那你就落伍了,看了HISTORY 频道最新一期的DOCUMENTARY《The history of humankind》没有?costco有卖的。其实你这种方法不够聪明,现在最阴险的贬低基督的方法,就是把他说成一个普通的历史人物,一个伟人,从人本主义角度否定耶稣的神性。你费这么大劲否定一个虚无,有啥说服力呀?全球三分之一的人都是奉他的名祷告,连另外三分之二中的伊斯兰教都不否认耶稣的历史性,你得提高一下策略了。
《The history of humankind》 probably is too long for him. I would invite him to watch this short video.
Please pay attention to how embarrassed Dawkins was when Lennox pointed out that he was lying when he denied the historical truthfulness of the existence of Jesus Christ. If you really want save your time, please jump to 8 minute 36 seconds directly.
《The history of humankind》 probably is too long for him. I would invite him to watch this short video.
Please pay attention to how embarrassed Dawkins was when Lennox pointed out that he was lying when he denied the historical truthfulness of the existence of Jesus Christ. If you really want save your time, please jump to 8 minute 36 seconds directly.
26 小时的耶鲁大学公开课,我在看第二遍。
你除了骂 dawkins 你还有什么观点啊? 不抄圣经你能说什么啊?
I just said you were trying to change the topic in midst of a discussion AGAIN.
The Dawkins videos were just a simple response to your side-tracking comments on your Yale lectures bla bla.
Dawkins is the Champion of Atheists. If he cannot stands the rebuke of a Christians. Then, my enormous pity on atheists is well justified. Don't you agree?