你自我总结得好,你就是孩子式的自恋。 相信人是从石头崩出来的,或者假以时日人类可以研究出宇宙真相这样的想法,是不是太把人类自己当回事啊?
证明咱和神有怎样的关系,我没这能耐。对于神来说,我连草履虫都不如。 这样说吧,你有多少看得起草履虫,就是神多少看得起咱人类。 今儿兴起打2把魂斗罗开心,明天把你丫的角色一家人全删了又如何?
老贝什么都好,就是太在乎自己的存在。 People… I have seen the finale of thousands of lives, man. Young, old, each one so sure of their realness. You know that their sensory experience constituted a unique individual with purpose and meaning。 So certain that they were more than biological puppet. The truth wills out, and everybody sees. Once the strings are cut, all fall down.