两个05年的老马甲啊,厉害~伞伞那时叫神马啊?:wdb6: 没我呢,我10年才玩论坛的~~ 还是跟着大家打酱油滴~~
V Van Gogh 2,607 2015-11-05 #621 蝶★荡☆ 说: 两个05年的老马甲啊,厉害~伞伞那时叫神马啊? 点击展开... 没我呢,我10年才玩论坛的~~ 还是跟着大家打酱油滴~~
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-05 #623 hualala 说: 友情提示:你自己引用的那个还没去掉呢。。。哈哈。 点击展开... 去掉神马啊 我看帖够认真的了
捶扭皮 18,574 2015-11-05 #624 downtownseafood 说: Good morning,sister 8 ge! ; ) 点击展开... 呵呵,在一堆字母里,好难找到你的招呼呀。 中午好,海大虾。
V Van Gogh 2,607 2015-11-05 #627 捶扭皮 说: 好熟悉的几个名字呀。 烂虾本事大,一下就能把人都招呼回来。 I 扶了 U 点击展开... Susan是谁?是和你一起唱歌玩的那个么?
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-05 #629 捶扭皮 说: 是那个写移民故事的吧。早就回流了。 点击展开... She return back???!!! Wait a second, I hope we are talking about the same lady, she was from Shan dong ,right???
捶扭皮 说: 是那个写移民故事的吧。早就回流了。 点击展开... She return back???!!! Wait a second, I hope we are talking about the same lady, she was from Shan dong ,right???
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-05 #630 downtownseafood 说: She return back???!!! Wait a second, I hope we are talking about the same lady, she was from Shan dong ,right??? 点击展开... 我不知道也 我就是来帮你们一帮朋友义务顶楼的。 话说今天跑步了没有啊
downtownseafood 说: She return back???!!! Wait a second, I hope we are talking about the same lady, she was from Shan dong ,right??? 点击展开... 我不知道也 我就是来帮你们一帮朋友义务顶楼的。 话说今天跑步了没有啊
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-05 #631 蝶★荡☆ 说: 嘻,这都被你猜到啦 点击展开... Yes, she is right,she is very smart! : )
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-05 #632 Belge晓梦 说: 我不知道也 我就是来帮你们一帮朋友义务顶楼的。 话说今天跑步了没有啊 点击展开... Yes, around sea wall of stanley park,one circuit, 9km ,45minutes.
Belge晓梦 说: 我不知道也 我就是来帮你们一帮朋友义务顶楼的。 话说今天跑步了没有啊 点击展开... Yes, around sea wall of stanley park,one circuit, 9km ,45minutes.
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-05 #633 Also, I took some pictures when I was jogging....around seawall, it is beautiful,isn't it?
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-05 #636 downtownseafood 说: Yes, around sea wall of stanley park,one circuit, 9km ,45minutes. 点击展开... 不是说tan km 的吗? 赞一个。 加油!
downtownseafood 说: Yes, around sea wall of stanley park,one circuit, 9km ,45minutes. 点击展开... 不是说tan km 的吗? 赞一个。 加油!
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-05 #637 downtownseafood 说: Also, I took some pictures when I was jogging....around seawall, it is beautiful,isn't it?浏览附件407465 点击展开... 我也有这一幅照片。
downtownseafood 说: Also, I took some pictures when I was jogging....around seawall, it is beautiful,isn't it?浏览附件407465 点击展开... 我也有这一幅照片。
V Van Gogh 2,607 2015-11-05 #640 downtownseafood 说: Yes, around sea wall of stanley park,one circuit, 9km ,45minutes. 点击展开... You run fast ~~ it takes 1 hour to cycle for one lap ~~
downtownseafood 说: Yes, around sea wall of stanley park,one circuit, 9km ,45minutes. 点击展开... You run fast ~~ it takes 1 hour to cycle for one lap ~~