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Regional Business Service Centres



Contacting Canada Business Network

Canada Business Network will provide an answer to your business questions. We strive to answer questions within one business day.
Toll free number: 1-888-576-4444
TTY: 1-800-457-8466 (for the Deaf or hard of hearing) (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)


Business Info Line (a collaboration between ServiceOntario and Industry Canada)

4th Floor
151 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2W7
Telephone: 1-888-745-8888


Service Standards

Canada Business Network is committed to providing your small or medium business with high-quality information through service excellence tailored to your needs.
We offer you choice and convenience with our service channels:

We provide you with information that is:

  • Comprehensive
  • Relevant
  • Accurate
  • Current

Our services are available:

  • Through the channel of your choice
  • In the official language of your choice
  • During business hours, Monday to Friday, with extended hours of operation at many service centres
  • To people with disabilities, with ease of access
Detailed information on hours of operation for each service centre is available at http://www.canadabusiness.ca/eng/page/contact/ .


On the telephone:

  • We answer your telephone calls within 20 seconds.
  • We return your voicemail messages within one business day.
At a Canada Business Network service centre:

  • When possible, we offer assistance within five minutes.
  • We process your mail inquiries within one business day.
  • We respond to your emails or fax inquiries within one business day.
  • If your inquiry requires more extensive research, we provide you with an estimated response time.
Accuracy and Quality of Service

  • Our documents, tools and website content (including information on federal, provincial and territorial business-related products, programs, services and regulations) are accurate and respond to your information needs.
  • We outline the rules and regulations that apply to your business.
  • Referrals are made with the most accurate and appropriate contact information available to us.
  • We respect your privacy, and treat you with fairness, courtesy and respect.
Comments and Suggestions

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve our services.
Call: 1-888-576-4444
TTY: 1-800-457-8466
Click: www.canadabusiness.ca/eng
Visit: a Canada Business Network service centre near you
Date modified: 2012-11-21


Starting to export

Are you thinking about selling to international markets? Exporting can be a rewarding activity, but it should not be entered into lightly.
Find out if you are ready and learn the basics of the export process before you take your business abroad. This information can help you prepare and stay well informed.



    1.7 MB · 查看: 128
回复: 图解注册有限公司

回复: 图解注册有限公司

1. 想注册一般的有限公司,选择legal elements应该选择哪一个?Limited/Inc./Incorporated/Ltd等等,有什么区别?
2. 注册联邦政府的公司和注册省公司,该如何选择?注册流程及费用的不同?
3. 如果注册联邦政府的公司,就不存在跨省经营这个说法了吧?也不需要额外申请对吧?
4. 注册公司信息时,“Class of shares”该怎么选?”One class”还是”Two classes”?
5. 注册时,Director可以是一人吗?Board of Director是否还有意义?

回复: 图解注册有限公司




Should you register?

You have to register for the GST/HST if:

■ you provide taxable supplies in Canada; and

■ you are not a small supplier.

You do not have to register if:

■ you are a small supplier (that does not carry on a taxi

■ your only commercial activity is the sale of real property,
other than in the course of a business. Although you do
not have to register for the GST/HST in this case, your
sale of real property may still be taxable and you may
have to charge and collect the tax. For more information,
see “Real property” on page 51; or

■ you are a non-resident who does not carry on business
in Canada (see Guide RC4027, Doing Business in Canada –
GST/HST Information for Non-Residents).

If your business is registered for the GST, your business is
also registered for the HST. For more information, see “HST
registration” on page 38.

