回复: 关于shaw internet
shaw新近提供的modem+wireless router(CISCO)无线信号覆盖强度不是太好,超过1900尺的两层楼地下室信号时有时无。如遇这种情况可以打电话给Shaw技术服务, 将你的router "bridge" 为modem, 然后连接单独的无线路由器。
shaw go 在萨斯卡通市内信号还不错,使用流量会计入你每月shaw 的网络流量。可以在shaw网页客户端添加6部无线设备,省去每次输入密码。对于iPhone, MAC 就是你的Wi-Fi Address.( Setting>General>about)
Shaw Go WiFi
Access to Shaw Go WiFi is included with your residential Internet subscription. You can register a number of devices to automatically connect to every Shaw Go WiFi zone entered, depending on your Internet plan.
Registering your device is simple - just use your @shaw.ca email address the first time you log into the Shaw Go WiFi or add your device(s) manually below.
www.shaw.ca/wifi for more information and to locate participating Shaw Go WiFi locations.
MAC Address Nickname(optional)
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Add Device
You have added 1 of 6 devices
Your Shaw plan allows you to add a maximum of 6 devices.
If you have more devices that you would like to activate,
Shaw.ca and upgrade your plan