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回复: 牛妈女儿来温哥华后的感受(更新:牛儿上十年级啦!!)

哈,恭喜tony当版主啊! 谢谢你把我写的拉拉杂杂的碎文放到“精华”贴,真是惭愧得很呢!


回复: 牛妈女儿来温哥华后的感受(更新:牛儿上十年级啦!!)



镇宅之宝 辟邪驱鬼
回复: 牛妈女儿来温哥华后的感受(更新:牛儿上十年级啦!!)

回复: 牛妈女儿来温哥华后的感受

现在这边的teenager都很迷一系列书叫<the hunger games>一共有三本, 我来了一周以后听朋友推荐就花了两天看完了三本!好好看呢!第一部都出电影了刚刚上映!我喜欢看小说, 喜欢stephen king的一系列书!我也喜欢twilight一系列. 作家的名字我都不记的嘿嘿, 但是老妈在网上抄了一些, 我还没看, 哪天让她发出来给你们看叭!
我们现在上课正站在学shakespeare的<a midsummer night's dream>.

<The Hunger Games>在国内也很红啊,我孩子班上读完三本原版的同学不少,原来我还想着六年级的孩子读这个是不是太血腥了点,看来是多虑了。
Great Books for Intermediate or Advanced ESL Students - TESOL
Most of these books can be borrowed from your local library!

1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The list author says:
"Great story about justice and family and racism in the USA"

2. Of Mice and Men (Penguin Great Books of the 20th Century) by John Steinbeck
The list author says:
"Guaranteed to move you deeply. Try it - you'll like it."

3. The Hockey Sweater and Other Stories by Roch Carrier
The list author says:
"Very Canadian and very funny! Easy read."

4. The Neverending Story by Ralph Manheim
The list author says:
"It looks like a kids book but the ideas are for adults too. I guarantee you'll tell your friends to read it."

5. Flowers for Algernon (Bantam Classic) by Daniel Keyes
The list author says:
"Amazing book. Science-fiction, but it's mostly about human feelings. If it doesn't make you cry, you are made of stone!"

6. Animal Farm by George Orwell
The list author says:
"Classic story of how the quest for equality can go very wrong"

7. Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (New Canadian Library) by Stephen Leacock
The list author says:
"A super-funny book about life in small town Ontario, Canada"

8. Who Has Seen the Wind by W. O. Mitchell
The list author says:
"Canada's Catcher In The Rye - a novel about growing up in western Canada Beautiful"

9. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
The list author says:
"Amazing auto-biography of Maya Angelou. Growing up black in the United States. Powerful."

10. Obasan by Joy Kogawa
The list author says:
"A Japanese Canadian girl remembers growing up in a prison camp for Japanese in British Columbia during the second world war."

11. The Diviners by Margaret Laurence
The list author says:
"Margret Lawrence's novel which tells the story of a woman who struggles to finish another novel. As she works, she reminisces about her life. It's about the life cycle of women. Feminist and Canadian"

12. The Color Purple (Wildfire Books) by Alice Walker
The list author says:
"Later a movie this powerful book is about Celie is a black woman whose letters tell a story of abuse, hardship and, ultimately, self-awakening"

13. Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer
The list author says:
"Frighteing true story of how a 1996 climb of Mt. Everest went very wrong and 5 people died."

14. A Tale of Two Cities (Signet Classics) by Charles Dickens
The list author says:
"Even after many years, Charles Dicken's, classic novel can still be read, and understood by all. It teaches the reader about life and death, society and history through a magnificent story."

15. The Miracle Worker by William Gibson
The list author says:
"Deaf, blind, and mute 12 year-old Helen Keller was like a wild animal. Very scared, she struggled against all who tried to help her. Her incredibly dedicated, teacher Annie Sullivan began to teach her"

16. Black Boy (French Edition) by Richard Wright
The list author says:
"Black Boy remains a seminal text in our history about what it means to be a man, black, and Southern in America."

17. Thousand Pieces of Gold (Asian Voices) by Ruthanne Lum McCunn
The list author says:
"This real life biographical novel has brought back the history of Chinese American of the early American West. How hard their lives were."

18. The Middleman and Other Stories by Bharati Mukherjee
The list author says:
"Short stories about immigrant experience in North America. The joys and sorrows."




回复: 牛妈女儿来温哥华后的感受(更新:牛儿上十年级啦!!)

据我知道,牛儿这学期的英语课就学了上面清单中两本书就是 To kill a mocking bird 《杀死一只知更鸟》 Flowers of Algernon《献给阿尔吉农的花束》,都是整本阅读,要求写paragraph 小作文 和essay大作文的。她的英语老师很好玩,从来不给他们考试,只是写作,期末成绩就是每篇作文的总评分。牛儿平均得了八十四分,B。


回复: 牛妈女儿来温哥华后的感受(更新:牛儿上十年级啦!!)

据我知道,牛儿这学期的英语课就学了上面清单中两本书就是 To kill a mocking bird 《杀死一只知更鸟》 Flowers of Algernon《献给阿尔吉农的花束》,都是整本阅读,要求写paragraph 小作文 和essay大作文的。她的英语老师很好玩,从来不给他们考试,只是写作,期末成绩就是每篇作文的总评分。牛儿平均得了八十四分,B。



回复: 牛妈女儿来温哥华后的感受(更新:牛儿上十年级啦!!)

牛儿最近读了三本书:The Red Pony小红马(国内翻译其电影名叫《春晓大地》 美国的诺贝尔文学奖得主约翰 斯坦贝克作品(我给的读书清单中有一篇也是他的作品 Of mice and men 人鼠之间);

The Lord of Flies 蝇王 威廉戈尔丁也是诺贝尔文学奖得主作品;

另外一本是近年的畅销书 The Kite Runner《放风筝的人》。我几年前也看过中文版,但已经老痴到忘记大部分情节了!牛儿读完后跟我讲到有些地方会难过的哭着讲不下去。


最后编辑: 2013-01-12


回复: 牛妈女儿来温哥华后的感受(更新:牛儿上十年级啦!!)

体育活动丰富。今年上半年获得了north delta,upper fraser valley,faraser valley(最后这个是其他几个区的前八名集中起来比赛)中学生女子羽毛球(junior组)单打冠军和混双亚军。争取今年能成为校队的教练,这样就算她的social activities了。羽毛球最厉害的地区是在列治文和温哥华。打羽毛球的球员百分之九十都是华裔。
参加了学校的女子橄榄球队,成为进步最大球员(其实她是新队员了); 参加BRITLIONS 女子橄榄球俱乐部(也是中学生队员,是她们队里的绝对主力之一,唯一华裔队员。
入选了学校senior girls 篮球队,目前还没打上主力,是队里唯一华裔队员。
关于她是唯一华裔队员这点,考虑到我们是在north delta区,相对华人少些,无法跟温哥华列治文比较,所以只算碰巧了。




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