Small supplier

You are a small supplier and do not have to register if you
meet one of the following conditions:

■ you are a sole proprietor and your total revenues from
taxable supplies (before expenses) from all of your
businesses are $30,000 or less in the last four consecutive
calendar quarters or in any single calendar quarter;

■ you are a partnership or a corporation and your total
revenues from taxable supplies (before expenses) are
$30,000 or less in the last four consecutive calendar
quarters or in any single calendar quarter; or

■ you are a public service body (charity, non-profit
organization, municipality, university, public college,
school authority, or hospital authority) and your total
revenues from taxable supplies from all of the activities
of the organization are $50,000 or less in the last four
consecutive calendar quarters or in any single calendar
quarter. A gross revenue threshold of $250,000 also applies
to charities and public institutions. For more information,
see Guide RC4082, GST/HST Information for Charities.

Total revenues from taxable supplies means your
worldwide revenues from your supplies of property and
services that are subject to the GST/HST (including
zero-rated supplies), or that would be subject to the tax if
supplied in Canada. It does not include goodwill, financial
services, and sales of capital property. You also have to
include the total revenues from taxable supplies of all of
your associates in this calculation.


If your total revenues from taxable supplies are over
$30,000 ($50,000 for public service bodies) in a single
calendar quarter or over four consecutive calendar
quarters, you are no longer a small supplier and you
have to register for the GST/HST.


Taxi and limousine businesses and non-resident
performers selling admissions to seminars,
performances, and other events must register for the
GST/HST, even if they are small suppliers.

Voluntary registration

If you are a small supplier and you are engaged in a
commercial activity in Canada, you can choose to register
voluntarily, even though you do not have to. If you register
voluntarily, you have to charge and remit the GST/HST on
your taxable supplies of goods and services, and you can
claim ITCs for the GST/HST paid or payable on purchases
related to these supplies. You have to stay registered for at
least one year before you can ask to cancel your registration.

For more information, see “Cancelling your registration” on
page 69.

If you choose not to register, you do not charge the
GST/HST (other than on certain taxable supplies of real
property), and you cannot claim ITCs.


  • General Information for GST HST Registrants.pdf
    1.2 MB · 查看: 82
回复: 图解注册有限公司

1. 想注册一般的有限公司,选择legal elements应该选择哪一个?Limited/Inc./Incorporated/Ltd等等,有什么区别?
2. 注册联邦政府的公司和注册省公司,该如何选择?注册流程及费用的不同?
3. 如果注册联邦政府的公司,就不存在跨省经营这个说法了吧?也不需要额外申请对吧?
4. 注册公司信息时,“Class of shares”该怎么选?”One class”还是”Two classes”?
5. 注册时,Director可以是一人吗?Board of Director是否还有意义?


1、Limited 指明这是个有限责任公司,而Incorporated强调这是个股份制的有限公司。



4. 注册公司信息时,“Class of shares”该怎么选?”One class”还是”Two classes”?


5. 注册时,Director可以是一人,一人也可以开个董事会议。
回复: 图解注册有限公司



Should you register?

You have to register for the GST/HST if:

■ you provide taxable supplies in Canada; and

■ you are not a small supplier.

You do not have to register if:

■ you are a small supplier (that does not carry on a taxi

■ your only commercial activity is the sale of real property,
other than in the course of a business. Although you do
not have to register for the GST/HST in this case, your
sale of real property may still be taxable and you may
have to charge and collect the tax. For more information,
see “Real property” on page 51; or

■ you are a non-resident who does not carry on business
in Canada (see Guide RC4027, Doing Business in Canada –
GST/HST Information for Non-Residents).

If your business is registered for the GST, your business is
also registered for the HST. For more information, see “HST
registration” on page 38.

Small supplier

You are a small supplier and do not have to register if you
meet one of the following conditions:

■ you are a sole proprietor and your total revenues from
taxable supplies (before expenses) from all of your
businesses are $30,000 or less in the last four consecutive
calendar quarters or in any single calendar quarter;

■ you are a partnership or a corporation and your total
revenues from taxable supplies (before expenses) are
$30,000 or less in the last four consecutive calendar
quarters or in any single calendar quarter; or

■ you are a public service body (charity, non-profit
organization, municipality, university, public college,
school authority, or hospital authority) and your total
revenues from taxable supplies from all of the activities
of the organization are $50,000 or less in the last four
consecutive calendar quarters or in any single calendar
quarter. A gross revenue threshold of $250,000 also applies
to charities and public institutions. For more information,
see Guide RC4082, GST/HST Information for Charities.

