
今天收到Directeur de l'etat civil寄来的出生证,真是高效,赞一个。
同时收到了Regie de l'assurance maladie寄来的太阳卡改名表。下午马不停蹄地去拍了照片,带上表格和出生证去CLSC递交了改名申请。等着新的太阳卡寄到家,估计需要三个星期。新申请的出生证一到就派上用场了。
Je suis allé au bureau du directeur de l’état civil pour faire la demande. elle ma dit que ça va prendre de 4 a 6 moi a peu près.
désolé pour chinese input, ça marche pas aujourd’hui.
2015.2.4. 上午在蒙特利尔联邦移民局宣誓唱歌,成为加拿大公民。
中午递交了Application for Insertion of an Act of Civil Status Made Outside Québec into the Québec Register of Civil Status
2015.2.16. 收到Confirmation of the insertion of an act of birth into the Quebec register of civil status.
下午递交了Request for Preliminary Analysis for a Change of name Application
2015.3.6. 收到Eligibility to apply for a change of name
2015.4.1. 下午递交了正式的改名申请,附加了两个报社刊登的所有改名广告。申请费 135刀+一份改名证书的费用10.9刀。
2015.8.12. 上午快递送来了同意更名的决定书DECISION Concernant la demande de changement de nom
2015.9.16 上午收到大信封,终于收到了更名证书Certificat de Changement de Nom一式两份。随后在网上申请了出生证Certificat de naissance
2015.9.23 上午收到出生证和太阳卡改名表格。下午拍照并去CLSC递交了太阳卡改名申请
2015.10.22 收到更改姓名后的太阳卡。有了第一张带照片的ID
2015.10.28 挂号寄出公民证申请,申请费75刀。申请换发更改姓名后的公民证
您好!谢谢分享,非常实用的贴。我再给两个孩子更名,原证件上有错误。可是看了网上的介绍,我没有走第一步,我直接寄了Request for Preliminary Analysis for a Change of name Application 不知道对不对?
我Montreal. 下边是我的进度, 你可以参考一下

1. Application for insertion of an Act of Civil Status outside Quebec.(Nov 2nd 2015)

2. Dec 10 received a call from Etat civil asking for a photocopy of Michael’s citizen certificate

3. Dec 11th fax Michael citizen certificate to Lucie Richard at 418-643-2864

4. Dec 14th received a letter of acknowledge of receipt of preliminary analysis which is sent out on Dec 8th.

5. Preliminary analysis (Dec 14)

6. Jan 7th received a call from 418-6431447 asking for birth certificate notary from China

7. Jan 8th show up at etat civil and sent Michael’s notarial birth certificate
我Montreal. 下边是我的进度, 你可以参考一下

1. Application for insertion of an Act of Civil Status outside Quebec.(Nov 2nd 2015)

2. Dec 10 received a call from Etat civil asking for a photocopy of Michael’s citizen certificate

3. Dec 11th fax Michael citizen certificate to Lucie Richard at 418-643-2864

4. Dec 14th received a letter of acknowledge of receipt of preliminary analysis which is sent out on Dec 8th.

5. Preliminary analysis (Dec 14)

6. Jan 7th received a call from 418-6431447 asking for birth certificate notary from China

7. Jan 8th show up at etat civil and sent Michael’s notarial birth certificate

Thanks a lot! 顺便问一下,您在哪里获取的表格,请给一个链接。谢谢!




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