morning。。。 yesterday twice more?Do something then.... Lol. Goodmorning to you too!
摘 摘叶飞花 1,941 2015-11-03 #421 morning。。。 yesterday twice more? downtownseafood 说: Do something then.... Lol. Goodmorning to you too! 点击展开...
morning。。。 yesterday twice more? downtownseafood 说: Do something then.... Lol. Goodmorning to you too! 点击展开...
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #422 摘叶飞花 说: morning。。。 yesterday twice more? 点击展开... Young man, come on,do more ....if passion and desire still on... : )
摘叶飞花 说: morning。。。 yesterday twice more? 点击展开... Young man, come on,do more ....if passion and desire still on... : )
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #423 According to guinness world record, for male,16 times in one hour is possible.... Lol. Kidding you...hope you don't mind. : ) 最后编辑: 2015-11-03
According to guinness world record, for male,16 times in one hour is possible.... Lol. Kidding you...hope you don't mind. : )
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #426 Who know where it was? Hint: See the color of the sand on the beach... 附件 20141222_090936.jpg 73.4 KB · 查看: 11 20141220_175205.jpg 82.7 KB · 查看: 10
摘 摘叶飞花 1,941 2015-11-03 #427 downtownseafood 说: According to guinness world record, for male,16 times in one hour is possible.... Lol. Kidding you...hope you don't mind. : ) 点击展开... 这要是在中世纪欧洲决斗倒是一把好手。。。,拔枪,出枪,收枪能在三四分钟完成。。。
downtownseafood 说: According to guinness world record, for male,16 times in one hour is possible.... Lol. Kidding you...hope you don't mind. : ) 点击展开... 这要是在中世纪欧洲决斗倒是一把好手。。。,拔枪,出枪,收枪能在三四分钟完成。。。
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #428 摘叶飞花 说: 这要是在中世纪欧洲决斗倒是一把好手。。。,拔枪,出枪,收枪能在三四分钟完成。。。 点击展开... Or cowboys in western. .. : )
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-03 #429 今天去了Deep Cove. 走了Trail 上去Quarry Rock . 温哥华真美啊! 给大家上图。
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-03 #430 downtownseafood 说: Have a good day! 点击展开... 谢谢!
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #431 downtownseafood 说: Atually, i am also working now.... You don't believe me, do you? 点击展开... Yes, I do. You deserve the respect.
downtownseafood 说: Atually, i am also working now.... You don't believe me, do you? 点击展开... Yes, I do. You deserve the respect.
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-03 #432 所有的照片都是闭着眼睛拍的 因为手机屏保是玻璃的 阳光下一片漆黑 只能估摸着拍。这张居然拍下了一对鸟。 比翼鸟
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #435 Belge晓梦 说: 所有的照片都是闭着眼睛拍的 因为手机屏保是玻璃的 阳光下一片漆黑 只能估摸着拍。这张居然拍下了一对鸟。 浏览附件407258 比翼鸟 点击展开... 赞赞赞~~~
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-03 #436 下面群发。 附件 image.jpg 138.1 KB · 查看: 2 image.jpg 113.9 KB · 查看: 2
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #439 Belge晓梦 说: 下面群发。 浏览附件407265 浏览附件407266 浏览附件407267 浏览附件407268 浏览附件407269 浏览附件407270 浏览附件407271 浏览附件407272 浏览附件407273 浏览附件407274 浏览附件407275 浏览附件407276 点击展开... 温哥华真美~~~
Belge晓梦 说: 下面群发。 浏览附件407265 浏览附件407266 浏览附件407267 浏览附件407268 浏览附件407269 浏览附件407270 浏览附件407271 浏览附件407272 浏览附件407273 浏览附件407274 浏览附件407275 浏览附件407276 点击展开... 温哥华真美~~~