通过cic my account upload 文件

谢谢回复。我怎么没法上传,你点开view submitted document 后,再点击什么上传,我的怎么没有任何可以点击上传的通道。下面倒是可以点开签名,但没有文件,签名没用啊!还是先签了名,才可以上传。
谢谢回复。我怎么没法上传,你点开view submitted document 后,再点击什么上传,我的怎么没有任何可以点击上传的通道。下面倒是可以点开签名,但没有文件,签名没用啊!还是先签了名,才可以上传。
请问你收到补料email是在连上my application之前还是之后?你如果在收到补料email后,才注册my cic account并连上My application,看不到上传button。

To upload a document:
  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Under “View my submitted applications” click on “Check status and messages.”
  3. Under “Application Details” click on “View submitted application” at the bottom of the page.
  4. On this page, you can upload the additional document the same way you uploaded the others when you first applied.
请问你收到补料email是在连上my application之前还是之后?你如果在收到补料email后,才注册my cic account并连上My application,看不到上传button。

To upload a document:
  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Under “View my submitted applications” click on “Check status and messages.”
  3. Under “Application Details” click on “View submitted application” at the bottom of the page.
  4. On this page, you can upload the additional document the same way you uploaded the others when you first
I see. That's why. Thank you. I linked my account after the email.
请问你收到补料email是在连上my application之前还是之后?你如果在收到补料email后,才注册my cic account并连上My application,看不到上传button。

To upload a document:
  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Under “View my submitted applications” click on “Check status and messages.”
  3. Under “Application Details” click on “View submitted application” at the bottom of the page.
  4. On this page, you can upload the additional document the same way you uploaded the others when you first applied.
我只能用web form上传了,但不知靠不靠谱,用它改过地址,但没有成功
你没有回答我的问题?不清楚呢当然申请情况, 没法继续帮你。
你好,Annie. 我是收到email后,link上的account,所以正如你说的,没有上传点击按钮。我不懂就report 了技术故障,他们倒是接着回信了,又发了一个email让我从webform上传。谢谢你的热心帮助
你好,Annie. 我是收到email后,link上的account,所以正如你说的,没有上传点击按钮。我不懂就report 了技术故障,他们倒是接着回信了,又发了一个email让我从webform上传。谢谢你的热心帮助
你可以用 web form上传的。我在my cic account uploaded以后,又用web form上传了一遍。




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