我现在把Ministry of Children and Youth Services的答复原件粘帖在这里,供参考(尤其注意黑体部分):
Residents of Ontario who wish to adopt from China are required to comply with requirements for adoption under the Intercountry Adoption Act, 1998.
Ontario residents are required to complete the following in advance of leaving Canada for the purpose of adoption:
1. Work with an Adoption Practitioner to complete a homestudy assessment;
2. Complete a mandatory parent training program called Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education (PRIDE);
3. Work with an adoption agency in Ontario that is licensed to facilitate adoption from China; and
4. Receive approval from a ministry Director to adopt.
Please note that intercountry adoptions from China must meet the legislative requirements of China, Ontario, the requirements of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and must comply with the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (The Hague Convention). The Hague Convention requires involvement of the central adoption authorities of the sending and receiving countries in the adoption process.
It is the ministry’s understanding that China’s central adoption authority, China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA) has no jurisdiction over adoptions completed in China by non-resident Chinese citizens. Therefore, at the present time there is no mechanism that would allow adoptions by Chinese citizens residing outside of China to complete intercountry adoptions in compliance with the Hague Convention.
Effective December 18, 2014, the Ministry of Children and Youth Services deemed that licensee’s “may facilitate adoptions only through the China Central Adoption Authority, China Centre for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA).”
从我个人的理解,从中国跨国收养需要四个因素: 中国政府,加拿大省政府,加拿大移民局,海牙协议, Ministry of Children and Youth Services 认为中国政府的对外收养机构CCCWA在某个环节会介入(例如加拿大移民局需要中国政府的辅助完成移民程序,从而会审核是否会符合海牙协议),然而CCCWA之和跨国收养机构合作,而不予个人合作,也没有司法权,从而最终导致这条路走不通。