

回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!


在这里家庭教育显得比国内要重要,其实白人也注意孩子的教育的,可能和我们的思路不一样。看萨大医学院的学生和教授,基本是非中国人,UBC也是一样。西人孩子两级分化的比我们多。我遇到一个本地的白人经纪,说我们中国家庭太娇惯孩子,spoil. 他说的不一定完全对,但给别人留下这种影响,还是需要从我们自身找原因。
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

在这里家庭教育显得比国内要重要,其实白人也注意孩子的教育的,可能和我们的思路不一样。看萨大医学院的学生和教授,基本是非中国人,UBC也是一样。西人孩子两级分化的比我们多。我遇到一个本地的白人经纪,说我们中国家庭太娇惯孩子,spoil. 他说的不一定完全对,但给别人留下这种影响,还是需要从我们自身找原因。
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

号称walter murray最好,但学校里面一样有吸毒的孩子。这里的学校都不擅长数理化,别说上什么美国,能考到加国其它省名校的也是凤毛麟角。

Walter Murray的确好,数理化都全市第一,数学物理竞赛Stoon10个walter murray占其他8个,而且大多数是中国人孩子。

回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

如果住在东边,在walter murray, evan hardy和centenial中选一个吧。(看你住哪儿了)



其实,在加拿大,帮孩子塑造健康的体格和人格,帮孩子选一个好专业,好职业,比对照中学排名选中学,对照Maclean university ranking选大学重要多了!
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

Walter Murray的确好,数理化都全市第一,数学物理竞赛Stoon10个walter murray占其他8个,而且大多数是中国人孩子。

回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

我孩子在evan hardy,天天都很快乐,今天说明年有跟名古屋交换学生的报名,我随便她呢,还有老师说要跟她们找parttime job,今天给她送水杯还碰到以前迷路送过我的那个女士,萨斯卡通真的好小呀,她也很开心,说那次我急急的跑了,她还想问我要电话
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why ?
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

MCAT医学院的入学考试,以前萨大从不要求MCAT成绩,而且面试是一堆考官坐一大排,轮流发问,打分的时候多少也可以你看看我,我看看你。07年的时候,地一次采用了MMI考官们完全隔离,独自发问,独自打分。再有就是将成绩与面试的比例改成了60:40,那年要了MCAT。中国孩子一下进了4个,有的已经申请过一两次了,往年一般是0-0.5,第二年,不知啥原因,又改回去了,成绩与面试比例35:65,一切也就回到原来。于是有人就调侃,说是医学院长的侄女那年要申请,who knows。医学院很象国内的大学,只要进去就没有毕不了业的,社会地位高,而且旱涝保收。不好意思,传统中国家长的意识又出来了。不过想想如果孩子快乐地做自己的事情,找不着工作也不行。其实也常和西人讨论这个问题。有些西孩自己喜欢的专业找不着工作就去端盘子倒咖啡,我同事27岁的儿子就在家啃老。其实理想和现实还是有差距的,家长不能逼,单引导还是需要的。
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

请问:在加国上过初中 高中的孩子 面试比加拿大本地出生的面试 还差多少?
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

Sorry I can't type Chinese here.

Walter Murray(WMCI) has advanced program for gifted kids from Grade 9 to Grade 12. Kids from AP will end up with pretty good universities in Canada and some ivy league universities in US.

If your child is very good at math and can get in AP, Walter Murray is absolutely the right place to go. There is an excellent math teacher: Janet Christ. My daughter says only her, it worthes to join WMCI. Ms. Christ is so dedicated to her students and spent so many overtime with the kids. Kids enjoy her math club and math circle. I am so glad we have such a wonderful teacher here.

In this year provicial math contest for 9 graders, 9 out of top 10 are from WMCI. Only one from Regina got the 8th place.

For regular program, I guess you can pick any high school.
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

Sorry I can't type Chinese here.

Walter Murray(WMCI) has advanced program for gifted kids from Grade 9 to Grade 12. Kids from AP will end up with pretty good universities in Canada and some ivy league universities in US.

If your child is very good at math and can get in AP, Walter Murray is absolutely the right place to go. There is an excellent math teacher: Janet Christ. My daughter says only her, it worthes to join WMCI. Ms. Christ is so dedicated to her students and spent so many overtime with the kids. Kids enjoy her math club and math circle. I am so glad we have such a wonderful teacher here.

In this year provicial math contest for 9 graders, 9 out of top 10 are from WMCI. Only one from Regina got the 8th place.

For regular program, I guess you can pick any high school.


回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

Sorry I can't type Chinese here.

Walter Murray(WMCI) has advanced program for gifted kids from Grade 9 to Grade 12. Kids from AP will end up with pretty good universities in Canada and some ivy league universities in US.

If your child is very good at math and can get in AP, Walter Murray is absolutely the right place to go. There is an excellent math teacher: Janet Christ. My daughter says only her, it worthes to join WMCI. Ms. Christ is so dedicated to her students and spent so many overtime with the kids. Kids enjoy her math club and math circle. I am so glad we have such a wonderful teacher here.

In this year provicial math contest for 9 graders, 9 out of top 10 are from WMCI. Only one from Regina got the 8th place.

For regular program, I guess you can pick any high school.

If you put Ms Christ in any other school in Saskatchewan, that school will be No.1 in Mathematics. This lady can inspire kids' interest in Mathematics by her "Math Club". That is the most important. Ms Christ always leave school after 6:00pm, I believe with no OT pay.

By the way, there is no AP program in Walter Murray. When we bought our new house in Willowgrove, my son transfered in Centennial, where he took his AP Calculus and got a 5 in his final test.
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

This lady can inspire kids' interest in Mathematics by her "Math Club". That is the most important. Ms Christ always leave school after 6:00pm, I believe with no OT pay.



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回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

Walter Murray的确好,数理化都全市第一,数学物理竞赛Stoon10个walter murray占其他8个,而且大多数是中国人孩子。


Walter Murray的确好,数理化都全市第一,数学物理竞赛Stoon10个walter murray占其他8个,而且大多数是中国人孩子。


回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

SASKATOON 的高中远比不上安省和BC省的。等孩子考大学时就知道了。一般这里的高中毕业可以直接申请的大学很有限。好大学安省的很多,但录取时安省的大学多半优先本省的高中毕业生。其他省也大都遵循这个原则。所以在这里上高中不用怎么挑剔,都差不多。
回复: 有请高人!很想知道Saskatoon中学的排名以及各校的优势和特长,谢谢!

Sorry I can't type Chinese here.

Walter Murray(WMCI) has advanced program for gifted kids from Grade 9 to Grade 12. Kids from AP will end up with pretty good universities in Canada and some ivy league universities in US.

If your child is very good at math and can get in AP, Walter Murray is absolutely the right place to go. There is an excellent math teacher: Janet Christ. My daughter says only her, it worthes to join WMCI. Ms. Christ is so dedicated to her students and spent so many overtime with the kids. Kids enjoy her math club and math circle. I am so glad we have such a wonderful teacher here.

In this year provicial math contest for 9 graders, 9 out of top 10 are from WMCI. Only one from Regina got the 8th place.

For regular program, I guess you can pick any high school.




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