不要用我自己写的东西,可能会有错。我看了你写的,有些小问题,如:work on trade union,似乎不妥,work on后面应该跟的是专业,而不是部门或单位;---from staff`s for company 应改为from staffs in our company;可能我说的不完全对,仅供参考!
最后编辑: 2012-01-29
[FONT=微软雅黑]2. Ways of working[/FONT]
[FONT=微软雅黑]A. Old and new ways[/FONT]
I'm an office worker in an insurance company. It's a nine-to-five job(朝九晚五)with regular working hours. The work isn't very interesting, but I like to be able to go home at a reasonable time.
We all have to clock in and clock out every day. (每天打卡上下班)In this company, even the managers have to, which is unusual.
Note: You also say clock on and clock off.
I'm in computer programming. There's a system of flexitime(美国英语:flextime) in my company, which means we can work when we want, within certain limits. We can start at any time before eleven, and finish as early as three, as long as we do enough hours each month. It's ideal for me as I have two young children.
I work in a car plant. I work in shifts(翻班). I may be on the day shift one week and the night shift the next week. It's difficult changing from one shift to another. When I change shifts, I have problems changing to a new routine for sleeping and eating.(倒时差)
I'm a commercial artist in an advertising agency. I work in a big city, but I prefer living in the country, so I commute to work every day, like thousands of other commuters. Working from home using a computer and the Internet is becoming more and more popular, and the agency is introducing this: it's called teleworking or telecommuting. But I like going into the office and working with other people around me.

B. Nice work if you can get it
All these words are used in front of "job" and "work":

  • satisfying, stimulating, fascinating, exciting: the work is interesting and gives you positive feelings.
  • dull, boring, uninteresting, unstimulating: the work is not interesting.
  • repetitive, routine: the work involves doing the same things again and again.
  • tiring, tough, hard, demanding: the work is difficult and makes you tired.

C. Nature of work
My work involves---(+noun, 如:human contact, long hours, team work);
My work involves---(+ing, 如:solving problems, travelling a lot, dealing with customers);

Over to you
If you work---
Do you have a nine-to-five job?
Do you have to clock on and off? Is there a flexitime system in your organization?
Are there people who do shiftwork in your company?
Could you do your job working from home? If so, would you like to?

If you don't work---
What sort of working hours would you like to have if you worked?
Would you like to work from home?
回复: 让基础职场词汇成为你的“嫡系”(欢迎全程参与互动)

互动模拟练习: (欢迎各位指正)
I'm a marketing director in a real estate company. Although I don't like to clock in and clock out everyday, I do want a nine-to-five job with regular working hours as it makes me go home at a reasonable time every day. Due to the nature of my vocation, I have to face a system of flexitime in my company. We start and finish any time each day according to our projects, some people like it but not me.
In our company, there are no people do shiftwork. In my point of view, shiftwork is unacceptable. When shifts are changed, it's hard for people to change to a new routine for sleeping and eating.
I like teleworking or telecommuting which means we can work from home using a computer and Internet. But many of our colleagues hate it since they like going into the office and working with other people.
On the whole, I like my job. I think it's stimulating and challenging.(建议大家多用stimulating来代替interesting)
[FONT=微软雅黑]3.Recruitment and selection[/FONT]
[FONT=微软雅黑]A. Recruitment[/FONT]
The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment or, especially in American English, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a recruit or, in American English, a hire. The company employs or hires them; they join the company. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters, recruitment agencies or employment agencies. Outside specialists called headhunters may be called on to headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organizations they already work for. This process is called headhunting.

B. Applying for a job
Fred is a van driver, but he was fed up with long trips. He looked in the situations vacant pages of his local newspaper, where a local supermarket was advertising for van drivers for a new delivery service. He applied for the job by completing an application form and sending it in.

Harry is a building engineer. He saw a job in the appointments pages of one of the national papers. He made an application, sending in his CV(curriculum vitae- the "story" of his working life,美国英语:resume) and a covering letter (美国英语:cover letter) explaining why he wanted the job and why he was the right person for it.
Note: Situation, post and position are formal words often used in job advertisements and applications.

