10月长周末(12-14日),露营Sloquet Hotspring, plus trip report



Trip report is at page 4.


有兴趣的请跟帖报名,因为这个营地小(近温泉有11个营地,overflow 6个营地),最多去四家。

signed in:


Site Description: There is now a day user fee of $5 per vehicle. Camping is $13 a night. This is a rustic remote site, heavily treed and has 6 new campsites! The trail is steep going down to the hot springs. Please respect the hot springs-leave it better than you found it, take everything out that you brought with you. Pets of any kind are not allowed at the pools, it is important to keep the pools clean. ------The pools will be cleaned up between September 16th and Oct.4th, 2013, and may not be usable-no soaking-however, access to the hot springs will remain open to view. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer to help with the pool clean up.----- The hotsprings lure all kinds of people to this unique natural feature. Tables, outhouses and fire rings on site. Campsite is very popular on long weekends. The Indigenous Workforce volunteers are onsite to collect fees and maintain the site for the 2013 season. The area is busy with industrial traffic, drive carefully.

Driving Directions: Travel to approx. 76.5 km on the In-shuck-ch Forest Service Road (also known as Lillooet lake road), which runs along the lower Lillooet river, just North of Harrison Lake.-----The In-Shuck-ch FSR has a big construction project going on between 16km and 25km, and is only open before 8:30am, closed until noon, open from noon until 12:30, closed again until 4:30, until end of August, check the road website for details.-----You can also get there in a 4x4 via the Harrison West FSR which takes you North along Harrison Lake. Between 76 and 77km, a road takes off just North of the bridge over Sloquet creek. Turn onto this road, then take the left fork at approx. 9km. A sign board on the left welcomes you to the site. For Road updates on the Lillooet lake road, click here: http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/dsq/Engineering/RoadInformation.htm For updates on the Harrison West FSR, check this website: http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/dCK/Engineering/FSR_Conditions.htm

Sloquet Hotspring

49°43.8' 122°19.5' (49°43' 48"-122°19' 30")

Located on Sloquet Creek, about 10 km up the road.



须携带物品: 帐篷, 睡袋, 睡垫, 保暖衣物(建议带上羽绒服),防蚊虫喷剂, 食物(for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners) , 饮用水,垃圾袋(所有垃圾必须随车带回). 泳衣. 野外炉,头灯.

optional items suggested: 防水透气衣裤/徒步鞋(用于徒步和森林里采摘蘑菇),桶/纸箱/kitchen paper towel/口哨/compass for mushroom picking.



出发线路: (北线)
1. From Vancouver follow Highway 99 (Sea to Sky Highway) past Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton to the village of Mount Currie.

2. At Mount Currie, take a right turn (E0520220 N5573640) onto the Duffey Lake Road toward Lillooet. The turn-off is easy to miss so if you see signs for Darcy or Seton Portage, you may have missed the turn-off.

3. After about 10 km you will have wound through a native reserve and travelled along the shore of the Lilloet River to reach a fork (E0529030 N5572250) with a major gravel road with a sign saying "Lilloet Lake Lodge, 12 km".

4. Turn right onto this gravel road that is known as the Skookumchuck forest service road. If you find yourself driving up a long hill with sharp switchbacks, you've missed the turn-off.

5. Follow the Skookumchuck road southward along the shore of Lillooet lake past the end of the lake, crossing over a number of creeks along the way such as Joffre, Twin One, Twin Two, and Lizzie. After about 30 km you'll reach a fork (N0533390 N5548740) that leads to a bridge over Tenas Narrows. Do not take this right fork but instead go straight ahead (left fork).

6. Continue south for another 45 km or so, passing Rogers Creek, Saint Agnes Well, the village of Skookumchuck with its distinctive church, Gowan Creek, Livingston Creek, Frank Creek, and Whiskey Lake to reach the Port Douglas fork (E0555070 N5518460). Take the right fork.

7. Bridge at Lelachen: After about 4 km you'll come to the point named Lelachen on the 1:50,000 map, and cross a bridge (E0556020 N5515190) (49:47:19-122:13:19) over the Lillooet River to its west side. A few hundred meters past the bridge you'll reach a weird four-way intersection. Take the left fork. (Continues along the Lillooet River.

8. Sloquet Creek Bridge: Continue south on Lillooet River road for about 4 km to a fork just before the Sloquet Creek bridge (E0555530 N5511830) (49:45:29-122:13:56). At this fork, leave the main logging road by turning right onto a spur road that heads west.

9. After just 50 m, you'll reach another fork. Take the left fork and follow this road for 10 km to a parking spot (E0548520 N5508850) (49:43:54-122:19:37). There is ample room here to park your vehicle and for overnight camping.

10. Past the camping spot, the road is blocked by big bouders. Walk past the boulders and hike down a steep hill for 400 m, past a dead pickup truck, to the end of the road.

11. Climb down to the river bed; the hotspring is on your left (E0548630 N5508560). 49:43:44-122:19:32=hotspring


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最后编辑: 2013-10-16
回复: 10月长周末(12-14日),露营Sloquet Hotspring


回复: 10月长周末(12-14日),露营Sloquet Hotspring

Is this the south route?



回复: 10月长周末(12-14日),露营Sloquet Hotspring


I prefer the north route because my daughter come with me


我听从大多数,那就走北线。可以顺便去探访PORT DOUGLAS, 淘金鼎盛时期1000多居民,现在据说还有8-9户。



回复: 10月长周末(12-14日),露营Sloquet Hotspring

We can take the south route when we come back. The road I saw on youtube would make any driver too exhausted to set up a tent.

Just realized that the video was uploaded in May this year. Wow, the south route was really improved...no big washout, no serious boulders...

Anyway, there is no rush which exit route to take now. We can make decision before back...


回复: 10月长周末(12-14日),露营Sloquet Hotspring


最好附近有标识清晰的trail, 可以在泡泉前热身。
回复: 10月长周末(12-14日),露营Sloquet Hotspring

顺便在这里问问老虎,Sloquet creek附近有没有标记清晰的trail, 可以上山的?

附近有个Fire Lake, 不过需要四驱车才能到trailhead,稍后传张地图上去。




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