The purpose of Challenging Homophobia and Heterosexism: A K-12 Curriculum Resource
Guide is to assist educators, administrators, and school communities K-12 in challenging
homophobia and heterosexism and to promote equity for sexual orientation and gender identity.
Anti-homophobia education does not encourage children to become lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, two-spirited, or queer. Sexual orientation (whether one is or will be attracted to people
of the same or opposite sex) is deep-seated and personal, and cannot be changed or influenced
by reading a book or hearing a presentation.
Primary-Level Activities(Junior Kindergarten Grade 3)
Activity 1: What Makes a Family? Time: 3 x 45 minutes
The following activity broadens the students’ concept of “family diversity.” In Part A, Students
brainstorm and discuss family structure and diversity, and share information from written text. In
Part B, they participate in movement and drama activities (individually, in pairs, or in groups) to
extend their learning and understanding of the concept of diversity in families. In Part C, students
complete a worksheet on different kinds of families.
Teaching/Learning Strategies
Part B
4. Encourage girls and boys to role-play opposite roles, or to role-play animals or objects, or even
parts of nature.
Activity 2: “Pink Versus Blue” Challenging Gender Stereotypes Time: 4 x 45 minutes
Students have an opportunity to discuss and identify traditional roles and assumptions about what
is appropriate male and female behaviour. With the teacher’s guidance, the class identifies issues
that arise when girls and boys don’t conform to presented gender roles and discuss ways to
challenge these notions so that people have more choice in who they are and what they want to
do. In small groups (or as a whole class with younger grades), students create charts about gender
roles for comparison and examination.
Activity 3: My Rights, Our Rights Time: 2 x 45 minutes
This lesson teaches students about different forms of discrimination and harassment, including
discrimination based on family structure and the rights and responsibilities of students in the school
and as citizens in our society. The class participates in drama activities to explore some issues and
develop a list of rights and responsibilities for the classroom.
Activity 4: Celebrating Family Diversity and Pride Time: 3 x 45 minutes
Students have an opportunity to discuss a range of different ways families and communities
celebrate. This activity focuses on the celebration of families, including same-sex family units. The
word culture in the Ontario Curriculum is interpreted in this activity to include a broad range of
cultures such as multicultural, gay and lesbian, religious, disabilities communities, and others. The
class discusses the significance of Toronto’s annual Pride Week celebrations to same-sex families
and incorporates this into a celebration of diversity in families. Students create portraits of different
families and write short excerpts describing a family celebration.
Junior-Level Activities (Grades 4 6)
Activity 1: Exploring Diversity in Families
Time: 3 x 45 minutes
Activity 2: Media Literacy Gender and Relationship Stereotyping
Time: 3 x 45 minutes
Activity 3: Examining the Commonalities of Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia
Time: 3 x 45 minutes
Activity 4: Putting Girls and Boys in Boxes
Time: 4 x 45 minutes
Intermediate/Secondary-Level Activities
(Grades 7 12)
Activity 1: Circles of Ourselves
Time: 75 minutes
Activity 2: Aspects of Identity and Contextual Power
Time: 75 minutes
Activity 3: Woman in the Box, Man in the Box
Time: 75 minutes
Activity 4: Mapping Power
Time: 75 150 minutes
Activity 5: Taking the Heterosexist/ Homophobia Temperature of Your School
Time: 75 minutes
Activity 6: Media Literacy Identifying Heterosexism in Media Images
Time: 75 150 minutes
Activity 7: School-Wide Activity - Taking Action Against Homophobia and Heterosexism
Time: 75 150 minutes
Activity 8: Taking Action From Ideas to Implementation
Time: 225 minutes