C. Selection procedures
Dagmar Schmidt is the head of the recruitment at a German telecommunications company. She talks about the selection process, the methods that the company uses to recruit people:
"We advertise in national newspapers. We look at the backgrounds of applicants: their experience of different jobs and their educational qualifications. We don't ask for handwritten letters of application as people usually apply by email; handwriting analysis belongs to the 19th century.
We invite the most interesting candidates to a group discussion. Then we have individual interviews with each candidate. We also ask the candidates to do written psychometric tests to assess their intelligence and personality.
After this, we shortlist three or four candidates. We check their references by writing to their referees: previous employers or teachers that candidates have named in their applications. If the references are OK, we ask the candidates to come back for more interviews. Finally, we offer the job to someone, and if they turn it down we have to think again. If they accept it, we hire them. We only appoint someone if we find the right person.

over to you:
If you work---
How did you get your job? Was it advertised? Were you interviewed for it? Was the selection process very long?

If you don't work---
Have you applied for any jobs? Were you interviewed? How did it go? What's the usual process for getting your first job in your country?
回复: 让基础职场词汇成为你的“嫡系”(欢迎全程参与互动)

互动模拟练习: (欢迎各位指正)
I used to be a HR manager, but I was fed up with the repetitive and routine job. I looked in the situations vacant pages of the local newspaper, where a well-known multi-national company was advertising for a marketing manager. Althougt it was not my major, I did have a lot of interest in marketing. In fact, I have gotten the master degree of MBA three years ago. So I decided to have a try. I applied for the job by completing an application form and sending it in. Fortunately, I was arranged to attend an individual interview and at last I got the offer unexpectedly! It's amazing!
[FONT=微软雅黑]4. Skills and qualifications[/FONT]
[FONT=微软雅黑]A. Education and training[/FONT]
Margareta: The trouble with graduates, people who've just left university, is that their paper qualifications are good, but they have no work experience. They just don't know how business works.
Nils: I disagree. Education should teach people how to think, not prepare them for a particular job. One of last year's recruits had graduated from Oxford in Philosophy and she's doing very well.
Margareta: Philosophy is an interesting subject, but for our company, it's more useful if you train as a scientist and qualify as a biologist or chemist - training for a specific job is better.
Nils: Yes, but we don't just need scientists. We also need good managers, which we can achieve through in-house training courses within the company. You know we have put a lot of money into management development and management training because they are very important. You need to have some management experience for that. It's not the sort of thing you can learn when you're 20!

Note: 美国英语:You also say that someone graduates from high school (the school that people usually leave when they are 18)

B. Skilled and unskilled
A skill is the ability to do something well, especially because you have learned how to do it and practised it.
Jobs, and the people who do them, can be described as:

  • highly skilled: (e.g. car designer)
  • skilled: (e.g. car production manager)
  • semi-skilled: (e.g. taxi driver)
  • unskilled: (e.g. car cleaner)

You can say that someone is:
skilled at, or skilled in---(+noun customer care, electronics, computer software)
skilled at, or skilled in---(+-ing communicating, using PCs, working with large groups)

You can also say that somebody is:
good with ----(computers, figures, people)

C. The right person
These words are often used in job advertisements. Companies look for people who are:

  • self-starters, proactive, self-motivated, or self-driven: good at working on their own
  • methodical, systematic and organized: can work in a planned, orderly way
  • computer-literate: good whth computers
  • numerate: good with numbers
  • motivated: very keen to do well in their job
  • talented: naturally very good at what they do
  • team players: people who work well with other people
Over to you
If you work---
What sort of people does your organization look for in its recruitment?
What sort of person are you?

