言论自由无国界,大路不平众人踩,我本人就是保守党一刀切的受害者,在雅思考试、公证费、体检费上花3万多元得不到补偿,但我并不怨恨加拿大人民,毕竟是 主政者的无诚信,蛮横霸道搞追溯。同时也担心已经登录的各国移民新手又上了保守党忽悠的当,卖了自己数钞票还以为自己得到实惠,在傻乎乎的偷着乐!
D. Intent to Reside in Canada if Granted Citizenship
This proposal is one of the most troubling in Bill C-24 and is highly vulnerable to abuse. The CBA Section strenuously opposes requiring applicants to demonstrate an intent to reside in Canada if granted citizenship.
First, the proposed requirement is likely unconstitutional. It would distinguish between naturalized and other Canadian citizens, and would violate mobility rights. (There would also be an incidental impairment of mobility for natural born Canadian citizens with naturalized children and spouses.)
It would create two tiers of citizenship: natural born Canadian citizens, who could travel and live abroadwithout restriction; and naturalized Canadians, who would risk losing their status if they were ever to leave Canada. Naturalized citizens could find themselves in a situation where, despite having an intent to reside in Canada at the time of application, need to go abroad temporarily for employment or personal reasons. Under the Bill, a single officer would decide whether the original intent to reside was a misrepresentation and potentially strip citizenship on this basis.
The intent requirement will result in a significant drain on CIC resources for both assessment and enforcement. Processing times will inevitably be longer with a subjective review of each applicant’s intent along with supporting documents. The requirement will not clarify or simplify the criteria or processing of citizenship, contrary to the Bill’s objective.
6. The CBA Section recommends that the requirement that an applicant demonstrate an intent to reside in Canada if granted citizenship be eliminated.