Total revenues from taxable supplies means your
worldwide revenues from your supplies of property and
services that are subject to the GST/HST (including
zero-rated supplies), or that would be subject to the tax if
supplied in Canada. It does not include goodwill, financial
services, and sales of capital property. You also have to
include the total revenues from taxable supplies of all of
your associates in this calculation.


If your total revenues from taxable supplies are over
$30,000 ($50,000 for public service bodies) in a single
calendar quarter or over four consecutive calendar
quarters, you are no longer a small supplier and you
have to register for the GST/HST.


Taxi and limousine businesses and non-resident
performers selling admissions to seminars,
performances, and other events must register for the
GST/HST, even if they are small suppliers.

Voluntary registration

If you are a small supplier and you are engaged in a
commercial activity in Canada, you can choose to register
voluntarily, even though you do not have to. If you register
voluntarily, you have to charge and remit the GST/HST on
your taxable supplies of goods and services, and you can
claim ITCs for the GST/HST paid or payable on purchases
related to these supplies. You have to stay registered for at
least one year before you can ask to cancel your registration.

For more information, see “Cancelling your registration” on
page 69.

If you choose not to register, you do not charge the
GST/HST (other than on certain taxable supplies of real
property), and you cannot claim ITCs.

回复: 图解注册有限公司

我已经收到BUSINESS的信了, 是邮寄的, 之前我一直以为是发email呢, 不过还附有一个表格, 要填了邮寄回去, 一定要填吗,上面也没有规定日期
回复: 图解注册有限公司


2.公司的名字一定要和店名一样么?e.g. 如果公司下经营多家不同店,可以是公司名为abcde service Limited, 店1名为xyz. 店2名为fgh.店3名为ijk. 那他们之间的债务是独立的么?

回复: 图解注册有限公司


2.公司的名字一定要和店名一样么?e.g. 如果公司下经营多家不同店,可以是公司名为abcde service Limited, 店1名为xyz. 店2名为fgh.店3名为ijk. 那他们之间的债务是独立的么?



回复: 图解注册有限公司

[FONT=宋体]如有可以联系。zzxlawyer@126.com 条件合适可以合作。[/FONT]
1、 [FONT=宋体]胡麻籽(亚麻籽)水份[/FONT]14%[FONT=宋体]以内、含油[/FONT]42%[FONT=宋体]、杂质[/FONT]5%[FONT=宋体]、价格?[/FONT]
2、 [FONT=宋体]菜籽:水份[/FONT]14%[FONT=宋体]以内、杂质[/FONT]5%[FONT=宋体]的价格?含油量?[/FONT]
3、 [FONT=宋体]菜粕:蛋白含量?价格?[/FONT]
4、 [FONT=宋体]绿豌豆?黄白豌豆?饲料级的豌豆价格?[/FONT]
最后编辑: 2012-12-07
回复: 无名公司


我请律师帮忙,问了两家,都是$1000+HST+政府费用!现在已经在办了,也不好退出。看你帖子里步骤,确实不是很麻烦(当初sole proprietor就是自己办的)。我就奇怪,这律师怎么要价这么高呢?而且费时。已经两个星期了,只会过一次面,可能下星期签你上面打印的两页纸。是否从sole proprietorship 转 corporation麻烦?或者他帮我把sole proprietorship 关掉?而且我问了,Section 85 把现有资产转到新corporation还得请我的会计做,他不做的。


律师的服务费不好说,1000也差不多。如果你是想从原有sole proprietorship 转为 corporation,需要关掉sole proprietorship,再注册corporation,还要查名字吧 ;还有其它服务?!




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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