If you don't work---
Does your educational institution prepare people for specific jobs?
回复: 让基础职场词汇成为你的“嫡系”(欢迎全程参与互动)

互动模拟练习: (欢迎各位指正)
Our company likes to look for graduates in its recruitment. Although some people hold the view that graduates only have paper qualifications and lack of work experence. They don't know how business works. But I disagree. I think most of graduates learn how to think from education and it makes them self-motivated and methodical. As for me, I am also a man of self-starter. So I would rather choose some proactive young graduates.
[FONT=微软雅黑]5. Pay and benefits[/FONT]
[FONT=微软雅黑]A. Wages, salary and benefits[/FONT]
My name's Luigi and I'm a hotel manager in Venice. I get paid a salary every month. In summer we're very busy, so we work a lot of extra hours, or overtime; the money for this is quite good. Working in a hotel, we also get nice perks, for example free meals.

I'm Ivan and I work as a waiter in Prague. I like my job even if I don't earn very much: I get paid wages every week by the restaurant. We get the minimum wage: the lowest amount allowed by law. But we also get tips, money that customers leave for us in addition to the bill. Some tourists are very generous.

I'm Catherine and I'm a saleswoman based in Paris. I get a basic salary, plus commission: a percentage on everything I sell. If I sell more than a particular amount in a year, I also get extra money - a bonus, which is nice. There are some good fringe benefits with this job: I get a company car, and they make payments for my pension, money that I'll get regularly after I stop working. All that makes a good benefits package.

B. Compensation 1
My name's Alan. I'm a specialist in pay and benefits. Compensation and remuneration are formal words used to talk about pay and benefits, especially those of senior managers. Compensation package and remuneration package are used especially in the US to talk about all the pay and benefits that employees receive. For a senior executive, this may include share options(美国英语:stock options): the right to buy the company's shares at low prices. There may be performance-related bonuses if the manager reaches particular objectives for the company.

C. Compensation 2
Compensation is also used to talk about money and other benefits that a senior manager (or any employee) receives if they are forced to leave the organization, perhaps after a boardroom row. This money is in the form of a compensation payment, or severance payment. If the manager also receive benefits, the payment and the benefits form a severance package.
In Britain, executives with very high pay and good benefits may be referred to as fat cats, implying that they do not deserve this level of remuneration.

Over to you
Do you think top executives are too highly paid? Or do they deserve what they earn?
回复: 让基础职场词汇成为你的“嫡系”(欢迎全程参与互动)

互动模拟练习: (欢迎各位指正)
There is no denying the fact that top executives are most critical for the success of the company. They deserve to be paid highly. Most top executives get compensation package which may include stock options. It means they have the right to buy the companys' stocks at low prices. There may be performance-related bonuses if they reach the particular objectives for the company.
最后编辑: 2012-02-03
[FONT=微软雅黑]6.People and workplaces[/FONT]
[FONT=微软雅黑]A. Employees and management[/FONT]
The people who work for a company, all the people on its payroll, are its employees, personnel, staff, workers or workforce.(注意单复数的表达) But these words can mean just the people carrying out the work of a company, rather than those leading it and organizing it: the management.
Note: Workforce, work-force and work force are all possible.

B. Management and administration
A company's activities may be spread over different sites. A company's most senior managers usually work in its head office or headquarters(HQ). Some managers have their own individual offices, but in many businesses, most employees work in open-plan offices: large areas where many people work together. Administration or, informally, admin, the everyday work supporting a company's activities, is often done in offices like these by administration staff or support staff. For example, those giving technical help to buyers of the company's products are in technical support.

C. Labour
Labour is spelled labor in AmE(美国英语). Labor unions, organizations defending the interests of workers(AmE) are called trade unions in BrE(英国英语).
When workers are not happy with pay or conditions, they may take industrial action:

  • a strike, stoppage or walk-out: workers stop working for a time.
  • a go-slow: workers continue to work, but more slowly than usual.
  • an overtime ban: workers refuse to work more than the normal number of hours.

D. Personnel and human resources
In larger organizations there is a human resources department (HRD) that deals with pay, recruitment, etc. This area is called human resources (HR) or human resource management (HRM). Another name for this department is the personnel department.

Over to you
Think about the company you work for or one you would like to work for. Where is its head office? How many sites does the company have? Have many employees? Is it better to have everyone on one site or to have different sites with different activities? Do people have their own offices or are there open-plan offices?
Which type do you/would you prefer to work in?

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