我在前一个帖子贴出加拿大媒体The Globe and Mail的新闻Immigration overhaul would let employers choose prospects,又翻出CIC相关的资料,现在就新政的变化以及对91的影响发出自己的看法,希望可以做到尽量客观。
Speaking notes for The Honourable Jason Kenney
Online Consultation with Stakeholders and the Public
Immigration overhaul would let employers choose prospects
加国政府Open Data公开的移民部详细数据
首先,继经验类移民和今年的博士生移民之后,新建一个trades people的类别,这个类别不属于联邦技术,而是和联邦技术,投资平行的隶属于经济类的一个子类目。
Mr. Kenney said in an interview Wednesday that he wants to create a new economic stream for trades people, who currently don’t qualify under Canada’s education-focused federal skilled worker program.
甄选技术移民的6大要素,教育,语言,工作经验,年龄,Arranged employment和 Adaptability, 有三项作改动,工作经验的21分减6分,第一语言加4分,年龄加2分。
professionals in language intensive fields, such as doctors and lawyers, will have to be fluent in an official language, Mr. Kenney said.At the same time, Mr. Kenney said he wants a flexible language grid, so that applicants in fields that don’t require a high level of fluency aren’t automatically excluded.
就是说医生和律师等language intensive的职业必须要雅思四个H才够格,哪怕总分够了语言达不到也不合格,而其他对语言的流利度要求较松的职业则对应较低的雅思成绩。但较低也不意味考了4个L也能达标。
现在就看CIC新推出的职业列表是多少种类,但是仔细查找根本没有这方面的信息!Frankly, the employer knows better than a big bureaucracy whose skills are needed and will be relevant to the Canadian labour market the minute they arrive,暗示CIC本身不再列出职业限制,而让加国本地的雇主各取所需!
Until the backlog is completely gone, we can’t begin to get to where our economic immigration system needs to be, and we will not have a “real time” immigration system. we need to be more aggressive in reducing the huge backlogs we inherited, which still have wait times of seven years or longer.
康尼在National Metropolis Conference讲话中表示要对旧案more aggresive!因为只有旧案完全解决了,新政策才能真正无拘无束地实施。
Minister Kenney gave the Globe & Mail a peek into the new points system and, in so doing, revealed that he intends to push further down the processing stream those applications which were filed before the yet-to-be-released new points system.
他对Globe and Mail透露的信息中再次强调了要对旧案push further down。
He also said employers will soon be able to hand-pick prospective immigrants and send them to the front of the line for assessment.“Once people have been identified by employers, if they meet our other standards we would fast-track them into the country,” AEO分流。
Another possibility floated by Mr. Kenney is to create what’s known as an expression-of-interest system, whereby employers and provinces could sort through and assess a pool of applicants. Promising candidates could then be streamed quickly to the head of the skilled worker program or a provincial nominee program. 省提名分流。
91的队伍被分流以后对所有人都有利,即使35岁以上的享受不到新政也是利大于弊,因为新收进来的卡得更紧,自己所在的队伍也被分化因此变短,更重要的是CIC决意对旧案大开闸门,并且将会有配额支持 He said he intends to keep immigration levels fairly steady, at about 260,000 a year.